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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. Thanks JM, very clear I appreciate the time you have taken to explain this. I guess it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth - something for CM3 perhaps. Does this also mean we can’t have Viking helmets? ...
  2. Nice! That place doesn’t look like it’s changed much in the 120 or so years since they made those maps, bet a person could find their way around now using them.
  3. What you’re seeing is correct behaviour, the alias Game Files links through to, and shows, the original target folder, if you select the alias in the next level to the right it will show the target folder again ad infinitum I guess . The alias is behaving correctly. So the question is why is the nested alias there at all? I could understand it when the alias linked to files normally hidden inside the app itself, but why is the alias recreated inside the folder it points to - that don’t make no sense, unless there’s something going on inside the mechanics of the game that needs it, in which case it should be made invisible. And as you say, it don’t look fixed.
  4. Oooh Err Missus - you leave my doodads out of it sorry had to be said! Now get on with playing with your Fire & Lego ...
  5. Have you seen https://www.archiuk.com/ Bit of a clunky interface but has a nice selection of old maps that overlay on modern maps - specially made for map heads! Lake Windermere
  6. Yes there are some fantastic OS maps available now, they range in resolution/scale as well as year and are absolute goldmines of info. I believe that France has something similar for land registry, would need to check.
  7. Yes, was hoping they’d make it into F&R. Would especially like to see the RSO mit PaK 75mm ... and perhaps the Maultier mit Nebelwerfer Although the minimum range of these puppies might be an issue on map ...
  8. Fantastic maps, do love to wonder round a nice map. Now if only this had a facility to role back the clock to see the lay of the land in ‘44 or ‘45 ... just had a look at the Lake Balaton area in Hungary, fantastic detail, even showing the garden boundaries between all the houses. Great find.
  9. Yes I see what you are getting at JM, useful for visualisation. What I’m also wondering is if we can make the camouflage part of the 3D model in Blender perhaps. You were working on the helmets for the Hungarians, but how much can you change the shape of the surface, could it be altered to include foliage shapes? Just a thought I don’t want to distract you from your projects. Maybe when I have some time I will try a few more Blender experiments. I know that Aquila-SmartWargames managed to get some 3D camouflage on some tanks and halftracks, but may not be possible on a small model such as a helmet ...
  10. Just had a look at the game folders for BN, FI and FB on my Mac - don't have RT. Not seeing this under Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6 with all latest game engines. Only see the alias PhilM mentions pointing to the original folder when it's embedded inside the app file on FI and BN - I think this was the older way of doing it, newer games just have the Game Files folder in the installed game folder in the main Applications folder. There's another alias inside the Game Files folder which points back to itself, or rather the original, a bit pointless but harmless and not the deep replication that you're describing Glenn. Looks like it could be a Big Sur issue?
  11. Thanks JM. I think Vein’s uniform mod came with a variety of different helmet sets to choose from, but if I recall correctly I just renamed some form the sets and mixed them in together to give even more variety. The textures are very well made flat .bmps that look convincingly 3D. I do wonder if there’s a way to make them a bit more 3D to break up the turtle shell outline ... as was partly the original intention of the camo.
  12. Nice! And that reminds me, I was going to take a looksee at Vein's British and Commonwealth helmets and uniforms as recommended by @Aragorn2002. They are indeed splendid ... waiting in the long grass ...
  13. You’re welcome But who is this other @Lucky Strike - we have not been formerly introduced, or perhaps a version of me from an alternative reality... If you are using the mod on an older laptop I would recommend using the low res versions, you’ll barely notice any difference most of the time unless you zoom in on stuff, but the overhead on your GPU is significantly less. It’s worth experimenting with various combos of resolution and settings to find a sweet spot. I personally don’t tend to use the highest resolution for most of the mod, that’s kinda reserved for development as far as I’m concerned, it’s easier to start with the high res when making the mod, then reduce the resolution for gameplay.
  14. Quite! I just hand over the remote and make my excuses ... then head to the man cave, so long as she has the remote she won’t miss me!
  15. He’s clinging on to that tap (faucet) for dear life, poor beggar. Heeelllppp meee! You can get some relief either in this thread - you might need to try a couple of different links, not sure how well they have persisted. Do read the instructions as there are quite a few variations to experiment with. Or easier still try Booties CM Mod Warehouse IV here Whilst you’re at the CM Mod Warehouse there is plenty of other stuff to check out. If you get stuck give me a shout I usually drop in once a day ... Enjoy!
