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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. LOL you’re funny. Panzer Lehr wants to buy an iMac. You started by bleating on about how bad they were - your opinion, not supported by anything you know personally (you don’t buy Apple). Then you started on about cooling - of course they have cooling, damn things would catch on fire without it. Oh, and then there was this choice quote: 16gb of ram is the minimum you should consider as win10 now likes to use 4+gb alone I T ‘ S A M A C Yawn, you may well be expert in using home-built PCs with Windows, but this was a question specifically about is this iMac going to be good enough to play CM games on? not are PCs better than Mac or vice versa. I’m sorry that you took offence, but seriously, you absolutely missed the point of the original question.
  2. Heh heh, more like Cahermore by Loughane Beg down in Cork, right down in the peninsula ... wellies recommended
  3. +1 to this, ignore Artkin he hasn’t even read you question properly. I run a very similar rig and use it to design and test all my mods. You’ll have no problems. I do actually play on a PC which has a lighter spec than my iMac, but it has an nVidia GPU which I prefer over Radeon.
  4. T’be sure Daniel Cumba, I tink yow left yer feckin brain back in Breara, when de Captain said to take cuvver in de ditch, he meant get owt of de feckin wagon ferst, ya feckin eejit!
  5. Careful, you might summon the ghost of Sgt Howerd, s’what happens if you say it three times in row.
  6. Though it seems somehow improved, larger ... can’t quite put my finger on it
  7. Enjoy, as for me I’m having a nice home-cooked chip supper! No groats necessary, though some ale might be involved!
  8. Yes, have had enough of arguing this particular toss, all I know is that I'm going to be paying more for a game where I didn't before (and have already paid more for many other things, and will no doubt for many more), and it started with us leaving the EU. Call it what you want, VAT, tariffs, tax, admin fees, Tory biscuit money, but coincidence it is not.
  9. For sure, and as we’ve seen with this government, and doubtless will with future governments of any persuasion, they are willing to break their own promises and destroy their own supporters and members to cling to power and achieve their private agendas.
  10. Did you try to completely reinstall the game from scratch, I don’t use Steam so forgive me if it doesn’t have a downloadable installer as such. Last time I saw weird graphics on pixeltruppen was when I reinstalled over an existing install. Can you delete everything and start from scratch?
  11. Partly Erwin, but don’t forget all the xenophobia that was at the core of a lot of votes to leave ...
  12. You may say that I’m wrong to link these two occurrences to us leaving the EU, and for sure you can probably prove it. I know that previously we were charged VAT, and import duty as appropriate to value, on goods purchased from abroad, including on digital purchases - software and such. But the reality for most people who have purchased stuff from outside of GB, who want to carry on doing so, is that there are now extra costs involved, whether it be the addition of VAT (plus admin fees in many cases) to the purchase of a CD or coat or game, or delays whilst RM or DPD, or whoever, wait for the payments to be made. As someone who has regularly, over the years bought and sold collectables over the internet, with partners in many countries, I know personally that the extra costs, and delays, of buying and selling where border tariffs, of whatever kind, are involved can impact heavily on that trade. I gave up selling to the US many years ago and have to think very seriously about buying from there, even more so now. And unfortunately I don’t think I can competitively sell into Europe anymore. And trust me the UK market is ... how can I say this, p*ss poor. And no, I’m not assuming that the changes made was necessitated by Brexit, I’m saying that our Government chose to use that point to tell everyone to ante-up. If we hadn’t taken this route then I very much doubt we would be having this conversation. I also doubt that the price of the game we play would have increased. Are the changes linked to Brexit, nah it’s just housekeeping. But hey-ho ain’t it grand.
  13. Okkkaayyyy .... obviously not quick enough to fathom that one, do you by chance play along to Only Connect. No one is saying that VAT relief on gifts is applicable, I was simply quoting and hopefully clarifying the points at which VAT is applicable. Again, nobody is saying that LVRC is applicable to buying CMWE, I was just drawing attention to the fact that it no longer applies to anything, as of 1 Jan, make of that what you will, I am pretty certain that I know why it’s stopped. As to whether VAT was included or not in the game price BEFORE 1 Jan and is added on top of the price now, well let me see, before it was $60, now it’s $72, either BF didn’t have to charge VAT, didn’t want to charge it, didn’t care to charge it, or it was included in the price, and now they are going to charge it. What’s changed since 1 Jan ... let me see ... ooh can’t mention that might cause an upset.
