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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. The biggest problem would be that depending on the stage of development, things change too rapidly. Sometimes we dont even have a chance to get a few games going before there is another version up. And a common misconception is that they dont like the nit-picking and suggestions. I know quite a few suggestions that are in because of you yahoo's out here. Just because they are staff or we are beta testers doesnt mean we corner the market for ideas/suggestions/complaints. Just the packaging you guys put it in that draws live fire occasionally. . I mean they didnt wake up yesterday and discover that wargamers such as yourselves are a bit grog(gy) before/during/after your morning coffee.
  2. Sgt Joch's recommendation (History of US Naval Operations in World War II) is a great one. I only got to read 13 or 14 volumes of the 15 in the Pepperdine library and I couldnt wait for the library to open each day so i could read some more of it. I didnt have the wife who was a student check them out cause I would be too tempted to "lose" it. S.E. Morrison was also the official Naval Historian and not a bad writer. Great OOB's and he even covers the smaller battles. I really liked the Liberation of the Philippines.
  3. Well I cant tell you what BFC will put into the WWII titles beyond the basics as Steve and Charles and company dont give up information unless being water-boarded. But my best guess will be that eventually with the module format you will be seeing most of what we saw in CMx1. With the way this all works I think the biggest time constraint will be just making the Campaign and scenarios included with each module. You have to have the TOE set first before you can formally put the units in the game. The great thing about WWII will be that BFC is kind of an expert on such matters after 10 years so that wont hold them back as much as modules do for modern forces.
  4. Steve has stated a few times that they would like to put everything in the game, but it wouldnt be practical for them, especially in 1 shot. Whats in NATO for the module no one knows yet, but I can imagine since NATO uses so many different types of vehicles that we will never get them all. Personally I would love to see NATO vs the French Foreign Legion. Could be quite interesting seeing how that could play out. Set in Djibouti no less .
  5. Well I usually have these moments when playing any scenario by &^%$ing Mikey "I put %^&%ing Rockets in every scenario to piss off and decimate only my troops in an ungodly manner" ^%$%ing D. One day I am going to live through one of these barrages and come stick one of these ^%$%ing rockets right up his pie hole so he will stop doing this to me. Thank god I was way better at this in the real world and that the bad guys didnt have this designer planning strikes. PS I like Mikey, but that doesnt mean I dont want to insert rocket to said pie hole if he keeps doing this to me!
  6. I would venture a guess that its more for the QB's that there is a limit than scenarios. Resupply comes directly to mind as a huge reason why I can see time limits. But ya sometimes even when overtime triggers and you get an extra time bonus (depending on how you look at it being a bonus) its not long enough in some of my most memorable battles. Would have liked to have a few more rounds.
  7. Oh you will notice big differences in what the Marines bring to the table. I cant believe I am going to say this, but in the game I would rather have Marine or British infantry than the Army counterparts to be honest. As a fighting force in game the pile on fire-power that a few Marine squads can bring to a fight can be withering to your troops when facing them. Also as stated above, USMC carriers can bring a lot of men to a key point in a hurry. As far as AFV's go, i will take a Bradley over a LAV any day of the week, but the M1A1SEP holds its own. Brits as you will find out have lots of challenges overcoming the AFV advantage of the USA and USMC and that's part of the fun. The Jav's carried by the UK forces do have a distinct even-ing effect on this advantage though. They also get that accent.
  8. I dont think there are any plans to get rid of time limits.
  9. Send a ticket and you and Moon can figure it out.
  10. And now its been dropped from further development.
  11. Now you are going to bring out the mousepad grogs. Nice work!
  12. I think that TOW2 has plenty of customers and isnt dependent on BFC not releasing a WWII game. I think there is room for 2 war games still And them not saying anything is most likely because there isnt enough to talk about as we are working on first things first. Also Steve may just not be saying anything so you guys will torture yourselves with speculation like you always do. (and drag me into it too)
  13. We just bought one yesterday for the wifey. Its very very cool. I wont try to install CMSF as her teeth will be part of my a$$ if I do, but I was shocked how nice it is. We bought the HP1030 mini. I did install a different game and it worked pretty nice. At $378 after taxes for a 10.1 was a nice deal IMHO. Oh ya and its a very cheap alternative for her staying away from my laptop! She adores it.
