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  1. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Heinrich505 in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    It is done.  There are no other living soldiers in the cemetery now, only Hans and his comrades.   Hans looks down at the dead Ami.  There is very little blood so the killing shot must have been quick.  Hans doesn’t know if it was rounds from his machine gun that ended this man’s life.  Not that it matters to the American, lying still in the dirt.  Small consolation that the soldier didn’t suffer.  That is what they all fear, a horrible death in agony – just let it be quick; Hans and his fellow soldiers feel the same way.

    He stands near the dead soldier for a moment, silently paying his respect to a brave soldier who refused to leave his fallen comrades and now joins them in death.  The Feldwebel knows what Hans is feeling and gives him a moment. 
    Then the call rings out.  Form Up!  Gunfire rings out beyond the quiet of the cemetery walls.  The war goes on.  Hans turns and leaves the dead behind.  He is tired again, and still angry, but now just angry at the futility of it all.  He trudges towards the sound of the guns.
  2. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from Odin in C2 & Information Sharing   
    Just a sunday morning what if
    What if CM would only allow area fire at or near a contact? That would make C2 much more important especially for the mortars (and life more difficult for players of course).
    Downside would be that recon by fire becomes impossible. That could be accepted or it would be allowed to target short for 15s to anywhere in LOS (like now). The latter  is a loophole to still fire anywhere (especially in RT) but makes it at least cumbersome.
    Before I forget: +1 to you MOS! Very good and informative, thank you.
  3. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Dr.Hoopenfaust in WW II Death Data   
    Quite sobering. Not sure if this has been posted before.

  4. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from rocketman in Panzer iv wont fire.Why?   
    If the AI TC could move the tank autonomously to get LOS - I'm not sure if we would want that. There are many, many situations where this would be a bad idea and the hate posts would come rolling in.
    If such a thing happens I usually nudge the tank a bit forward or back and that usually solves the problem. Not perfect but I don't see a viable alternative.
    Hmm, just an idea: when you click on an enemy icon your own units that can see it light up. So since CM tracks who can see a target or not in a vehicle the info text of the trooper that can see the target could also light up. That way the player gets the information who can see the target and who not.
  5. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from Doodlebug in Panzer iv wont fire.Why?   
    If the AI TC could move the tank autonomously to get LOS - I'm not sure if we would want that. There are many, many situations where this would be a bad idea and the hate posts would come rolling in.
    If such a thing happens I usually nudge the tank a bit forward or back and that usually solves the problem. Not perfect but I don't see a viable alternative.
    Hmm, just an idea: when you click on an enemy icon your own units that can see it light up. So since CM tracks who can see a target or not in a vehicle the info text of the trooper that can see the target could also light up. That way the player gets the information who can see the target and who not.
  6. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Armata soon to be in service.   
    Oh yes, that would be a cool feature for CM!
    Oh, wait, you were talking about the Armata...
  7. Upvote
    poesel reacted to ASL Veteran in Inferior to CMBB   
    What I can't understand is why someone would post that CMBB is superior to CMRT on the CMRT forum.  Wouldn't it be more useful to post something like that in the CMBB forum where like minded individuals can discuss their favorite game and where they can all agree that CMBB is superior?  What is amusing to me is that people come onto the CMx2 forums with stuff like this and then they complain bitterly if they get any pushback.  They complain that they can't discuss "important topics" like this on the CMRT forum because everyone dog piles on them.  Mostly they complain about beta testers, but anyone who responds that they like the game the way it is becomes part of the Fanboi mafia because they just can't see how flawed and imperfect the game is compared to CMBB or whatever they happen to be comparing the game to or complaining about.  Well what do you expect if you post something on the CMx2 forum?  If everyone agreed that BFC made a mistake when they made CMx2 there wouldn't be a CMx2 forum.  There wouldn't be a BFC because they wouldn't  be able to sell any games so it should be pretty obvious that a lot of people seem to be at least satisfied with what they are purchasing.  We all know that BFC isn't going to release a game that covers the entire Barbarossa Campaign from beginning to end for $40.  We also know that BFC isn't going to switch away from one to one representation.  Most of the people who are reading this thread probably also played CMx1 and those who didn't probably aren't going to pick up a game as old as CMx1 if they already have CMx2.  So really, what is the point of this thread?
  8. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Jorge MC in The CM Theater thread! post cinematic RT vids here.   
    new video

  9. Upvote
    poesel reacted to MOS:96B2P in C2 & Information Sharing   
    1st Battalion HQ is not yet aware of the Marder II.