  14. Well yes, VAT was included in the price to the consumer. As a normal consumer of something like a game one doesn’t see the VAT, the price is just the price. So when purchasing the game previously from BF the VAT was not seen. Now it’s there on top of the price. So whereas previously we may have purchased the game inclusive of VAT now we purchase the game with VAT added. Whether this was correct previously or not is irrelevant, we are now expected to pay the added VAT which is a causal effect of Brexit. BF could choose to swallow the VAT to keep the elective price the same for GB buyers, but why should they? I postulated that the reason we didn’t previously pay added VAT was because BF previously used a distributor in the EU or had a registered office in the EU. However one wants to look at this we (GB customers, can’t speak for NI) are now having to pay an extra 20% for the game. Might be insignificant to some, but not to me. Hmm, perhaps the wording in the article is a bit confused, but no, declaring something with a value of over £39 as a gift, regardless of who it’s for, is not tax fraud, one can receive gifts of any value. Not declaring the true value and not paying tax that is due is tax fraud, or probably tax evasion, not sure which. I think the article is saying that anything imported with a value under £39 that is a gift will not attract VAT or import duties, anything over this value up to £135 will attract VAT, then anything over £135 will attract VAT and import duty. This was the case pre-Brexit for stuff imported from outside the EU. Also we benefitted from Low value consignment relief until 1 Jan 2021, but this is now not the case. From UK Gov: Low value consignment relief (LVCR), which is an import VAT exemption for goods valued at £15 or less, has been removed in: Great Britain for goods imported from outside the UK Northern Ireland for goods ordered remotely that are imported from outside the UK and EU Direct link to UK Gov site about this is here So watch out if you buy a £14.99 CD from France or a Hello Kitty t-shirt from HK for £9.99 - you’ll now get slapped with a bill for VAT (plus a nice admin fee of course). Thinks out loud to self ... gotta love Brexit and stop complaining, mustn’t rub any more Brexiteer noses in it. 1. I think this is somewhat fanciful. I somehow doubt that a small company like BF would be willing to swallow a 20% hit, even for a relatively small number of customers, and are they still doing it for our EU friends? This is a decision which has been instructed by the UK government. BF are seemingly complying with it, and will therefore be collecting VAT on sales to GB customers, and, presumably, sending that loot to the UK government, along with keeping those VAT receipts/records for six years. 2. A possibility, after all how were the UK, or EU for that matter, going to pursue the collection of VAT by a company based in the US? How would they pursue it now? What’s changed? Why only for GB customers? Only BF could answer that one @BFCElvis maybe comment. Was BF fleecing the UK taxpayer, or were they sucking it up for us? Or is this something to do with them working indirectly for UK Gov, conspiracies, conspiracies...? @fireship4Sorry, can’t figure out how to paste a quote between thread pages so ... fireship4 spake thus: When people are playing computer games all day they aren't working. It's the same with smiling at old ladies. Please explain? I tried Google to understand but only got presented with this: Sweet ain’t she ...
  15. Qué? I think this depends on whether BF had an EU distributor/registered office. I recall in the past when I purchased CMBN in a metal tin that it came from Irish Republic. However no one has commented on it now so who knows. From this article: --------- Under the new rules, anyone in the UK receiving a gift from the EU worth more than £39 may now face a bill for import VAT - with many items charged at 20%. For goods costing more than £135, customs duties may also apply, which can range from 0% to 25% of the product you're buying if they have not been paid by the sender already. The extra charges are usually collected by the courier on behalf of the government, with customers asked to pay before they can pick up their package. --------- Pretty clear what to expect, this is in fact the same as was applied to imports/shopping/gifts from the rest of the world pre-Brexit. Now all that is happening is the same rule is being applied to everything that crosses into UK* *Excepting some stuff that may go on to Northern Ireland and/or Irish Republic Now where's my bucket of sand ...
  16. LOLs Gotta love a bit of random swearing! Reminds me a bit of trying to find swear words in the dictionaries in the school library. The C bomb is still one of the strongest, really makes people sit up and take notice, can stop people right in their tracks. Especially like it when used loudly in the street to draw attention to some idiot. There are some great words on there, though I think some are substitute swear words, clunge being a good example, if I said that in front of my parents they’d have no idea what I was talking about ( quite useful in its own right), even my spellchecker doesn’t know what it is - a lunge for feck sake - and another - for decks sake! Thanks for the best read of the day Sgt! Totally with you on the swear box point system.
  17. Hah, Amazon manage to lose stuff between me and Swindon (less than 30 miles)! It should be easy enough to set up an address test for NI, but I can’t fake an IP, my VPN doesn’t have NI as a separate physical location ... though I think BF only goes by ones postal address. Anyway it was just a thought. I guess I’ll be buying through Steam in the future.
  18. Is this because Steam has a UK based distributor or office or some such? If they’re UK based they should be able to sell stuff without adding VAT. It seems like everyone else in the whole rest of the world has to register with HMRC and add VAT when selling to our sovereign land, lucky us ... Here’s a thought though - if I was, theoretically speaking of course, to have an NI address and purchased CMWE (Combat Mission WhatEver) would I have to pay VAT?
  19. Don’t forget the Cloving and Rashun books - take a close look at the covers ... I’m pretty certain those aren’t Minstry issue guv.
  20. We do like a dodgy geezer, watch out here come the Peelers (that one’s for Warts)
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