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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Maybe take a look here: This should give you some idea of what can be done. I've got some maps that would really suit a Balkan/Euroscape Mod.....They're conversions from CM:FB, lightly re-tweaked for CM:BS (I'd need to replace all the Independent Buildings to get them to work for CM:SF2, but that ain't exactly rocket science).
  2. Suspect the FOs may have been buying the farm while waiting for the spotting rounds to fall.....Did he have any TRPs?
  3. Trust me, stick to the T-55s, T-72s and other things that you can easily use with only a visual tweak.....You will save yourself a LOT of grief. PS - Having said that, some swaps do work really well.....'Heaven & Earth' now has BTR-70s instead of BTR-60PBs (almost identical in game terms, certainly close enough for our purposes) some different trucks and sand coloured Willys Jeeps in place of Taxis. PPS - Apologies to @IICptMillerII for going so far off topic in his thread (I seem to say that quite a lot).
  4. I think you may be right, it's marginal, but it does seem a bit slower to me too.
  5. Hopefully including my beloved A34 Comets: And some Pershings for the Yanks too.
  6. I'd use CM:SF2 (with all the modules). You can't actually copy a tank from CM:RT to CM:SF2.....You may be able to copy the models & skins and use them to replace something else, but whatever you used would change in appearance only. So if you managed to transfer the models & skins for a T-34/85 onto an Abrams, it would still behave like an Abrams in the game. A lot of the AFVs are already available.....T-72M1 is dead ringer for M-84, T-55 is a T-55 and so on. Better to tailor your scenarios to what you can actually make, than trying to bend the game into something it just is not. This is something we ran into with 'Heaven & Earth', we've had to make a few compromises, but with some creativity and clever use of mods (often with custom tags) on @37mm's part, we've managed to get by quite well IMHO.
  7. That report is more of an overview TBH, but it may point you in the direction you want to go.
  8. Plenty of info out there, just Google it! Here's a CIA report to get you started: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/1993-07-01b.pdf
  9. I suspect it could be done.....In fact I'm positive it could. Just not by me. I would be very interested to see such a mod made though. @37mm Fancy another project one day? Reckon this one would probably be easier TBH!
  10. To be a bit more precise, I meant the BMP-3 style, remove your top-cover (such as it is) when you open them, rear doors suck.....Rear doors in general seem sensible enough to me.
  11. Yup.....It did some very interesting things to the 'Heaven & Earth' mod, but @37mm fixed it remarkably fast.
  12. You should have seen what it did to the 'Heaven & Earth' mod.....I had US 'Air Defence Platoons' each with three T-55 tanks! All fixed now though.
  13. Dunno, but it looks like the Yanks invaded! Another postie from the coast, now with added fish-pens:
  14. Make of this what you will: https://breakingdefense.com/2019/03/us-gets-its-ass-handed-to-it-in-wargames-heres-a-24-billion-fix/
  15. Now this is interesting: http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/06/242.html It seems the Russians believe they can spoof Javelin.
  16. The Germans had an awful lot of surplus short 75mm guns after they up-gunned the StuG & Pz.IV and the conversion isn't exactly rocket science.
  17. Did you open a ticket? I reckon you need some serious help there.
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