    Bravo Co. radios 1st Battalion with the report of the Marder.  1st Battalion HQ shows an icon 6 seconds after Bravo Co. received the report. (Again, fast)

    4th Battalion HQ is not yet aware of the Marder II.

    Nine minutes later 4th Battalion received no reports of the Marder. With no common higher HQ between 1st Inf. and 4th Tank Battalion the 4th never did receive any chain of command (Vertical) reports about the Marder.

    Bravo Co. / 1st Inf. sent their XO Team over to 4th Battalion’s A/O to report.  

    Bravo Co. / 1st Inf. XO came to within close visual C2 range (12 action spots) and reported the Marder & some friendly unit dispositions to the 4th Battalion team (Horizontal information sharing).  The 4th Bn. team is selected and displays the new contact icons.  Also note that the 4th Bn. team is in distant visual contact with HQ.

    In a minute or two the 4th Bn. team would have reported the Marder up the 4th Bn. chain (vertical) using distant visual C2. However the contact icon for the Marder was fading badly due to age of the Marder contact information.  So I moved a radio jeep up.  The 4th Bn. Team shared the information about the Marder with the radio jeep.  The radio jeep passed the information to the recon HQ and then from there to the 4th Bn. HQ.  

  10. Upvote
    poesel reacted to MOS:96B2P in C2 & Information Sharing   
    The scouts move to report to 1st Platoon HQ which still has no contact icon for the Marder II.
    The scouts emerged from the woods in close visual (the eyeball) C2 range of 1st Platoon HQ and reported the Marder II location.  When selected 1st Plt. HQ now shows a contact icon for the Marder. 

    Bravo HQ is not yet aware of the Marder II. 

    1st Platoon radios Bravo Company with the report of the Marder.  Bravo Co. HQ shows an icon 7 seconds after 1st Plt. received the report. (That was fast)  
    Additional to follow.
  11. Upvote
    poesel reacted to MOS:96B2P in C2 & Information Sharing   
    Some interesting topics have been started about how information moves through the C2 chain both vertically (up & down the chain of command) and horizontally (directly from one team to another team).  As a result I did some experimenting with C2 & information sharing.  Below are the results and several chronological screen shots from the experiment.  If anyone can offer a correction or additional information please do. 
    Additional useful information on the topic:
    Game manual 3.01 page 62 Command & Control.
    The distance information can be shared vertically (chain of command).
    Voice C2: Up to six action spots, approximately 48 meters.
    Close Visual (eyeball) C2: Up to 12 action spots, approximately 96 meters.
    Distant Visual C2: As far as the unit’s line of sight.  (In the experiment I had units sharing information vertically with Distant Visual at 40 action spots, approximately 480 meters before I stopped.)
    Radio C2: Entire map.  (In the WWII titles If a unit is moving on foot they will drop out of radio C2 during the movement)
    The distance information can be shared horizontally (directly between teams).
    Up to four action spots, approximately 32 meters. (Sometimes a team had to move to within 3 action spots)
    Can information be shared horizontally between teams from different battalions?
    Can information be shared between to different HQs that do not have a common higher HQ?
    Vertically: No (With no common higher HQ there is no bridge for the information to pass over) 
    Horizontally: Yes
    I used two different US battalions on a custom made map for the experiment.  The 4th US Tank Battalion on the west (left) side of the map and the 1st US Infantry Battalion on the east (right) side.  A high ridgeline divided the two battalions.  At the beginning of the experiment no units of the 4th Battalion were in C2 with units of the 1st Battalion.  An immobilized German Marder II was used as the OpFor unit to be spotted and reported.  

    The scouts move out to locate the German Marder II.

    At 03:58:43 the scouts obtain a sound contact for the Marder II but they are out of C2.  

    1st Platoon is selected but shows no icon for the Marder II.

    Additional to follow.
  12. Upvote
    poesel reacted to MOS:96B2P in C2 & Information Sharing   
    The icons are: Johnsy's Floating Icons from GAJ's site.  The Marder was originally a sound contact but the scouts also got a direct view of it from inside the west building.  I don't think there is a difference in the look of the icons, I am using, between sound and what was once spotted.  Below are screenshots between an actual sighting and sound / what was once spotted.


