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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. Angels on our shoulders ... Have run out of green heart stickers today for you M.Falaise, not sure how but never mind, here’s some other green things that I found to make up for it ... Oh, and look what I found ...
  2. Yes, one can only go so far with toilet humour. Perhaps M.Falaise can furnish us with a new screen shot to get us back on track. In an aside, it was my music teacher, who was a tank gunner with the 8th Army in North Africa and then got sent to Normandy, who first told us about brown bombers during one of his somewhat distracted music lessons, I can only blame him for my interest in both tanks and toilets ...
  3. I think we get it a bit later this side of the pond, it is available to pre-order as our Aragorn noted. It’ll be making it’s way into my shopping sometime soon fo sure.
  4. I believe there is a third volume of this coming out in April for those interested. Covers the final phases of the fighting in Hungary and retreat into Austria. Ideal accompaniment to Fire & Bubble ...
  5. Read that many years ago (before audiobooks, or at least modern audiobooks - back then it would have been about 100 cassette tapes). Class and classic text though quite heavy going, worth the effort, might have to give it a (re)spin sometime.
  6. Fantastic! Well done on beating the official releases to the punch!
  7. Well since the Luftwaffe put up such a poor show I’d say the privies probably had the edge, not sure how may brown bombers there were though ... perhaps M.Falaise could enlighten us with his local knowledge.
  8. As I understand it the downloadee would need to have the same flavour object mod installed, then it should work, otherwise that cool-looking, downed ME109 might end up being an outside privy
  9. Great work fellas! Now tell me does anyone know the way to Odessa ...?
  10. Thank you sir. I’ve had that page open in a tab for a few days, just haven’t downloaded it yet, will get to it now I know it’s the right one ...
  11. +1 I been searching my stash for this, think @Aragorn2002 is our fellow for this ...
  12. Argh ... more new stuff to learn, I think my brain is gonna melt ... Thanks, I’ll add it to the list of stuff to check when I get time. Definitely adds a cool dimension to the game.
  13. Those are very cool pics What flavour object does the ME wreck replace? I guess we could use mod tags for the months, shame the game can’t do it automagically for us, would make life much easier... though it would mean a lot more textures to create, as there are in CMFI.
  14. I can hear the bullets pinging around and zipping by from here ...!
  15. Reckon I missed that one, will have to find it, must be here somewhere ...
  16. Something for the weekend, Sir? Sorry, couldn’t resist ...
  17. Great work @Falaise You’ve been busy! I really like the drier look of this, high summer, less viridian, emerald, grass and sap, more olive, drab and ochre. Le Lin looks fabulous. We like. Especially like your GI through the breach in the bocage. Bravo! Are you going to release this one?
  18. Off to search through my mod collection for this one, good call Aragorn.
  19. Perhaps a bit more Bond DB5 though it does PaK more of a punch sorry folks couldn’t resist!
  20. New title comes to mind ... CMSH ... Combat Mission: Summer Holiday Oh no now I’ve got that blo*dy Cliff Richards song stuck in my head, damnit!
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