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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Ya the M134 has been in use for 4-5 years. Germans and Brits also use variants of it too.
  2. I could have sworn BFC promised me CM: Normandy with purchase of the Brit module. I cant prove it but you can take my word for it. Maybe its on the other side of the jewel case....
  3. No need to call people forum police. We/they have right to express their satisfaction as people have the right to express disatisfaction. And gotta think, if no printed manual and aminities is the worst thing about the module, then BFC is still light years ahead of the curve.
  4. I think its natural progression. Most gamers play a game for a while then move on. One good thing about this type of game is if history is any indication, people will still be playing this 5-10 years from now. I know i will still play CMSF for a long time, but prob alot less than I will be playing WWII titles LOL. My favorite part of CMSF is still the base game and I still love pitting Blue vs Blue far more than Blue vs Red and I suspect that will never change.
  5. Sadly Steve has stated many times Pacific theatre is not going to happen most likely. Its honestly my dream game as CMx2 goes. Hope they change their minds honestly.
  6. Ya not fair to u lol. On the otherhand, my soon to be wife wont let me go to battlefields in Europe on our trip there. Your wife on the otherhand may go without ya!
  7. Yes it does work with Windows 7. I will remind you guys to reinstall DirectX and Netframework 1.1 (included on CD). Only problem I had was with the resolution on my 1400x900 laptop. Hope to see you guys online sometime
  8. I really like the 82nd ABN mod. I honestly havent used any mods during the beta and forgot just how nice they were.
  9. I dont believe BFC will add new major features with each module. The vaunted "TO DO LIST" I dont think has anything to do with the actual modules. Modules are to add forces content and by sheer happenstance, more changes come. The patches (which are free for all customers) mind you, are where all changes happen anyway. The modules just help this come along with a little more cash infusion. Sadly cash doesnt give whats needed most and thats time to put all the things on that "TO DO LIST", as we all know time cant be bought....module or not. Charles and Co also get to eat while at the keyboard and your continued patronage helps defray the cost of the replacement cost of beer spilled on the keyboard.
  10. Ya I cant play Ironman tho. I like to watch the game like a movie and see if I made a blockbuster or if its straight to video. But as for LOS tool, I knew Steve's answer as soon as I read it.
  11. All people in the North Dakota area deny that they speak that way but I have to strongly disagree. I spent some time up there and I would say 8/10 people sounded like that. Not that it matters really, but I would say 11/10 people also hated that movie. Even here in Colorado you can hear a small accent in some of the natives. Quite distinctive from a Bostonian.
  12. The extra money went to the Battlefront bailout to fund the keggers, strippers, psychologists, and bail agents.
  13. Hi all of you that have already bought or will buy in the future........ I cant speak for all of the testers or for BFC, but we hope you all enjoy playing this as much as we did. Looking forward to seeing all of your mods now that I can finally start using them again! Enjoy
  14. WOW Kuniworth. I wish we had more threads like this (except for the Bush Sr comment I didnt understand...). Hope you go again soon.
  15. Can you imagine lugging this thing around in a vertical environment? Looks so uncomfortable at best.
  16. I just hope when CM:WWII comes out you guys thank BFC for all the hard work they did on CMSF. If you guys cant see how detailed and complicated this simulation is then nothing they ever make will make you happy. You know they could have just repackaged the CMx1 engine and made a few improvements like most other companies do.
  17. Not gamey IMHO except when used against my troops. Seriously tho, since it is done quite a bit in real combat I dont see a problem with it. I have also never seen the AI target a infantry formation if there are soft or hard vehicles for them to target.
  18. He did a great job. His head will explode if you guys tell him tho. Shhhhh
  19. Well, I see you all have some 'Learnin to do. First off if you use the same tactics with them as you do the American forces, good luck to you mate. You did notice how many really soft vehicles they have at their disposal didnt ya? You dont even really need a sharpened stick, just a stick to make them go bye bye. I am not going to ruin your fun by telling you certain tactics that work great. I will however tell you that even more so with the other forces, arty usage is pretty much needed. Smoke is often way more important than pounding your enemies. Smoke helps with the speed of the British forces, you might want to keep that in mind. And I warned you guys before this, this isnt like the base game or Marines module. It is different, and not just the accents. I cant remember the last time I didnt play 2 battle atleast in a day with the Brits. For those of you who do buy the module, try a medium infantry attack vs a Heavy US force. My favorite way to play.
  20. PSY I am going to try and check this out for a certainty for ya. I have never actually got through the Marine campaign as I was deployed for the whole cycle on it. The first mission is great as I love small unit actions. The upcoming Brit camp's scenarios are better IMO than the base game one's.
  21. Thats kinda crazy. The amount of work on this has to be respected!
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