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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Is it worth checking the population density setting.....If it's too high Spies can be a bugger to spot.
  2. I got properly slapped by the AI at my first attempt (as the Syrians)!
  3. Me too. There's a particular CM:FB map that has already been converted to CM:BS that I would love to have in CM:A: Would that be possible? PS - Actually I'm pretty confident that it wouldn't, the map above has both bridges and railway lines which would be 'problematical' for CM:A.
  4. So you are saying you couldn't beat the British force when it was controlled by the AI? I normally have a fundamental objection to playing against the Brits in CM:SF2, but I might have to give this one a closer look.
  5. Now that is a bit of a change! I really do need to get my head around the CM:SF2 map template feature.....Am I correct in recalling the image needs to be saved as a bitmap?
  6. Good eyes dude. The diagonal feature I was describing is fully shown in your second Image.....It looks like some of the compounds are sliced off, or as if two images have been composited incorectly.....However some of the features do seem to have shadows. PS - In your second image a whole compound (hospital?) has completely vanished.....It should be to the east of the three small structures east of the putative TV station and immediately north west of the Ansar Mosque!
  7. Dude, it has Sherman Crabs & Flammpanzer B1.....It's a neccessity IMHO!
  8. I forsee lots of T & + shaped wooden fences in your near future!
  9. Apparently 'The Peoples' Beta' will be upon us soon.....I lost track a bit, mostly been crawling around in 200+ year old roof spaces recently.
  10. It's all a matter of compromises really.....Great to see someone new having a crack at mapping, especally urban mapping.
  11. Service roads for the racks themselves perhaps? A level crossing tile or rails embedded in road/tarmac/cobbles woud be a great feature.
  12. If the version number is different, it's different.....End of. AFAIK 0.966 is the current version.....That's what I am using (it's for a fully patched CM:SF2 v2.04 install)
  13. Quick, dirty & savage 45min proof of concept scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m5femdjdkdfvew3/[Test] CTSBuddyAid.btt?dl=0 Play as Blue only. CTS arrive Turn 5. ISIS Spawn in ruins Turn 15 & 30. PS - There's a lot of IEDs lying around at the end of this one, that's not what I was testing (& all the triggermen die on Turn 1).
  14. They do, check this s**t out: Just modifying my test mission to ensure there's plenty of guns & ammo for a CTS Company (Blowing up a US Infantry Battalion should do the trick).....Yup! Just watched a CTS Javelin Team lay waste to an ISIS position! I do need to cut down the number of SAWs in the donor force a bit, or everyone will have one!
  15. Hmmm.....I wonder if my (Syrian SOF) would use US/NATO gear if it were available via buddy-aid (I don't want to use modded US troops, I want them spreaking Arabic). In theory I could make a map with several clusters of US/NATO troops sat on several dozen lightweight IEDs, scattering the bigger ones around the map for 'Special Effects' purposes. When the player clicks the big red button, they all go off, taking out all the US/NATO units and somewhat randomly remodelling large sections of the map (with care I can get 99% IED detonation/target destruction and I can typically eliminate 90%+ of the triggermen too).....Let's call this 'Prepping the map'. The actual units then enter on the first possible reinforcement at Turn 5.....But would they 'pick up the gun'? @MOS:96B2P If any one might know.....
  16. A technical thing that I'd rather not explain as it would be a bit of a spoiler. The version you had is the CM:SF1 original, I'd guess you copied across yourself as I've never posted that one in a CM:SF2 thread.....I'd be mighty impresed if you can spot (the non UAZ-469/Ammo related) changes between the two! Suffice it to say that I discovered a minor difference between how the new and old versions of CM:SF implement a particular feature that I was relying on in my scripting, so I made a very small change to ensure that it would work. Plus now of course.....2000rnds of 7.62x54mm.
  17. You were actually endorsing the mighty @LongLeftFlank (PBOH).....Ramadi is his creation, not mine. But I discovered that the section just east of the eastern cemetery bore a very close resemblance to the Hayy el Karamah district in East Mosul.....So I made a few changes, added the known features based on Google maps (in 2017) and created the two Mosul Mini-Maps that you can find in my thread. As it turns out this was a fortuitous coincidence as Hayy el Karamay was on the main axis of advance and the area was fought over repeatedly in 2016. I essentially compressed a million little skirmishes into one raging fire-fight. FWIW the maps/scenarios represent this area: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Al+Karamah,+Mosul,+Iraq/@36.3433418,43.2179888,928m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x400796779662a445:0xaafe1e66814fd862!8m2!3d36.344537!4d43.2140664?hl=en-US Hornets' Nest: The Crusher: Not quite right, but pretty close IMHO. PS - The sattelite imagery (and also Google's labelling) has improved significantly in the three years sice I made this.....I now know of the Shaimaa School which I had previously hypothesised was a TV station (apparently there's one in there somewhere, CTS had to clear it, as usual). PPS - There's still something iffy about the imagery around the Ansar Mosque, that diagonal feature running from lower centre to right centre seems like an imagery artefact of some kind to me. PPPS - As I've said elsewhere, were I doing a full CM:SF2 remake I would do things somewhat differently, TBH I probably will at some point.
  18. CM:BS is scary deadly compared to the other titles (get spotted, expect artillery, soon).....On the bright side, once you've learned to survive CM:BS you will discover you've become a much better Blue commander in CM:SF2 (I had my first zero casualties CM:SF2 battle after an extended session of CM:BS, the Syrians just seemed so pathetically puny!).
  19. You clearly haven't been reading my posts very carefully: So I find this extremely unconvincing: Because it just doesn't match my own findings in a simple night battle. A T-55 tank at signficantly less than that distance remained unspotted until it fired its main gun.....The co-ax had been firing for some time yet units with clear unobstructed LOS to the tank (in one case a unit on the receiving end of the co-ax fire) had no idea where it was, until it let loose with the 100mm cannon. If what you are suggesting is correct surely they should have received a 'Sound Contact' as soon as the co-ax sparked up, as should all other units within the same distance.....This did not happen. The only units to gain a 'Tentative Contact' on the tank were those that had clear LOS to it at the instant it fired its main gun (including a unit well over a kilometer away, with no binoculars).
  20. Parking a couple of UAZ-469s in a side street would do the trick.....In fact, I'll do it for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xquinou6isabytd/Ashsh al-Dababir (Min-Fix).btt?dl=0 Now with 2000rnds 7.62x54mm (4 dismounted UAZ-469s from CTS Core on map at start). PS - Hint - you have an insane amount of .50cal ammo, it would be a shame not to use it.
  21. I guess we'll each have to live with our interpretations.
  22. Broadly accept your point (but it does rather argue against your complaints about 'sound contacts'). However I'd disagree beyond a certain distance, indeed I'd suspect that sounds could become very confusing in those environments especially in darkness.
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