  14. This is the main reason I got out of regular units. I mean if I had wanted to be stuck with gang bangers, racists, future serial killers, people who cant spell cat...etc, I would have just moved to Los Angeles and worked at Taco Bell. But ya, at 39 (I am 39 btw) going 11B probably isnt a good choice. Not just the physical part but also "a lot" of the men our age can't relate to the kids of today. And seeing how you are of such low rank with them, you can't use the good ole I outrank you mentality to keep some sense of order, not that a lot of them care anymore. Hell most of them are there to get that whoppingly huge paycheck!!! But back in 88 when I went in it wasnt any different though, just then I was on the side of the fence. Welcome home Mord.
  15. On map mortars were actually in the game in the original beta. They didnt work as intrended but I think IIRC they will be a must in the WWII game. Not sure if it is on the list for CMSF at this point but I am pretty sure at some point they would like it to be. They were pretty cool btw.
  16. Now that we have conned you into getting CMSF, I'd like to introduce you to a friend in Africa. He is having some banking problems and needs your help....
  17. I am quite biased and very much a fanboi of CMSF, so you know what I will say already. And yes the game seems complicated right now for you. This game is doing more under the hood than any game out there. As far as you losing, I for one still lose occasionally. Events in the game sometimes dont go the way you want them to go. But who wants a game they never lose at (except maybe poker ).. Besides, there are a lot of references on site and on the net to help you get better. And in 5-10 years when you still are playing it, the small investment you make today will be very worth it.
  18. I will whole-heartedly 5 million percent agree with you on this. I can't alt-tab w/o a crash of my video driver. Plus its just so much easier IMHO. I believe its a feature request yes.
  19. Thats BS. Judge or not, no one should go to jail for 3 years for lying. Our society is getting too f n ape **** over making laws that dont help the greater good of humanity. I could understand more if this was a felony case where someone got off because of his lies, but this is traffic crap and he isnt endangering anyones life in the process... Just like the AIG bonus fiasco. Why do you bail out any company that is so screwed up they require 170B in help to stay in business!?! If Girls Gone Wild needed 100k, you think the government is gonna spend any money on keeping them afloat? F**k no. And then to bitch about how they are spending it after giving it to them is just insane. Not only should they have known by ya know, reading the employee contracts in the first place and stipulated that none of the monies given can be used for anything but normal pay and operations costs. I mean how hard is that? But to try to impose an unfair tax of more than double the standard bonus rate tax because the company is a wreck and your opinion is that these people receiving these huge bonuses (under a non-performance clause CONTRACT mind you) dont deserve them... Well ofcourse they dont, but to in a manner of speaking, force these people to give up money by almost textbook extortion or else doesnt worry any of you? And whens the last time a congressman voted down themselves a pay raise??? Whats our national debt now? These people giving back any of their money for running us into record debt? And the easiest way to not pay the bonuses in the first place would have been to just not give them anything. Cant pay a bonus if you are deservedly OUT OF BUSINESS. Now lets put a guy into prison for lying about a $77 ticket when he is just doing what lawyers, politicians, priests, cops, athletes, cable installers, and everyone else thats ever lived has done before, but not put our so called leaders away for financial ineptness .... And odd they didnt have money for years to up armor vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan causing many needlessly lost lives because of it. Maybe they should pass themselves a law to prosecute themselves for manslaughter......
  20. So cows are now "officially" more realistic than Space Lobsters. Now the Bovine grogs must fight over what kind we need to include.
  21. I like this. 3, 5 and 6 are all pretty good. On track 3 the rapper guy (Juice Lee) is very good. Thx DT.
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