  16. Hah, I’m suffering form a lockdown time shift, days have all just melted into each other, not good ... but then again, more CM is no bad thing! Just blame the or
  17. Yes, I can see how the UI would be the biggest problem, I have enough trouble reading subtitles on my TV as it is , don’t need to put any more strain on the old peepers. The advantage of using AstroPad would be that it mirrors what’s on the screen OR it can mirror just a section of the screen so, in theory, one could have the UI at a sensible size on the iPad and use that to control the game, but TBH I doubt the good wife would be impressed with my using the TV for this purpose ... I get enough grief as it is!
  18. Yeah, I think the game would struggle on a 50inch screen ... the interface doesn’t scale very well. On my iMac, which is indeed calibrated, I have to fudge the resolution to get it looking nice and sharp, but the actual UI elements are a bit too small to use. I actually have a PC which I run through to my iMac to play the games on, prefer how the nVidia GPU renders the game, plus I like to use some ReShade goodness. The colour shift might have been ‘cos I was trying this out a bit, huh hum, late at night, the iPad was probably doing that less blue will make you sleepy thing - doesn’t work by the way ... You’ll have to ask the wife, I’m sure she’ll have something to say about the sound of explosions coming from the loo ...
  19. Okay, so, now that you have no soul, what you need to do is open your imgur account page, add some images, it should then look something like this with lots of nice thumbnails (minus strange old ladies, that comes later): ... click on a picture in your account view, you should see a pop up with the image and some links to the right, something like this: ... now click on the blue “Copy” button next to the “Direct Link” link, notice it starts with https and must end in .jpg or .png, and possibly .gif and .mp4, though not 100% sure what imgur does to videos and gifs. This example is the Bazzer Bocage btw ... a non existent mod, unless someone really wants it? Anyone? The blue “Copy” button copies the link to your clipboard. Now come back to your intended post and paste in the link. You should see it momentarily in your post, then it will magically morph into a grown up picture, voila: Notice, in the pic above, at the bottom of the reply edit window there’s a little message that’s popped up “Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead”. If you click the Display as a link instead option it will do just that, image disappears and you get a link in your post instead. Not sure why you would do this, maybe to hide some embarrassing holiday snaps ... or maybe your pic has spoilers or kittens or something ... You can then post as many pics as you want without the need to empty your attachments every few days. And your images will hopefully persist until the end of time ... I have no idea what imgur is doing with my images, they’re welcome to them, I only use it for posting on here so if it disappears nothing serious is going to be lost. And, as I mentioned somewhere earlier, the board does a kinda backup thing where I think stuff gets baked-in to posts and archived. So as long as your images are in place when that happens I think they then persist if you decide to remove them or imgur suddenly realises there’s no money to be made from hosting millions of images for free. I really don’t get their business model, they don’t even bother to spam me, probably something in the small print about once you use their service they own your house ... Enjoy! Yes, that’s another way to do it ...
  20. So I fired up AstroPad last night and set it to full screen on the Mac so that it displays the full screen on the iPad - in normal mode it just displays a section of the Mac’s screen which can be zoomed, good for Photoshop work etc. I was surprised how fluid it was even over wifi. No serious lag, very easy to zip around the battlefield, but would need some modifier keys assigned to get it working sensibly, out of the box it can’t really control much. Worked fine with either touch or the Apple Pencil. Noticeable colour shift, not horrible just different, I guess that on the iPad it’s probably displaying at a lower bit rate to keep things moving smoothly. I suspect this can be set somewhere. Overall it works without issue, just don’t know how it would be useful - I guess one could attach a very large display/TV to the Mac and then use the iPad as a sort of game controller. I’ll need to have another play with it to see how practical it might be. Ooh another idea, since it’s wifi and the iPad displays exactly what the Mac does, toilet CM ... CMWC - gotta be better than perusing someone else’s WC reading matter that got left behind, oooh yeah just gonna drop a dirty bomb or two on those infidels!
  21. I had some spare today so sending them backatcha ... and some of what my Nan always said I should eat
  22. I too suffer from this, using Chrome on an iPad ... I have to download the image to see it, lots of little baby umlauts scattered all over my downloads. It might be the type of link pasted, I think it has to start with https to display in certain browsers, but don’t quote me on that.
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