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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I didn't think the game engine drew a distinction with mounted crew, they are either blue (OK), yellow (Light Wound) or red (Serious Wound/Dead).....Once the crew dismounts AFAIK the red crew are not depicted, only yellow or blue (now green) crew dismount as infantry. My assumption was that there is a possibility some of the former red crew are only seriously injured (bright cross) and that the surviving crew might (be assumed to) bring them with them (but the game cannot depict this).
  2. I can't tell you how much I look forward to blowing all your hard work to smithereens! And possibly even writing a scenario or two on some of it.
  3. From someone who finds a 400m x 400m MOUT map to be maddeningly hard work to do.....A massive, massive THANK YOU!
  4. On the subject of Commandos.....I still maintain that a cross-game 'Elite & Unconventional Forces Pack' would be a top-idea, I'd happily pay full game price for such a thing, even if it only covered the WWII titles (which seems a realistic option to me).
  5. More or less. Yes. Yes & they do, I've checked (confirmed by @MOS:96B2P rechecked by @sburke). Nope, you hit the nail on the head, first time.
  6. S'cold!!!!! But I has bones to keep me warm!
  7. CM:SF still has some unique capabilities you know (see my post above), so this is great news indeed! Great choice.....Best of both worlds! Hoped you might do this. Basically.....Thanks.
  8. Time for a wee race, BFC vs me.....Can I get 'Al-Hutumah' (The Crusher) finished before Steve & co. make it seem a bit redundant with CM:SF II? TBH as the discussion above makes clear, it just won't be possible to translate either scenario directly to CM:SF II, so I hope these scenarios may retain some value for their fairly unique nature.....I'm going to keep fiddling with Mosul in CM:SF and look for another MOUT battle to focus on in the new game. Will stick some screenshots up in due course, this thread is looking a bit spartan since Photobucket vandalised it.
  9. I've already designed several scenarios with a rather unconventional Blue force for CM:SF.....Whether it will be possible to do quite the same in the new engine remains to be seen (the new 'ammo dump' vehicle condition creates a number of issues for my previous technique). But you can safely bet I'll give it a bloody good go.
  10. All the games are somewhat generous to the Germans TBH.....Platoon radios were made, but they were not very common at all.
  11. Makes perfect sense now that I think about it, my day is getting better & better.....Cheers fella! Bargain IMHO.....Can't wait to hand my money over TBH.
  12. Sir Peter Jackson owns a modelling company, 'Wingnut Wings' their output is AFAIK exclusively 1/32 (54mm scale in wargaming terms) WWI aircraft.....Their kits are amazing: http://www.wingnutwings.com/ww/
  13. So this will be a refereed game.....You (presumably) will be manually managing the battles that take place?
  14. Well spotted, I missed the mantlet & gun arrangement completely. The Armortek RC range is pretty special: https://www.armortek.co.uk/ But starting at about three grand (UKĀ£), they'd need to be!
  15. Cheers Steve.....My money is yours! This is going to be a powerful, powerful game.....I can't wait to see what can be done with it. Will it be possible to have an install of CM:SF II alongside my old CM:SF install on the same drive?
  16. I'm hoping the T-72s might get a tweak in CM:SF II, the Syrians have a rather unusual mix.....The TURMS-T is actually mounted all manner of varieties, from the best (T-72AV) to the worst (T-72M).
  17. Just to clarify I'm talking about Syrian SF, rather than Airborne/Airborne Mech (the latter are fictional AFAIK).....My thought being that a SF company might be called in for the task of breaching an established 'Blue' defensive position. They'll still have a hard time against the Brits, they have NVG but it's not as good AFAIK and their units are small (two nine man squads +HQ & RPG-29 team).
  18. Using BMPs as taxis for various units would match current actual Syrian practice rather well, as the videos of fighting in Ghouta & Yarmouk demonstrate.....Keep in mind that Syrian SF have a LOT of RPG-29 (three per platoon IIRC) which can trash just about anything with a decent hit (AFAIK there's no way to give them a lesser RPG). FWIW PS - I've not back to backed them, but the T-72M1V TURMS-T may have a spotting advantage over the game's T-90SA.....Possibly worth a test?
  19. Perhaps replacing the QRF with a high quality Syrian Special Forces Company might be an option (they have night vision gear and their squads can be split).....With a little fiddling in the editor you can even have them riding BMPs. Just a thought.
  20. SU-76i: http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww2/soviet/soviet-su-76i.php A couple of hundred were built on captured Pz.III chassis, some were then recaptured and used by the Germans: FWIW
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