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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. Ahh yes, anything more than a few postage stamps and you’ll run out of space pretty quickly. You can either click on your name (top right) and select My Attachments. From there you should get a list of all the guff you’ve ever posted. Delete away to make space, but be aware anything recent will not be glued into the forum archive so will permanently disappear. I think the forum archives a couple of times a month so one needs to leave your image in place for a few weeks to make it a permanent fixture that can be seen years later ... then it can be safely deleted.. OR Try using something like imgur - it’s free, I started using it last year when making a new mod and have not had any issues with it. I guess they have probably stolen my soul or something, but I haven’t noticed the lack of one yet, that probably comes later at the pearly gates. For now until it stops working I’ll keep using it. Once you have an account you can add pics. You need to add a link to your post on the forum; to get the link, click your desired pic on imgur, in the pop up select the Direct Link, it’ll look something like this: https://i.imgur.com/sMki4HK.jpg Copy that and paste it into your post. When you paste it in your post it should just convert to the image and display in your post like so: Once posted, just below your image will be a little dialogue thing saying you can display the link rather than the image if you want, might be desirable if the image is offensive ... Some folks @Warts 'n' all are offended by such things ... but have to be thanked for teaching me all about My Attachments
  2. @Canuck21 Heh - beat me to the punch ... I was just thinking out loud ... with an app like AstroPad on an iPad one does have screen mirroring so, over wifi, technically, one can “play” on the iPad. AstroPad is a bit of a battery pig and it’s gonna be laggy depending on your wifi conditions, but for wego it could work, sort of. Also I think now Apple have built-in some kind of screen mirroring to the iPad/Mac OS. Might go and try it out in a mo ... Can you do anything useful with the pressure sensitivity on the Intuos? Would be cool to be able to somehow leverage that for zooming in or some such ...
  3. Interesting concept, since there’s not much inside that would be of interest in a scenario this could work quite nicely as a substitute. Worth a try with some 88’s and bunkers on top. Also, are they introducing that 128mm PaK in F&R? That would make a, perhaps too good, substitute for the 128mm double Flak that the originals fielded. Maybe try a slight stepping on the top to recreate the slightly different levels. I think the 20mm quads were perched quite close to the edges. The Russians gave these things a wide birth cos they knew it would cost them way too much time material and effort to assault them.
  4. I also found that it’s definitely easier to repurpose models that already exist. Tried to make a new tree once but no matter what, I couldn’t get the damned thing to export properly, they always ended up either not working, or appearing in game but floating somewhere off map in the dead zone. Now I know something new ... thanks. I also thought this was something to do with lighting, so I ignored it rather than RTFM. More of this to come ...
  5. Thanks for this. Old is probably the average on here! Got me thinking about using my iPad Pro and Apple Pencil tethered through AstroPad. I’ve used that combo quite successfully with PhotoShop and MacOS Finder, so don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work in CM games. Will have to fire it up and see what it’s like ...
  6. Got a feeling that Amazon UK are just being a bit recalcitrant with this one, they tried to force eBooks on everyone a year, or so, ago to bolster sales of Kindles. I like to try to give my money to other sellers these days so we still have a bit of competition for Jeffrey’s shack.
  7. The physical book or eBook? My Amazon still shows it as preorder. Still, no rush, I’ve got plenty to read in the meantime . This one will come down in price for sure later on and his titles don’t seem to go out of print so quickly. I think I’ll give my money to someone else other than Amazon this time round.
  8. Great stuff. Standing head and shoulders above the rest of his fellow idiots ... I applaud your derring-do sir!
  9. Egos need feeding too! Seriously, I like to promote what you guys are doing, but keep running out of green hearts lately with all the fantastic stuff being made.
  10. Thanks for the review Bootie, and yes let’s get started on some lawnmowers. Shame there’s no kettenkrads, would make a fantastic base for a ride on mower, though not too sure how the turf would fare ...
  11. Thanks JM. I still don’t have any to give
  12. Careful ... two more of those and you’ll invoke the spirit of a certain Sgt Howerd...
  13. Dammit, run out again .... and some other green bits for good measure
  14. Great stuff - have to say my down time is a little less productive ... usually consist of browsing, huh umm, high brow stuff like this ...
  15. You are quickly becoming the master of Blender sir JM. Great stuff
  16. Heh heh oooh oooh, yes please Umlaut, looks sweet, can’t say I noticed any lack of detail
  17. Ouch, that’s a bit of a wrist breaker, just keeping those 600-odd pages upright is hard enough, don’t fall asleep and drop it on the floor ... you’ll think the house is falling down around you! Incidentally, and I point this out as someone who has nothing to gain by this or any association with the said company, but if anyone is interested RZM is offering free post for UK customers this weekend, at this here link I didn’t know they have a UK warehouse which they do now apparently, so delivery won’t be from USA-takes-forever-what-do-they-do-with-parcels-in-the-US? Offer is for UK only, will be applied at checkout apparently and ends midnight Sunday 28 March. Don’t blame me if it doesn’t work.
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