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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Also remember guys the way you can make scenarios in CMx2, there is an option for Blue vs Blue and Red vs Red that can be switched back to normal Blue vs Red which I imagine will carry over to WWII. So that means far more tanks can be switched out if you are feeling frisky. Will work great for the eastern front module for say captured T-34's . This will also work great incase invading forces need fortifications. Kinda neat to think such a little addition can do wonders for such obscure things.
  2. I think this guy needs a hug. He does have some points though. I am trying to do the wifes taxes and its hard as I dont have her return from 2007 since I filed it online, but they want a pin number and her AGI that I do not have and will have to send for....
  3. I know I love your manager Seabee, and when WWII comes and there are 20x the mods, it will be loved by everyone.
  4. Thats just about the dumbest comment ever on this forum....
  5. It's honestly pretty hard to test the campaigns that are made before the new patches come out. So a campaign that was made in say 1.08 may be shot in 1.10+. Just not enough time in the day to play it to make sure its going as planned. The changes to TO&E may be a big culprit. Steve changes it as much for the Brits as I change clothes. He is the definition of TO&E Changer Grog.
  6. Well any review that gives this game a good score is a good review. If he had said 6 I would have lobbed a grenade at him. Seabee is right tho, every patch/module makes this game much better. Too bad we will have to wait till WWII for the modders to really go into overdrive. Lots of good stuff but not as much as any of the previous titles BFC did. But I am glad that this game has converted many people who werent happy at the release. Hopefully this score and the dozens of others will bring a few more into the fold.
  7. I will agree that his score is pretty good, I think this game is an 8-9. Not sure if Marines isnt essential. There equipment isnt as good in most respects as the US Army so it gives you a necessity to play different at times. Plus any invasion and you can bet the Marines are going to be in the mix anyway. The Brits when they come out will give even more play style possibilities. The Brits are actually now my favorite to play also (Except for Bradleys ). But I am super jealous of his rig. The graphic details are stunning in his screen shots. I really need to talk wife to be into a super computer). It did take him 6 months to rate it after release tho.
  8. I like how he prayed to God or Allah. Makes me think he is trustworthy!
  9. I thought Minnesota already was part of Canada.
  10. 1. Yes, but sometimes they dont work by design. 3. Well when you make a call on your mobile, I dont think it takes 5-10 seconds for the relay these days. 1-2 seconds is more likely.
  11. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1005&Itemid=257 That should tell you.
  12. This is a very interesting topic. I will not sully it by stating what I think and know, but keep it up guys, very few topics here keep my interest for more than a page.
  13. I wont be buying this even though it does look awfully good. That DRM is just like being harassed by the government. I mean a demo is supposed to make its case to buy the game, not turn you off to it. And wow I still cant believe these guys go after anyone with even a marginal gripe, and they dont even have their own forum, whats up with that?
  14. Ummm, hate to tell ya, but the British module isnt complete. While it's safe to say yes it's being worked on as we speak, with BFC, complete means its went through the cycle so it's as close to as good as can be. Yes, there will still be issues after release as we arent a huge tester group, but I know this game gets atleast 8 hours a day from me, not to mention the rest of the people that may play it far more than that (MikeyD must have 100 hours in his day). I dont spot the same things as some of the other testers, and they wont spot all the stuff some of you will. Only two differences between the testers and the customers is that we get to see it first, and we get to be way more frustrated for far longer than you. This is why your suggestions are not dismissed as with other companies and get lengthy responses from Steve as to why it can or cannot be done. And NATO is just a blip on the radar at this point hehe.
  15. No, that is simply telling you how common you would see them in real life.
  16. You know there are women that look very good in Northern California too. But as I also lived in SoCal I will admit its better south hehe. And, yes it is true, women like MMO's more than anyother game type. But Perfect World does also have fashions you can purchase (as most MMO's do now) and I have seen guys fight over that crap too.
  17. You guys must live under rocks, or dont play anything else. I play another game called Perfect World. Has maybe 20-35% of the female gender playing. A few of the top players are actually female. I would guess that most of the women who play started to play with their boyfriends or husbands. I even tried to get mine involved too. She actually does like it and did pretty good when she started. But that was true when I taught her the basics of CMBO too. She did however do well in a tournament for Down in Flames and won her first match after only playing the game a few times previous. She even had the distinction of losing to the eventual champion. I was so proud!!! She wasnt very gracious in defeat tho hehe as she slammed the mouse down and vowed to never play again. That vow was kept unfortunately. Would be nice for BFC to tap a more female market though. Maybe some of you modders can make the Tiger into a "Kitty" and rename the Chaffee to "Chanel". That would get my woman to look twice.
  18. If you guys ALL send me $100, I will be sure to bribe Steve into pushing the module out at a faster clip. The first 1000 people will also get a signed picture of my dog (a $1 value) and a donation in your name to the Sixxkiller Ferrari Fund.
  19. Well I run CMSF just fine on my Dell cheapy $700 laptop with a video card not meant for gaming. You can uninstall any pre-packaged option w/o reformatting pretty easy. Vista doesnt suck if you know what you are doing. I do wish I had Lethaface's rig tho But I would love a Quad-core to play a few games (CoD4 the most) that actually support it.
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