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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I'm with @RockinHarry by & large.....Pin 'em, then surround 'em & wait for either the white flag (or a Sherman/Stug/T-72/Abrams). Riddling buildings with .50cal or DShK fire from a safe distance is another nice option if you have it.
  2. Possibly the only way get the German player not to to pick one in every bloody battle.....Call me cynical if you will.
  3. 8,553 Panzer IVs of all versions were built during World War II More than 50,000 Shermans were produced between 1942 and 1945. Not my emphasis, but I think it makes the point quite well, so I left it.
  4. No. Mine are installed to a diectory called CM Games, it makes no difference, they run just fine.
  5. It would be cool if CM could do tunnels of one type or another.....They've always been a feature of insurgent/urban warfare. CM:BB had the sewer movement system which the AI could often exploit in very surprising ways (especially if you were testing your own scenarios and had forgotten it was turned on).
  6. Same applies to the wartime tests, what type of bunker are we talking.....There's a hell of a difference between a pillbox and a PAK-bunker built into a hill!
  7. Listen to those two lads, you won't go far wrong.
  8. I'm currently mapping an archaelogical site, so I could use exactly that, but I don't disagree with your broader point.....However the fact remains that the new walls will give map makers an option we didn't have before. Here's an attempt at making a ruined compound using the original CM:SF mapping set (ie: with no broken walls): Suddenly the new walls don't seem quite so bad, eh?
  9. As opposed to the 'no broken walls whatsoever' that we had prior to this, I think it's pretty bloody good TBH. Please, please @Battlefront.com port these to the other titles ASAP, Mosul could really use them! Doddle to do....Place a single rubble flavour object (there are loads to choose from) near the wall, then Alt+Shift+Click to clone more, placing them along the line of the wall, rotating and mixing with other types to get the desired effect.
  10. Since you are here, @BFCElvis will almost certainly help you out. Your normal port of call for these issues is the 'Helpdesk': https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ If you can't immediately see a solution for your issue, click the 'New Ticket' tab in the top right corner, fill in the details and your issue will be dealt with, usually surprisingly promptly.
  11. I used to spend a lot of time playing this: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1280/Darkest_Hour_Europe_4445/ It's kind of old, but it's a lot of fun and I believe there is still an active community.....I should probably reinstall it really.
  12. The guys above have covered the hull-down issues. Defensively BMPs are kind of OK from the front, but from any other aspect, they are tinfoil.....The 73mm gun is OK vs infantry in buildings, but the Tac AI has a tendency to launch an ATGM at hard targets, which can lead to issues when the idiot gunner pops up to load a new one. Also the BMP-1 has poor tactical awareness unless there is someone in the commander's seat (normally this would be the associated infantry platoon & squad leaders). Consequently I like to keep these things at a distance, until I have a good idea of where all the HMGs & SPGs are (you just have to take your chances with RPGs, best to assume everyone has one) and if possible my platoon HQ will remain in his vehicle throughout the fight. FWIW
  13. Only for enemy snipers. To be fair it might help shorten C2 links between infantry and vehicle crews, especially if they are from seperate formations, but not by terribly much. This largely applies only to Blue (US/UK/NATO) vehicles, with only a couple of Red types in the same class (T-90SA, T-72AV TURMS-T, T-72M1 TURMS-T). Everthing else on the red side might as well open up to facilitate C2 and get some use out of their DShKs (maybe not in an urban environment though). PS - ATGM vehicles.....I still don't have a clue how to get any worthwhile use out of those things! Any novel suggestions would be welcome, I've tried the usual things, but they always seem to get picked off in an instant! Does make me wonder if CM:SF2 (& CM:BS) are too generous when calculating the chance to spot an ATGM launch.
  14. BTW - I'm wondering about the hole the dude in the video above threw the empty LAW tube into.....Is that an opening into a Qanat/Kariz/Karez? @Combatintman maybe?
  15. So it's actually mostly just looting then? "The Sarge is down!" "I got dibs on his watch!"
  16. Just as the wise @MOS:96B2P suggests (he's much nicer than me, so he filled in all the blanks for you).....You'll know you have deleted all the painted squares, when you see 'not in use' pop up. Handy tip for future projects.....If you plan to chop down a master map with terrain objectives already present, remove them first, or you can get ghosts!
  17. Yeah.....Half a dozen years later! The Re.2005 didn't enter service until late 1943.....At which point it was facing the Spitfire Mk.IX, P-51B & P-47D all of which could easily deal with it.
  18. Open the editor and select Mission, then Terrain Objectives (Blue) & Terrain Objectives (Red).
  19. Come to think of it, a 'Railway Tunnel' tile/building/whatever would make a great addition to the editor.
  20. That's an independent buiding, so I'm not as familiar with it as I am with the more usual modular types.....If it were a modular building displaying this behaviour I'd asolutely agree with you (and @MOS:96B2P would be gutted as some of his best work would now be utterly broken). Hence my theory (and that's all it is) about abstraction relating to the very obvious doors & windows.
  21. Pull back, use a JDAM, let god sort 'em out. PS - There's a bit of a problem when it comes to fitting whopping guns to vehicles intended to fight in an urban environment, 'Kelly's Heroes' makes play on it: IIRC this is one of the reasons that Germany's 120mm L/55 isn't terribly widely used.
  22. Did the Italians have any other sort? With the notable exception of the SM.79 bomber: Most of the equipment sent to Spain was pretty poor:
  23. Shhhh....Don't mention South Korea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_South_Korea https://www.smh.com.au/world/south-korea-owns-up-to-brutal-past-20081115-gdt2yw.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1 Amongst so many, many others.
  24. To be fair, you don't even need to be inside: Just dumb!
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