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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Faking attacks by setting trucks up in 'battle formation' and having them move across the map at tank-like speed was another CMAK (& real desert warfare) thing.
  2. Sweet video, but it appears the CM fortifications don't like my carefully sculpted hilltops very much! I'll put plenty of 'terraces' in 'The Delta'.
  3. Looking great now dude. Just the voice files and you are home & dry if I'm not mistaken?
  4. At some point, somebody needs to grow a pair and break that cycle.....'I had a bad time' is not an excuse for giving one to others.
  5. Distinct qualitative difference in the choice of targets there.
  6. This is an interesting site, with some smashing eye-candy: https://www.o5m6.de/
  7. 'The Culture' can really grow on you.....Did you meet (Torturer Class ROU) 'Killing Time' yet?
  8. CM is a company to battalion level game.....Why are you surprised that it struggles with larger formations?
  9. Sounds like an interesting research project George.....What have you been up to, we wonder?
  10. AFAIK for US vs NVA tank engagements Ben Hut was it, but there were plenty later between the ARVN & the NVA. Sadly we can't model any of the ARVN tanks, so we'll just have to make the best of what we have.....While it's not truly Vietnam, it still looks & feels distinctly different to any other CM title right now, the base terrain mods could be used for any number of conflicts in the wider area.
  11. I was referring to the settings available in the editor/QB.....Experience (Elite to Conscript), Training (+2 to -2) etc. The higher these are the quicker the strike will arrive and the more accurate it will be.
  12. I've been micro-managing AI & user controlled troops in CM:SF2 non-stop all week, possibly longer, sure feels like it.....Not so much as a hint of a problem, even with small, inexperienced, poorly led units (they are just as dumb as they should be).
  13. Another map is done, 'Bien Dong Co Plain', the 'Sea of Grass': About as close to 'tank country' as Bong-Hai gets.
  14. Cool.....Ramadi is kind of popular hereabouts. Doubt that was the sentiment for the artwork model though.
  15. @sburke Please could you check the various artillery you receive against what's stated in the briefings too. I also seem to vaguely recall one briefing didn't seem to match the map and situation very well either (as if the wrong one had been imported), but I've no idea which, it was a long time back.
  16. Me too.....A couple of my pet formations got upgraded to BMP-3Ms because it looks so nasty in game.
  17. Superb.....Now I finally know why I'm ordering these: Drilling them out and re-polishing the inside will be interesting (they are 1/72 scale)!
  18. I did exactly the same with randomly generated CM1 maps and I feel pretty much the same about the idea of having random maps in CM2.....I can think of an awful lot of other things I'd rather see first (persistent map damage, reinforcement by trigger, duration limited occupy objectives, AI painted artillery targets that can be timed to arrive mid scenario, amongst many, many others).
  19. Tell me about it.....My old Win7 PC's on 'life support' at the moment while I prevaricate over buying a new one, I can order pretty much whatever I fancy, but I don't want a new computer, I like this one.
  20. The experience level & other soft factors of both the spotter and the air asset/artillery battery appear to have the biggest influence.
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