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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. That's one of my favourite tanks in the foreground.....It's been in so many different fights.
  2. I had a weird game with the Brits in CM:SF1.....My infantry were utterly unable to see a platoon BMP-2s, however as soon as the enemy infantry debussed from the BMPs my lads saw them and opened fire. At which point all three BMPs saw my lads and they opened fire too.....Didn't end well at all.
  3. I'm with @Bud Backer.....If this is an regular issue, raise a ticket.
  4. With a pre-planned mission you can assign targets as you please, but once the game is under way each controller can only direct one air-asset unless they are assigned a joint mission (using the shift key as described above).
  5. Every now and again JK, you do find some cool stuff.
  6. Yes & No. Yes to the first bit, but the unit may not fire at all unless the enemy pretty much trip over it, or the unit has been given a 'Target Arc' in combination with the hide command. You wanna see how effective a MG-42 is.....Set it up near a hedge-line that the enemy has to cross, looking straight along the line of the hedge, on your side.....Anything short of a light tank that comes through that hedge is chop-suey!
  7. IMHO in that sort of scenario the designer should have his VPs cater for this.....Huge points on 'Blue' units, every man lost is a calamity. It's easy enough in principle, but balancing it is harder than a more conventional battle.....My usual rule of thumb is 'Asymmetrical Warfare Requires Asymmetrical VPs', with many, many more available to Red, simply because their chances of actually getting them are so ridiculously low.
  8. Dude, FFS chill.....You'll do yourself an injury! You'd be way better off getting the scenario up on Dropbox so we can test it and give you some feedback (I'd be happy to host it if you don't have an account).....I'm confident @Bootie will get you sorted, but I suspect he has rather a lot on his plate (a whole hard-drive full of CM Content from @Erwin, if I recall correctly).
  9. There was a time when it wasn't going to be done.....But then it was. I remain optimistic.....In the absence of a CM:A reboot this is by far the best of the modern titles. If the demand's there, why not cater to it?
  10. No arguments with your comments other than you are once again confusing the real fighting in Syria with the fictional 2008 NATO invasion of Syria that the game models.
  11. That didn't look terribly covert to me, it looked.....Mental! I've never seen so many 'Snackbars'!
  12. Did either of you patch your game recently?
  13. Difficult to guess without more information. Were you playing single or two player? What game mode? Quick battle or scenario? etc. etc. BF's tech are very good indeed, but telepathic they are not.
  14. That's correct, the AVRE's Petard is loaded externally from below, the bow-gunner has a small sliding hatch just for the job.....Here's a model showing how it worked:
  15. So far I'm getting away with ten seconds pretty consistently.....I did an accidental extra click on one of my orders, leaving one BMP-3M paused for 15 seconds, it immediately ate a Javelin (my only AFV loss so far)! In the same game I had another BMP-3M take a sabot round from an Abrams.....It went clean through the empty infantry compartment, doing no damage whatsoever!
  16. Did you check if the results varied by population density setting at all?
  17. I think it's the flooded inland areas you may be thinking of, it involved a fairly substantial area: https://www.battleofnormandytours.com/american-airborne-assault.html
  18. Very cool, kudos to OP.....I haven't seen fog in CM1 for at least a decade, maybe two!
  19. Cheers dude.....TBH @37mm is the driving force here, I'm just making maps and some eye candy for your perusal. I'm about a third to half way through scripting the AI for the first scenario (more or less what you see above, but with a few tweaks to deal with the usual AI issues).
  20. Are you sure? I recall you ere running some tests, so I'm intrigued to know the outcome.
  21. I'm happiest when I get one with a Malyutka TBH, that always feels like a real achievement, especially if the target was something 'Blue'.
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