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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. I am kind of young to have watched him during the 60's, but I remember in the 70's how he just reported the news and didnt state his political views, just the facts. Thats just about the worst thing about news media now. But RIP Mr. Cronkite, you were the only true anchorman to ever grace our lives.
  2. A hero is someone who saves lives, not takes them. Since a soldiers job is mainly to take lives, kinda hard to think of ones self as a hero, even if he is saving lives by taking others....
  3. Late to the party but my take on the Brit module. Paper Tiger is correct, the British forces are a far better and more interesting mix as light infantry, especially with the dearth of light/medium vehicles they have in their inventory. They have nothing that even comes close to the power of a Bradley, so you dont have anywhere near the cushon for mistakes if you dont formulate a serious effort to use these vehicles to provide proper support. And losing a few of them can effect the outcome, so head my advice, use them right or else. As for the "heavies", well if you will recall in CMx1, you didnt have much danger of losing the scenario if you knocked out all of the enemy tanks. You could sit back and wait for the opposing crunchies to move and wack the hell out of them at your leisure. Now if you rely on them to win your scenario for the most part, you are in for a rude awakening. Challengers IMHO are the same as the M1A2. No real difference as they can both knock whatever faces them, including eachother, and both can be knocked out by Javs, RPG's and At-14's with equal malice. So if I was to tell you why to buy this British Module, I would say cause the British are more involved to master. They have brought less firepower on average than the US troops, and require far more knowledge of real world military tactics to do as well as the US. The 1.20 version is also so much better than 1.11, MUCH BETTER!
  4. A few of the beta testers have let it be known how wonderful a ZSU-23 would be to be included in CMSF.
  5. Well, there are still British pixel people. Plans to scrap them and make them all Finnish were scrapped due to BFC not having confidence most people even knew what the voice actors should sound like. Plans are now on for Combat Mission: Pontikka and Koskenkorva, but not sure of its arrival due to its high alcohol content. This like all BFC products will be released after the bottle is empty.
  6. I can watch Patton frame by frame Mikey. Maybe you should get a DVD player from after 1980.
  7. What I am glad that isnt realistic is there are no civilians to worry about and no reporters camped on every other corner.
  8. Upload it so we can lose it too!
  9. I lost my Ferrari, can I get a link to download a new one for $5?
  10. I feel for ya. Cant promise the powers that be will give you a new download but knowing them they will. And yes this isnt Battlefront's rule but elicense.
  11. You know I love going back and reading Steves posts on what is coming in the WWII title. Makes me more excited than I should be.
  12. Dont fool yourself, they were that way before he left. Just need an owner that gives a rats ass about them. You dont have any idea how long I have wanted Ford to go out of business so they will have to sell the Lions. And of course, every other car company will go out before them. Just my luck.
  13. Looks like a good idea. The "missles" looked a bit weird though. I wish we had the paratroopers in CMx2 though.
  14. Thats not true, they win plenty of Turkey Day games. But even if they never won another game (which sadly is very possible) they would still be my team. Tigers will win the World Series this year. You heard it here first!
  15. Well if I liked hockey, the wings would be my team considering I am a UofM, Tigers and Lions fan. So go Wings I guess. I think I will start a Lions 2099 championship thread
  16. I love when she said his collecting practice was "Yes". That Pz V would just be so sweet.
  17. I hear they are not going to release a WWII Cmx2. Steve is opening a McDonalds that only serves Zima for combo #1, Charles is becoming a Samoan with doctor, Matt a Vidal Sassoon hair model, and Martin a character witness for Bernie Madoff's appeal. They would like to thank you for your years of patronage and would like to state that pre-orders are still being taken.
  18. Perfect World has LOTS of different versions. PWI (International) has more Russians than us as we have lots of Malaysians, Vietnamese, and Polish with a few Lithuanians, Maltese and the smaller group of Americans like me. I play on the Malaysian english server and as I dont wish to start over, I didnt switch to PWI. Sadly my version is last to get patches and stuff. As for it being Free-to-Play, well you can play free but good luck getting good stuff w/o buying in game money (cubi). I just spent $112 USD and it is gone in seconds almost hehe. But if you wanna try, download the client and pm me in game. I am Sixxkill.
  19. I think it has many causes. Lets face it, 18-24 year old men/women nowadays have better options even in a depressed ecomomy. So the ones that are left to join the ranks are closer to prison types than professional soldiers. Thats why its your best bet to go into a special operations field than stay with the straight leggers, they tend to weed MOST of these guys out.
  20. Well I play a game called Perfect World (MY-EN). Customer support is so hideous, it took me a month to get them to respond to an email beyond the auto-responder crap. Great game and big patch later tonight that may fix some glaring issues. Prob the most expensive MMO out there too, but nothing is even close to it. Thank god BFC has dedicated support.
  21. Maybe the little white lies may have better recruiting tools than what this guy did... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090603/ap_on_re_us/us_recruiter_sex_charges;_ylt=AqbOYUpmi9ToD1f9Zl__nbdH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTM4YnVpMzM5BGFzc2V0Ay9hcC8yMDA5MDYwMy9hcF9vbl9yZV91cy91c19yZWNydWl0ZXJfc2V4X2NoYXJnZXMEY3BvcwM3BHBvcwM3BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDbWFyaW5lcmVjcnVp
  22. CN, you do remember that little graduation ceremony ya had, you know the one when ya came home from Florida, and right before your ass ran to buy as many snickers bars and Whoppers as you could find??? So earning a tab is the exact same damn thing as if you served 20 years in the Batts. Sua Sponte
  23. I think it was less creativity than it was he just wanted to make a big boom boom! Chicks dig the big boom boom.
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