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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yes, as Wicky mentioned, you can also pull the Power Cord on your Laptop so that you only have Battery Backup to run your Scenario...This will represent running low of fuel :-)
  2. Yes, once you purchase the game, you can 'Edit' the Scenario via Game Editor...Sorry thou, you can't do this editing the Text File
  3. Front_MG, Don't listen to these guys, and you can simulate Fuel...You just have to 'Edit' or 'Mod' a Scenario to have your Vehicle 'Immobilized' to simulate Low or No Fuel :-) Joe
  4. This may be true, and it would have taken careful aiming that would include several seconds from a Crack Crew in order to get a first shot hit in...Your Robotic Panther, moved, halted, spotted and KOed a Sherman all in one minute turn (or less I'm sure since this all took place in under a minute)...If this was an Ambush, then I could understand the One-Hit-Wonder (assuming spotting, then dialing in the range, etc...all in one minute) Your instance is not the only time, but it seems to happen at least 50% of the time at those ranges. But, I digress...
  5. I have the same issue with these Vehicles having the Drivers feet stick out of bottom. Joe
  6. Actually, Sublime, your fine, and I was just being slightly sarcastic with my first post...The Vulture is Correct in asserting my intention :-)
  7. Well, you got the Date right, but wrong Operation...
  8. Ok, so you mean to say that your Leopard 2 moved up a Hill, and quickly spotted and destroyed a T-80 in one shot...I see nothing wrong with that. Now, if you were playing any of the CMx2 WWII Titles it should take several seconds (up to one turn) to spot and a few shots before hitting and destroying that tank a mile away. Oops, Never mind, this is indeed one of those WWII Titles, and so I have no explanation for your quick spotting and the One-Shot Wonder (shh, I think it's a carry over from shock-force or somefink).
  9. I don't have a problem with these pics showing troops slightly bunched-up a little (this is fairly common, especially in areas of cover....I don't see how it equates to more casualties being inflicted. I mean, the enemy is still going to shoot at that Action-Spot regardless if he is bunched or spread out. Thou, I hope Tree Clumbs are not like HT Gunners, and treated like a 'Bullet Magnet', and having all Small Arms directed towards a small area within an Action-Spot. Now, I'm still saying Troops might need additional Micro-Cover or, as Womble mentioned, some sort of 'Executive' AI to help alleviate some of these casualties.
  10. Yes, and I think so as well...At least I hope it is.
  11. Yes, and it's good to hear that CM is at least looking into trying to minimize some of these casualties with better use of Terrain Micro-Managing...This could be in a form of varying savings rolls for each class of troops and in each posture for example. And like some others here, I also don't have much of a problem with Troop arrangement within an Action-Spot, and don't see it impacting the game much. Also, different Formations in the future might be nice, but I'm fine with it now.
  12. Ok Sonar, I'm have Scott's-Irish myself, and other half Italian...My Temper is nowhere near yours, lol. On a more related note: I wonder if having two troops on top of each other-or-next to and touching each other make that much of a difference...I think the way CM handles the Bullet Trajectory is more based on the overall Action-Spot Cover with a better Savings Roll for the actual type of Cover the individual trooper is in...You might be better off having two troops on top of each other (especially behind a Rock/Tree) ?...But, still not sure about this.
  13. Both of Womble's Posts gives a real 'Good Assessment' of CM and how it's played out (or should be) and it comparison to RL.
  14. Yes, and that Compromise is what makes BF's CMx2 a good Game System. Overall, I generally have no problem with how the Game plays out compared to RL Small Action Combat...Maybe just a slight change to the Micro-Managing layer is what's needed to come closer to what Sonar is asking for.
  15. LO Freaking L :-)... Yes, and I also tend to agree with your assessment in previous post... I know there is alot of talk about troops needing to spread out alittle to prevent some casualties...I think in Combat troops tend to spread out a little when advancing, then bunching back up again once reaching a position. What might be needed is more micro-managing of cover that represent troops ducking, peaking around a tree or house then back again, dodging bullets, etc, etc (since there is no animation for these minor body movements, etc)...BF probably already has this coded in to some degree, but maybe not enough ? The above would also apply to Arty to some degree, since I think it should be toned down abit...I know Arty is suppose to be King of the Battlefield, but there are many Combat reports (someone in earlier post mentioned) that talk about troops taking cover when Arty barrage falls, then waiting it out, getting up to move again with no Casualties reported...Rinse and Repeat...Now, it's not to say there will be some casualties before taking cover, or more while advancing. All the above with Green Troops having less Micro-Managing bonuses, while Vet Troops having more bonuses (savings rolls if you will). Anyways, that's my take on it...
  16. Yes, I also understand your frustration playing cautious and still getting Higher Casualties compared to actual Combat Reports...However: Ok, IanL, the above is your Que to finish :-) Joe
  17. Actually, Scenario's are designed around WEGO vs. AI, and would be the fairest of them all...But, I digress.
  18. Oh, Wait a Minute, I hate Modern (and RT Mode)...I must have accidentally ventured on this Forum :-( Sorry Folks...Carry-On.
  19. So, in essence, you did Rush, Rush, Rush with a Good Plan, and it caught got your Opponent Off-Guard. You indeed did well for yourself... Joe
  20. Don't entice yourself to the "Dark-Side"...Stay WWII
  21. Thou, I think the Height for LOS purposes is in 1 meter increments (and not just the 6 inch difference between the two Tiger's TC example)...Unbutton is simply Unbutton no matter what the graphics show. Also, Prone is one LOS position, Kneel is one LOS position, and Stand is one LOS position (all positions roughly 1 meter in difference). I would hope that BF also assumes troops are constantly adjusting a little within their current body posture (unbutton, prone, kneel, stand) every several seconds (spotting cycle) with such things as; body sway, bending over, peaking around a corner, lifting their head a few inches above a rock/tree/cupola to see a little better, etc...This would be considered more or less a Soft Factor that's built into the LOS/Hit Chance/Savings Roll. Joe
  22. I agree with these two posters...Weapons2010 has an interesting idea.
  23. Yeap, and it's difficult to penetrate the Upper Hull with the 85mm Gun...However, if you were to hit the Turret or Lower Hull, at that range, then you have a better chance of a penetration. Joe
  24. As Ian & Womble have mentioned, I'm guessing something like 'Tank Rider's would be more of an Engine Upgrade (From Game Engine 3 to Game Engine 4...or somefink like that), then a Patch. Joe
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