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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. @DougPhresh Did you spend any time alongside the Leopard C1A2s at all.....I have a burning question: Why do they put the inverted plastic bottle on the radio antenna?
  2. If you open a ticket with support, explaining your situation, they will restore your activations: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ I'll let others advise you of the best install method, it's not my strong suit either, even after doing it so many times.
  3. I got a telling off for posting images from Belsen, a mess that my family were directly involved in clearing up.....So I don't take too kindly at all to seeing videos of fascist f**ks pontificating about what a jolly rotten time they had on the eastern front, getting a free pass.
  4. Is it always an explosion that triggers this or does small arms fire do it too? If it is only explosions, what side of the hedge are they actually taking place and do the units affected have LOS to the gun (or whatever caused the explosion)? Could they be fleeing an unknown and unexpected explosion in their vicinity by what they perceive as the most direct route? Just a thought.
  5. Cheers for posting those and also for testing the scenario. I could use one more victim volunteer to test it.....You would need to have all the modules and be prepared to install a whopping mod (taking all your others out first is highly recommended).
  6. I'm waiting to see that ZSU open up with the Area Target order that I believe Bil may be hinting at: That could get messy!
  7. Pretty good précis of the argument on the subject here: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/South_Front You can often find decent imagery of the Syrian & Yemen conflicts here: https://www.almasdarnews.com/ How much faith you put in the reporting is entirely up to you. Looks like the Republican Guard ran short on Kontakt-1 modules before they came up with the 'Shafrah'.
  8. Who mentioned the third world? I was referring to those delightful 'Gulf Monarchies'. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/bahrain https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/oman https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/saudi-arabia https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2019/country-chapters/united-arab-emirates
  9. In the full game editor, you can change the 'Force Vs Force' setting multiple times, so it is possible to have both Blue & Red forces on both sides if you so desire. 'The Editor' is your friend!
  10. You are capable of searching my posts on the subject, go figure it out for yourself, sparky.
  11. We are in agreement yet again! Whatever is happening to the world? PS - Don't get me wrong.....I still wouldn't say no to Uncon Breach Teams, Pickups as Single Vehicles etc. etc. (ad infinitum), but IMHO nothing seems broken in CM:SF2 and CM:BS just needs some fine tuning for balance.
  12. I'm guessing you mean top right hand corner? I never knew that!
  13. I've got a 'fairly feisty' mixed force scenario you could try (it was made for CM:SF1, but a slightly tweaked version works in the new game too): Be warned though, if you don't like urban-combat, this one is definitely not for you!
  14. Yup, that's the rub. It's a pain in the neck for those conflicts where the use of elevated positions was a distinct tactic, Soviet Afghanistan, Chechnya and the recent fighting in Syria all spring to mind. However a game-breaker it isn't.....IMHO.
  15. @Liveload 'The Editor' is your friend.....You can do all manner of fun things in 'The Editor': This was done in CM:SF1, but it can be done even better in CM:SF2.....There's some minor trickery involved, it is not rocket science! So as I said, 'The Editor' is your friend.
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