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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Nope.....Let's just say one of my guys wound up in the same room as several of their guys.....They weren't very nice to him at all!
  2. Have to admit, once Al Hutumah's done I'll probably never look at it again, but I'll still keep the install. I keep remembering all the ways the new game will be better, but I guess I'm just a bit sentimental about the old one.....It's like a faithful old dog!
  3. Aaaaarrrrggghhh! No I didn't, a man is down and a hostage situation is under way, suspect it will end badly for the hostage, CM isn't big on hostage taking!
  4. In the end I got out of it with no losses whatsoever.....But damn didn't it take some doing!
  5. Only if you can get line of sight to the mortars position (or if you have a drone).....I believe an airstrike might be possible though.
  6. I reckon CM:SF2 would be a great candidate for a very novel vehicle pack. T-55 with KMT-5 mineroller, T-72 Shafrah (Gillette), T-72 & ZSU-23-4 Adra (cage armour above), T-72BM, T-90, T-90A, TOS-1 Buratino, Terminator and about a million random vehicles with assorted HMGs or cannon strapped to them.....And that's just the good guys!
  7. Jesus.....That's some high intensity combat right there!
  8. I'm Squarehead, not Slaughter.....It eventually took me 33 attempts before I finally got out of the mess I had made for myself in the [REDACTED] on the [REDACTED]. TBH there was a deliberate policy at play there, let's just say I had a vested interest in viewing the outcome, very satisfying it was too.....But also an utter b*****d to deal with without major losses!
  9. Top left tab 'Steam', 'Settings', 'Interface'.....Then untick 'Run Steam when my computer starts'. HTH
  10. Modern titles rock, especially modern titles with Uncons.
  11. Yup, several times in fact.....I've tried persuading him to declare unilateral sanctions on the Russian company that does, sadly to no avail.
  12. That'll be it.....Knew I recognised the file type.
  13. Not to mention that Kim would be mad to trust him after he unilaterally abrogated the Iran deal. If I were @dragonwynn I wouldn't stop scripting anything based on the 'Singapore Dog & Pony Show'.
  14. Unconventional asymmetric warfare is my primary area of interest, if LRDG/Commandos/Resistance/Partisans etc. were available in the WWII games I'd be writing scenarios for & against them too.....As it is these forces are presently only to be found in CM:SF & CM:A, so that's where I spend most of my time. These older games are somewhat limited in what they can do, simply due to lack of AI groups and so on, which can make scripting convincing unconventional warfare scenarios a bit challenging, but CM:SF2 will offer the full spectrum of tools.....Why wouldn't I be excited? I know you prefer head to head play, but maybe give Ashsh Al-Dababir a go.....Hopefully you'll see what I'm trying to achieve, a fun, challenging scenario against the AI that's a bit different to the norm.....In that one I've had to use more OpFor than I'd ideally like, in the new engine I can use less, better.
  15. I've decided to keep a watching brief.....Who knows what may be possible in the end.
  16. That's what it looks like to me.....So APS is OK against opponents lacking airpower & sophisticated targeting electronics, but it's probably not something you'd want to deploy against a peer opponent, or so it seems. This will put the cat amongst the pigeons for sure. See the discussion here: http://sturgeonshouse.ipbhost.com/topic/1511-active-protection-system-aps-for-tanks/?page=3
  17. Everything is present, almost everything works, what doesn't is beyond @MOS:96B2P's abilities to fix, but not his abilities to mitigate.....Just a matter of pacing and final rebalancing IMHO, based on about 33% of the latest beta. It just ain't possible to speedrun this one and still generate detailed feedback, there's a hell of a lot going on, the player is left to devise his own plan, but the seperatists have plans of their own.....Put it this way, I thought I came up with some pretty radical stuff here & there, but testing this has made me completely revise my ideas of what is possible with the CM engine. This genuinely is a campaign in a scenario, consequently there's a campaign's worth to get just right. PS - In my current play through I was a bit too casual about something and now I'm in a world of hurt.....But it's awesome watching it develop and trying to extricate myself from the mess is proving hugely challenging!
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