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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. You obviously have never fired the M4 if you think an American wouldnt pick up a L85 and take it home with him.
  2. Werent some folks kinda pissed there were no hexes in CMx1? I believe CM wasnt a wargame cause of the lack of these things.
  3. I would guess its because the collision code cant be worked around as easily as it is to say that. I would venture a guess that if that was to work it would break something else, like all vehicles going through walls. I guess Stevie G can answer it better than me and tell me I am wrong.
  4. I know there are probably 10's of Afghani's waiting for CM:A.
  5. The Paradox patch issue isnt the fault of BFC. Knock down Paradox's door and tell them to get cracking. The Marines and Brits are both worth the paultry sum you are paying. No need for a marketing strategy, you can take my word for it. But if you want one here goes.... "We know here at Battlefront that if you wanted to own a new Russian T-90 tank it would cost you over $3 million dollars. We charge $2,999,975 less so your wife can go shopping and let you play."
  6. Anyone else used to kick pinecones? I know my dog sure loves to play fetch with them
  7. Well I think you are crazy! j/k Well i know for one that the more under-trained you are the bigger chance you have for firing longer uncontrolled bursts. That just doesnt happen with squad guns either. I have yet to see a Syrian or Uncon force empty the clip but in real life I have seen and heard this done quite a bit.
  8. Dont see this happening. BFC is a wee bit busy with what they do best. Not sure if that will always be the case but looks like someone else will get the luxury of making it for you.
  9. Well if it makes you happy, even the Beta Brigade would like some bones with meat on them too.
  10. Red Dawn was a perfectly good movie for its time. Comparing it to what most people consider classics is like comparing CM to Doom. All a matter of perspective.
  11. Well we do have infantry jumping walls so I dont see a decent animation as a big problem. We shall see.
  12. Well anyone who wants to do well with the Brits will use it I dont actually consider it gamey, but when you actually hit the correct spot it tends to work better than in the real world Too bad none of the pixel trupen actually gag, weeze, or cough hehe.
  13. Man I still love Red Dawn. So what if its utter fantasy... PS All the 80's action war flicks were all kinda goofy compared to standards now. Biggest laugh I ever got from a war movie was this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0218542/
  14. LT Mike is right on the money. Sometimes westerners just cant find logic in situations the Afghanis find normal. You will also notice that the Marines are far more emotional than any Afghani you saw in that video. VERY HARD to read them I tell ya. ERISS, your last sentence is just completely general, misinformed, and just out and out hooey.
  15. Ya you used to be able to hit harder than Barry Bonds (Pre and post roid) with that thing, unrolled!
  16. There was a thread here where a guy went to Russia, complete with pics and stuff. Since we now know you are going, we expect a full mock up complete with pictures and samples (in the gallons) of vodka for all board members. Have a great trip!
  17. Maybe instead of saying a 1 man show is slowing it down you guys will realize that there is far more than 1 person working on CMSF. Ever think maybe its not Charles slowing down the process but maybe "us" beta testers/scenario designers? Little more involved and the work while sometimes fun isnt always fun.
  18. Wow, Patriot was just so broken haha. The Gulf War in 36 seconds, and you didnt understand any of it haha.
  19. I dont mean the traffic, just wargamers kinda tend to have lives compared with other gaming genres. Just having a hard time thinking so many will be on at same time.
  20. Does it mean thousands of players online at the same time? While its a pretty game, is it just me or is that a bit optimistic? I think i will have a look-see tho. Looks interesting.
  21. Damian, You may wanna dial down the tone a bit. BFC doesnt tend to put space fantasy units in the game in the first place. And there are folks on this board that may know a bit about these things if they were to put in the game so relax.
  22. No one has said its officially canceled. Dan isnt a programmer so he is at the mercy of finding one. And sales of DIF werent what they should have been for as great of a designed game as it is, so I wouldnt blame Dan if he took more time.
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