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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Hey RH, If you want, I can send you the CMFB Demo File via Dropbox ( free download if you don't have it ). I would just need your Dropbox email addy so I can send you an invite. Joe
  2. Yeah, you do mean, NOT SURVIVE the War...Right. And, why is it that many other Armored Units with top Mounted MG's don't Unbutton when Inf are at their sides...You know, After all, they should fear for their lives too, and NOT SURVIVE the War.
  3. Ahh, You also noticed the Modern Weapons finding it's way into CMx2 WWII Titles...Get use to it, as you will see more of these One-Shot Wonders in CM. Joe
  4. You are, of course, referring to HPS as the other small game company...Right, Wolfenstein Joe
  5. Alfy, You could alleviate part of that issue by playing the game as 'Real-Time. Of course, other things will crop up such as forgetting to pause, or give units orders mid-turn when something bad is happening...However, I only play Turn-Based and it's some of these issues you have to live with. *Side Note*...Personally, it would be great to have an Option for a One-Minute Turn Based with Auto-Pause every 15 Secs to give New Orders ( I say 15 sec instead of 10 sec, because I like things done in Quarter-Turn increments ). Joe
  6. BF should realistically implement those same or similar Close Assault results against Armored Vehicles in all their WWII Titles Their are just to many instances where 1-2 Individuals ( not even a whole squad ) Close Assault an Armored Vehicle and immobilizing or KO'ing it out. Joe
  7. Yes, we need a New Lowered Troop Stance in Vehicles to represent troops slouching over or ducking when fired upon...If there's not going to be a new Stance, then at least increase Troops use of Micromanage of Terrain ( which also represents troops slouching over or ducking ). Also, it appears that Vehicles & Troops have two different Scales...It looks as if Troops are about 10-15% bigger then Vehicles ( or Vehicles are 10-15% to smaller then Troops ).
  8. Covered Arcs, and or the Hide Command are your only Options... Joe
  9. I haven't played any 'Campaigns' myself (mostly Small QB's or Scenarios against Human Opponents), but will probably try one out to see how it goes. Wow, loosing 100-150 casualties in a Battalion for a 'Campaign' as a whole seems pretty High...Then again, this is CM and we expect casualties to be high. Joe
  10. Like I mentioned earlier...the instant the Gunner is exposed, the HT becomes a 'Bullet Magnet'.
  11. Ok, and Fair Enough...I will just say this is an interesting thread that warrants further discussion.
  12. Yeah, 3PO's phrase of how a single test "Demolished your Stance" was quite interesting ( and coming from a Play Tester )...This, rather then just saying a Single Test is one element to consider, and many more tests are needed.
  13. Umm, No 3PO... Many players complained about the lack of MG effectiveness & Gunner Stance in Vehicles, and we got that changed from BF and it wasn't through your testing.
  14. Your figures, Bullets, are more precise, because there is no way In H that a 30/6 is going to penetrate 1" of Armor (unless it's an ATR).
  15. Oh, I think this may be the case... Infantry behind a Wall relies more on how many Spotting Cycles it takes for the enemy to put Small Arms down at the Wall (sporadic small arms) ....HT's for example only needs to get spotted once during the turn and it will continuously receive Small Arms ( even thou you can't actually see Inf in the Vehicle...but can still see the Vehicle )...BF essentially makes Vehicles "Bullet Magnets".
  16. Now, don't get me wrong guys, but in RL having Lightly Armored Vehicles or unbuttoned crewman in front is still dangerous business ( Snipers, Close Range Combat, etc )...However, the way BF has it now these TC's and Gunners almost become useless.
  17. Seed & Canuck, Yes, I know what you both mean... BF did reduce the Gunners stance on HT's ( wish they do the same for all armored crewman such as TC's ) in previous patches to help alleviate the gunners casualty rate...Didn't help much as you still lost all your Gunners by Games End. The other issue, is how often Armor Vehicles become 'Bullet Magnets' in seconds of becoming in LOS,and it doesn't matter the Range or Condition of enemy Unit. You should only loose about 25% of your Gunners by Games End...And that's a alot. *Side Note*...Slightly off Topic. In a past post, one Forum Member mentioned that the U.S. had a High Casualty rate, and lost somewhere between 50-75% of their TC's in the Normandy Campaign...I said, "Yeah, and you can loose that in just a one hour Game".
  18. - Battlefronts: Combat Mission-all WWII series ( could care less about Modern ). - John Tiller's: Campaign Series ( each Unit=Platoon ). - Arma 2-3 ( WWII Mod ). Joe
  19. l also agree with Canuck, Bozo, & Bullet in that Passengers in HT's receive far to many casualties then they should. Yes, Mikey, we all know that ballistics play a roll and is one thing, but the above members are saying if BF gives HT Passengers a better 'Savings Roll' to represent them keeping their heads down, etc (micro-terrain), then the casualties would be better represented. I'm also with Michael Emrys and hope BF is modeling armor angles vs bullet trajectory correctly...The slightest armor angle ( anything over 15 degree off center ) will generally cause a bullet to ricochet (bullet penetration has different characteristics then gun penetration) and so it would take several bullets to cause a penetration. Joe
  20. Yeah, I know there is a Randomness even when playing the same Scenario over again, but never seen 2x BARS per Squad in v3.11 (that should be more common after Normandy...ex; Market Garden or CMFB). However, with the v3.12 patch it seems that there is a 50% per U.S. Squad of receiving an additional BAR (even in June-Aug).
  21. Ok, just installed Patch v3.12 and decided to opened-up 1-Training Roadblock ( June ), and noticed on Setup that the U.S. Inf Platoon has 1 or 2 Squads with an additional Bar...I closed and opened-up this Scenario about a half-dozen times and each time it's about the same (might be same or different Squads). Also, about half the time the Germs seem to get an extra G-43 or STG44 in each Platoon. This means many of the Scenarios might also have additional semi-autos in their TO&E...Will look at other Scenarios later to determine this. I wonder if this is intentional... Joe
  22. Not sure myself, but I would wait a week or so to see if there will be a new Installer that includes the v3.12 patch. Joe
  23. In CMx2 it's alittle different...The QB's Quality is more random & mixed ( unless you purchase and set the quality )...Some Units can be Green, Reg, or Vets all in same Company-Battalion with random Soft Factors ( ex; different Leadership Skills ). Joe
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