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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Actually, you are doing just fine, LOL, and being very constructive And, don't worry about hijacking a 'Thread', because a possible issue might sometimes lead to another bigger issue that needs addressing.
  2. Now, Rokko, Can We All Learn to Get along... I do know that a HT Gunner in a standard game will button down, then come back up from time to time in a turn, depending on situation, etc. But, your right thou, in your tests the HT Gunner is at Max Moral, Leadership & Motivation, and so that does mean the HT Gunner will die in place rather then duck down more often like he should. Which, I hope Steve will look into...He did mention something about it (possible ducking up and down more quickly depending on threat levels, etc). On top of that, I think that even if more shots are targeted at a Vehicle (because its a bigger target to see, etc) the Gun Shield should provide much better protection then it does now ( Steve, also mentioned he will look into ).
  3. And It's..."Do You Feel Lucky, Punk...Well, Do You?" You have a lot to learn,'Grasshopper, but you will soon Master the Art of the 'West Ponders'...
  4. LOL @ Bullet,...Yeah, I would go into the HT. I just feel threatened in the Open if someone is going to shoot at me, and getting into the HT gives me a better perceived survival rate...You know, until another GI with a Zook 25 meters away, says, "You shouldn't have done that"
  5. Actually, I was about to respond to 'Rokko', but Steve responded with the same and in more detail. Now, think we might have an idea of why there is that 'Bullet Magnet' theory towards Vehicles as opposed to other units. Ok, Steve, you win...I'm just glad you, me and others are at least having these types of discussions....and so, I have nothing further to add
  6. In my experience in CMx2, it's about 1 sec ( enough time for the Crew to take their last breath ). That's just it, how long should it take to be spotted at that range...Me thinks a Spotting Cycle or three...But, Steve, thinks at 200 meters the Crew should be "Slaughtered" in mere seconds (I think more like 25-40 meters), and so it doesn't matter really...
  7. Well, Yeah, CMx2 Titles have always been far to high in Small Arms Casualties...But, I digress Anyways, in the case of CMFB the only explanation might be that you are noticing more Vet Troops (I only play Green or Conscripts in Scenarios), more Auto Weapons, less cover (less foliage in winter) or less use of Micro-Management due to snow ( your out in the open where cover or concealment use to be ), etc. However, I wonder if BF models actual Winter Temps as far as Spotting or Shooting is concerned (haven't played enough CMFI in Winter)...Think about it, isn't it harder to spot, shoot less often, or less accurate, when it's Cold and Windy (wearing gloves, headgear, etc). What I try to do to reduce the Small Arms Casualty Rate is to use Conscripts or Green (in place of Reg or Vet), but with some Leader & Motivation bonuses, and use 'Weakened Status. Unfortunately, the problem arises when said Troops are hit with HE ( since they tend to take more casualties then Reg or Vet )...Oh, the Balancing Act I go through to find the right medium.
  8. It's important enough to know that we are all 'Passionate' about the game (including BF, Customers, etc) to bring up some of these issues...We are all just looking for that right 'feel'...err, (there's that taboo word again) I mean 'ebb-n-flow' (there I go again) of the game. BF did say they will look into this further, and my 'gut feeling' ( there I go again with feelings ) they will make the right decision. Now, in saying the above, if BF listens to Me & Bullet ( along with 99% of the 'Pro Choicers' ) I believe we can all be 'One Happy Family' ...( well, at least until the next issue arises ).
  9. Yeap, and having up to 2x 76mm Shermans per Platoon isn't unheard of...Actually, it's about the standard this Time-Frame. Joe
  10. Hello SA, Actually, I could use a PBEM Opponent for WEGO as it's been awhile. How about we play a Small Battle ( Mixed, and up to Company in size ) on a Medium size Map. I play either AXIS or ALLIES and will Purchase Units for both sides ( I only play Green or Conscripts Troops w/Leadership & Motivation Variables depending on actual quality of troops ) I use Dropbox for File exchanges...What is your Dropbox Address, and will send you an invite. Joe
  11. And, still one of my fav all time 'Golden Age' Movies...Now, you can call me, silly :-(
  12. Surely you jest, you silly Dan... It's in reference to the 'Wizard of OZ..."Lions-n-Tigers-n-Bears...Oh My" Joe
  13. Exactly, it's how people 'Feel' about a particular situation in a game, that then gets tested before a possible conclusion...just hope it get settled my way, lol.
  14. 1 ) And the reason they tend to notice the unlucky ones...Because those so called 'Unlucky Shots' happen 50% or more of the time. Otherwise, people wouldn't be complaining in the first place. 2) And still the problem is why aren't the Crew popping their heads down (then later pop back up) more often when bullets are 'Area-Firing' the Vehicle to begin with ( Shhh...yeah, I know BF claims it's called 'Aimed-Shots' for some strange reason ). Because, we all know the point of shooting at Unbuttoned Crew is to make them Button-Up more often, and with a small chance of causing a casualty in the process. Like I said in previous post, unless it's Sniper ( you know...'Aim Shots' ), an Ambush ( Unbuttoned Crew not familiar with its' local surroundings ), or Close Range shots, then Crew tend to live to fight another day. I simply miss how CMx1 handled it...At least a Vehicles Crew have about a 25% chance of being a Casualty by Games End ( not each turn as in CMx2 )
  15. +2...That, and or a Better 'Savings Roll' or use of 'Micro-Terrain'.
  16. Overall and IMHO, Crew members should have a High Chance of becoming a Casualty (maybe up to 25% per incident ?) when under Sniper Fire, Ambushed or Close Range Combat, etc, and a much lower chance in a running battle...Crew is now aware of it's surroundings, and better chance of survival (better use of Micro-Terrain representing Crewmen ducking, Button-Up more frequently, etc). I liked how CMx1 handled it as it just felt right...Not much MG fire going out, because Crewman were almost always Buttoned Up. Unless this isn't the case now, but I wonder if Small Arms can be directed at Vehicle Center ( the Aim point of Small Arms is at Center Mass of Vehicle and not center mass of unbuttoned crewman...Bullets go high, low, left, right, of Vehicle, etc ) thus giving a smaller chance of a Crew member being hit, and a better chance for Return Fire or Button Up. Anyways, just some things to throw out there.
  17. I highlighted your comment, and also think this might be exactly part of the issue...That, and how easy it is for Unbuttoned Crewmen to be instantaneously spotted compared to Ground Units (if Vehicle is spotted, then spotting Unbuttoned Crewman doesn't count ?...I mean, after all Crewman should be considered Hull Down and harder to spot for couple more spotting cycles, etc, depending on distance and other circumstances).
  18. Yeap, and this issue has been raised several times since CMBN...
  19. Umm, I'm sure you guys have been looking into this since CMBN, but no changes since then.
  20. Maybe the Mortars are hitting the Trees, and you have the Trees turned Off/Trunks. Joe
  21. Ok, Bullet, Leave IanL out of the picture as he hasn't commented on this yet
  22. Andrew H...Now, where have I seen your Avatar from. Hmmm, Oh yeah, 'ALL STAR BLAZERS' ...I remember it well as a kid.
  23. Yeap, and your absolutely right... Now, if your supporting your Inf with the Stug or similar at those ranges, then giving the 'Unbutton' Order to fire the MG would be a viable option. Unfortunately, these issues with the Stug and similar will be here for awhile...I figured if it hasn't been fixed by now...Then
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