    Speaking of icons.  I noticed the icons you are using in http://community.battlefront.com/topic/119230-allies-cmbn-buying-the-farm-crowd-sourced-dar/   The icons look kind of cool.  Which mod is that?  
  13. Upvote
    poesel reacted to MOS:96B2P in C2 & Information Sharing   
    I am happy to see you found the same results with the information sharing.  Makes me feel more confident in my own findings. Speaking of radio C2, while moving on foot, I had the below screenshots from an older test. 
    Units in Combat Mission's World War II titles drop out of radio C2 while moving on foot.  But not in vehicles as Kuderian pointed out.

    Units in CMBS maintain radio C2 while moving.

  14. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Glubokii Boy in Improvement suggestion   
    An other suggestion might be that if we for example rightclick the name in the purchase screen...parts of the in-game UI will be shown below.
    Something like this...

    This will only be possible with individual units and not the formations though...
  15. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from Kraft in "Die Welt" article.   
    Some political information: the minister of defense is currently under pressure for 'inadvequate' weapon system in the Bundeswehr (as was the minister before her and the one before, too - that minister position is known here as 'ejection seat'). Currently its about the G36 and its problems (which the press got awfully wrong).
    The article in 'Die Welt' is also quite uninformed and tries to hook in with the general bad press about the ministry. It is also a pitch by a former ministry member to get DU munitions for the Leopard (DU is non-PC here).
    Bad article - ignore.
  16. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from Doug Williams in I had bought this game and it's very sad that this game has no multiplayer server   
    WEGO only player here: I don't think a lobby would help me much in finding opponents. Committing to a game that will last at least several weeks if not months needs some kind of trust. This I can find in one of several hobby clubs. Each club has its own appeal so I can choose the one I like best.
    A BFC lobby would have all sorts of players and this would make finding a suitable opponent more difficult.
    OTOH I would like CM to have more interfaces to control or be controlled from the outside. That would give players the freedom to add what they like.
  17. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from Bud Backer in The Battle of La Ferme Dupont - A CAAR   
    Thanks for making the CAAR - really enjoyed it!
  18. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Is it possible to do a CPU vs CPU battle?   
    I, too, think that watching an AI vs AI fight wouldn't be that interesting. But what would be interesting (to me at least) is a WEGO extreme mode where you pitch your AI plans against each other.
    Take a scenario, make an AI plan, send it to someone else, he adds the other side plan and then watch the show and see who wins. It's like WEGO but with only ONE order phase. I think that would be interesting for the programmer types around here.
    Plus: whoever takes up that part of the hobby will be an AI wrestling god sooner or later and we all get some nasty scenarios from those.
  19. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Reiter in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
  20. Upvote
    poesel reacted to DLaurier in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Tinypic did cause me to have an epileptic response.
    not fun
  21. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Hapless in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Here's my first attempt at a video AAR. The voice isn't fantastic (hopefully fixed for the future) and its a quick battle against the AI so this could seen as a training exercise in more than one sense. Here's all the action:
  22. Upvote
    poesel reacted to Rinaldi in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    I don't think it deigns a new thread so soon after my last, so I'll place it here:

    A very interesting mission made challenging by the terrain, rather than the staunchness of the defenders. Definitely felt like a fish out of water with so much open ground having come from the base game.
    Of course, just like my Carbide-Carbide video, I've combined more cinematic edits with me droning on; the latter half of the video is nothing but (thankfully unnarrated!) infantry action. I can confirm as well that pixelation only occurs from camera movement; but as its only occurring during top-down segments, I don't think its much of an issue this time around.
  23. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from dutchman55555 in CMH update for Black Sea?   
    1) choose the 'Your CM insallations' tab
    2) Menu - Installs - Add Installs
    3) point it to the App
    4) finished
    There - wasn't complicated
    CMBS has no icon - everything else works.
  24. Downvote
    poesel reacted to Emory in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Made this as a joke out of boredom.

  25. Upvote
    poesel got a reaction from AkumaSD in An update on the update!   
    BFC should really change to that scrum model... just for the fun of seeing the forum explode in vitriolic hate as every one explains why HIS feature is the most important and should be implemented next!

    Customers don't know what they want (me included). Its BFCs job to find out what enough people want to pay for their time.
    Supposedly it was Henry Ford who said: 'If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse.'
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