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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. More from the peanut-brained gallery I see.
  2. The biggest problem with the released QB maps was actually two fold. First off, every beta version seemed to add stuff which would break stuff put into the maps, especially the AI planning. Then they would have to be redone multiple times as Charles is much faster programming than we were at making maps. Second, we were not only learning the game and dealing with many more bugs and features that werent implemented till later, but then the announcement of when the game was to be released was imminent. A lot of us were very new at this point. So in a way the QB maps weren't all BFC's fault. Oh ya and remember most of us if not all have jobs and families that take time out of our testing time too. But Combat Mission is more than a game, its a community. So there wasnt much of a worry that it wouldnt get better.
  3. No idea why it is down so much. Maybe it needs a server reboot.
  4. As we are not alone in the universe, you are not alone in this.
  5. I cannot confirm nor deny his involvement in the JFK conspiracy. I will confirm he wasnt on the grassy knoll.
  6. Runes job isnt to be the forum admin. His job is to keep red bull in Charles' cup and Matt away from nuclear power plants. He should get a medal for keeping the world safer.
  7. Time to get Matt out of the strip club again eh? You can also just straight email the powers that be when it is down Jeff.
  8. Look my point is that Battlefront WANTS YOU TO LOVE THIER GAME. They would love to have put out a 100% complete product from the gitgo I am sure. They design these for more than a paycheck, they do this because it is their hobby too guys. The problems of the game have not been what they wanted to happen. I am pretty sure that sleep is something they can use and all this **** people are spewing about how ripped off they feel because BFC put out a game that wasnt what they expected doesnt do diddly to make them fix it. THEY ARE WORKING VERY HARD TO FIX IT ANYWAY!!!!! But what threads like this do is scare off others who dont know BFC's track record on fixing things. I mean you guys act like they have taken your money and arent doing anything to satisfy you. Then you complain about something as silly as overpaying for a game that most likely will be on your hard drive for YEARS to come. Ever thought about sending BFC a few bucks for CMBB or AK providing you with years of fun beyond the initial $45 you paid when it was new? BFC have always supported thier products and I am sure they will as long as they are doing this. So calm down and wait for 1.04......
  9. Why keep it a secret? You say that you know how the business is. Have you ever worked for a games developer? And who says you CAN help? If you could do the stuff Charles does, lets see it. As far as your budget, I dont know BFC's budget but why dont we just say your bank account as a starter. Still 4 years..... tick tock tick tock My major work for the last few years has been the heading the research and development of a massive AI in an industry which I'll keep to myself. I've worked on a few games, usually as an AI dev or consultant, but I don't see what bearing that has on my criticisms of BFC's development policies. Not once have I said I could "do better". I've offered to help, but that's not saying I can do better -- that's offering to help. In addition, if you actually read my posts you'll find that I'm pretty fair and balanced when it comes to BFC. I understand the difficulties they're working under in some part. As for having four years to work on a game... what's my budget? </font>
  10. Phillip, You keep harping on BFC, so what games have you recently been the programmer on? You act as though you can do better, so lets see it. Your 4 years starts today.......
  11. Maybe needs a reset. I will contact the power that be!
  12. Being a tester of numerous games to my credit, I still cant believe the idiotic comments that come from gamers. First off, BFC is like a mom and pop store. They cant compete in lots of ways because they dont have a $2 Million budget for testing, they dont have money to pay testers to quit thier day jobs and play for 18 hours a day. They dont have every video card sent to them by the makers to ensure stability. How they compete is SERVICE, product quality, and by reputation. Now what the idiotic masses cant comprehend is that being a small company, with 1 and I mean 1 programmer, who cant work 30 hours in a day (even though I think he has to go beyond the 24 hour mark quite often) have developed an engine that is leaps beyond CMx1, was rushed out the door because they not only wanted to make a few extra dollars for thier 4.5 years of development and went through a publisher who can actually deliver it to more people, hence giving you guys a better overall experience. Oh and ya they arent supporting thier product right? No patches are coming, they are closing up shop and taking your $45 and going to Tahiti to wear a grass skirt and drink drinks with palm trees and hula girls. I mean you guys act like they did this to **** with you on a personal level. I am sure Moon is sitting on a white sandy beach typing into his Alienware Laptop with a 8800 GTX ATI card, "Memo to Charles: Break the pathfinding algorythms today so we can piss off Bulldog, oh and just to be extra evil, make sure ATI cards are ****ed up too!" Have fun in the sun BFC.
  13. Are you sure there will be no additional units M1A1? I believe there will be modules...........
  14. Ya the original was better. And Huntarr, please contain your OOrahs until the Marines have landed. The correct term for the game is Hooah (and anyother time for that matter).
  15. Well it would be cool in real life if a RPG 7 didnt take out a Stryker or a Bradley. Thank God that the little pixelated soldiers in the game arent real as they can ruin a nice offensive rather easy.
  16. 1.04 is being worked on. I can tell you it isnt finished and 1.05 will be the next version after 1.04
  17. And yet another thread saying the same ole same ole.............
  18. Upon just moving to Denver, I can say IED's would improve the streets!
  19. Steve and Charles are more fans of Mac than PC's. If they can possibly do it on a Mac they will, but it has to be a lot of work for Charles and Mac's have options to run PC stuff now. Dont think the pay-off is worth the work IMO. Rather they work on the modules.
  20. Thanks for the welcome back. And as you may know, since beta I havent been able to match people with the best planes, I am always atleast 2 plane types behind. So if you are using a Me-262 for example, I get to use a 109K. Something screwed my experience points and skill ratings up. I dont complain and if I die.... I die. I however, can claim to be the sexiest pilot still even if I do use inferior airplanes. I should be named Sexykiller.
  21. Water will take quite some time to program. It will not make it in for a long time if ever.
  22. Well the mission he flew was against my pilot the other night. So saying he is cheating is just wrong. You guys need to bury the hatchet, or just fight your top pilots against each other. No rules winner take all. I will fly Sadahara against the winner, ED or not.
  23. The testers literally found hundreds of bugs or things that were wrong that werent even considered bugs. The ATI card issue is a big one and I cant remember one tester out of all of us that used one, but the fact still remains that it sucks for those card users. Sadly BFC cant have every rig configuration or thousands of testers. But just for the sake of arguement, what do you think of buying the testers thier rig for CMx3? I will take the Alienware beast. Thank you in advance. And I know some of you feel like beta testers. Well if BFC hadnt had to rush it, you still wouldnt be happy as you wouldnt even have it for another few weeks.
  24. Or perhaps you should design a game that we will all like and then pop off about inner circles. Or maybe you should apply a patch instead of talking like you know something. Things dont always work out as planned, but things have improved and you would know that if you use your brain instead of your mouth. I mean if you can find control panel and add remove programs you certainly can download and click the executable.........
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