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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. I don't think there is one. I just went through a gazillion FI mods, bit of housekeeping, and none came to light.
  2. LOL My wife got it for me, knowing how much I like to play my 'tank' game (CM). Trouble is we can't play it 'cos she's a very bad loser. So at the moment it's still got quite a bit of cellophane on it. Maybe post Lockdown ...
  3. Like Mr Murray said ... mass hysteria. As for me, I got enough analogue stuff to keep me busy for a lifetime or two, so long as they keep the coffee and single malt flowing ... and I can power up a game of CM or two!
  4. Hah, I did a college dissertation on those guys, where would Pink Floyd be without them!
  5. I put it down to nostalgia, and the pleasure of taking some time to enjoy something. I used to love studying the album art; now you're lucky if you get a pdf with your download, heck even downloads are old school, everything's streamed now, nothing tangible left to contemplate when listening ...
  6. Okay, I understand your vested interest, but the kids? All that rewinding, and hours stuck with a pencil trying to untangle a chewed-up tape. Seriously, I do get the nostalgia thing, still have a most of my vinyl, which is more than can be said for my hair!
  7. Apparently there's a renaissance in cassette tapes at the moment ... why? Not what you want, but I open the pdf on an iPad next to my game rig if I need a manual moment, would work just as well on A N Other cheaper (Fire) tablet type thingy. As someone who's worked in publishing for many years, printing a proper short-run book would be expensive for something that may only sell a few hundred copies at best. However, not wishing to pour water on this particular fire, I love books ... well maybe that's a bit strong, but I do like them - you could consider PrInt-on-demand. If you can get a few like-minded individuals together AND get permission from BF to print their manuals you might get them for a decent price. Plenty of companies out there offer the service, a quick shake of the Google tree will provide much fruit.
  8. HEY! Mind my boots, they're new for f*** sake! Looks like the Amis are going to need some mortars too get that MG ...
  9. Yes, was bombed out (courtesy of the RAF) and gutted in 1945 then demolished after the war, as was so much of Nazi-associated Berlin. The site was also right next to the course of Berlin Wall which ran right down Niederkirchnerstraße (formerly Prinz-Albrecht-Straße, renamed by the East Germans). The site was just in the western zone but wasn't redeveloped for years being in the fortified area. It was excavated some time in the late 80's, I believe, when the cellars of the original building were found. Then a temporary exhibition space was made before the current Topographie des Terrors museum was built. I visited the site in about 1990, before the permanent museum, and again a few years ago, absolutely fantastic, and most chilling museum. There is also a lengthy stretch of the wall which is preserved along the edge of the site.
  10. Very cool, good job sir! Place was flattened - there is now a really interesting museum on its site. Nice wrecked 251's btw. Shame we can't do something about the smooth rubble piles, would be great if they could be made more jagged with a few beams and broken window frames and the like sticking out. I suspect that's a 3D modelling job though.
  11. I'm having some trouble with my back end system n'all after spending the day in the garden We all seem to have been promoted to five star generals now ... ... either that or they've given us nice garlands so we can look pretty ... ... and yes where are the cups I need something to put my boiled eggs in, otherwise no dippy soldiers for me ...
  12. Great work Mr Pye. Video reminded me a bit of Germania Can the buildings be used, as in do all the doors and windows function? Or is this more a cosmetic mod?
  13. Hey, you leave us Graphic Designers out of it! what I did discover is a cup award instead of a heart, I gave the Buzzcocks a cup, 'cos why not? and they made 'Ever fallen in love'. I also gave you a cup for bringing this to our attention.
  14. He did, and I believe he made some new mods fairly recently. He @Kieme(ITA) probably has these kicking around somewhere as well - let's see. I don't think it's possible to fix the files on CMMODS III anymore. This'll do for a stopgap, I got plenty of space in one place or another to host them for now .
  15. Maybe there's something we could all do - I'm more than happy to check out some mods - practically doing it all the time anyway. Perhaps it's worth having a chat with Bootie and seeing if you can gather together a team - as you say a few at a time is not a real hardship considering all the work that goes into making the mods and the hosting of them, community effort and all that stuff.
  16. Greatly received and appreciated. Hats of to you Sir! Anyone looking for Tanks a Lot's CMRT Big Barn 1 - the archive file on CMMODs III is broke - you can download it here until poor old Bootie has it hosted. Thanks be to Erwin.
  17. My bold! Young fella came through for us and delivered Kieme_s_Modular_Buildings_Add_On_Pack to my DropBox. I've moved it over to GoogleDrive, which is a bit more resilient in case there's a rush for it You can grab it here All praise to his most highest Mod Almighty Ewrin, Grand Keeper of the Modlapedia.
  18. They did fix a few shadow issues I believe, but there do seem to be quite a few outstanding. Let's hope they catch them in the next patch ...
  19. Hah! Let's see - I'm gonna set up a folder for Erwin to drop a few files into then I can share those for now until Bootie gets to them - poor fella does it all on his own.
  20. Hi Erwin, Bootie hasn't uploaded these yet, he's got masses to do, so wonder if you can stick them in a DropBox folder or somesuch - the ones still on CMMODs III are broke as @bweiß noted back a while. Do you also happen to have Tanks a Lot's CMRT Big Barn 1 - same problem, the file on CMMODs III is corrupted. Once I've grabbed them I'm happy to host them until Bootie gets to them. When you have a minute it would be greatly appreciated! We need to come up with a title for you - the mod oracle, moddoracle, moddapedia, modiack ...
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