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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. BFC works as fast as they can guys. We arent enjoying working on them as much as you think we are. Just be happy you havent seen some of the Alpha graphix if you think these are bad.
  2. Ya thats like the Super Bowl champion of lurers. I see big things in your future Peerke!
  3. "What'chu talkin' about, Willis?" -Arnold Jackson Different Strokes
  4. 175m is a LONG way to crawl especially with a pack and a weapon and gear. Try it without all that stuff, you will be tired too. 3 hours is a bit much though to be fatigued, especially for a trained soldier. I dont think I would ever want to be in a situation where I would need to do the Shawshank Redemption crawl, even without the stuff Tim Robbins had to crawl through.
  5. This thread had Homo and bone in it. Is there a Naval game we are doing too that I should know about???? J/k you naval types out there!
  6. From a Western Standpoint, the Syrian tactical ability to split doesnt make sense as its based off of Soviet Doctrine. While there would be certain situations where this could happen, it wouldnt be SOP.
  7. What kind of school do kids not play Counterstrike to learn to get head-shots? ;p
  8. I thought BFC was already on the beach in Tahiti spending all of the pre-order money. You guys are lucky they dont make you pre-order the base game and all the planned modules before the game is even in beta. I know for sure if this was the case, they would be loading up on the tanning oil and rum. Most likely also would make Steves projection dates more accurate too! Seriously though, you guys really should be happy that this engine has most of the glaring issues out of the way. Even though BFC worked hard over a longer time than anticipated, CMSF is worlds better than when released initially.
  9. Solid release date and BFC? Surely sir your ale is stronger than mine!
  10. Oh the site failed to inform you that players in Wisconsin get a 10 year delay for not being Wolverine fans.
  11. OOTP is a fantastic example of companies that you should support. I am a stat grog and they really do it better than the big boys do. I think BFC has a bigger shoestring to budget with but hopefully OOTP will catch up someday.
  12. Ahem, I have bigger boobs than they do. Give me a B....give me a F....
  13. On behalf of BFC, I would like to say we are getting into the Ferrari business and you would be the ideal customer. 5 Ferraris are better than 1. j/k
  14. Official Title will be: Combat Mission: Sixxkiller Is Dating Megan Fox.
  15. Personally, I hope we one day get a IDF module to go along with a shiny new NATO one. I would also love the Italians, Greeks, Turks, Jamacians.......etc. All would be fine for me.
  16. You need a foil hat just to read some of your threads here hehe. But I would have thought Kettler would have sold you all the deluxe version already.
  17. Ya I know the ones I have made I just use them so you dont go a way I dont want ya to. IED's are also more fun as the boom boom can be fun.
  18. No question US would win. Not being biased just knowing is power and I know!
  19. Since when has Battlefront ever hit an expected release date? LOL. Most software companies dont and since in real war no plan lasts contact with the enemy, how can a software company that simulates it do it? Steve is an optimist, thats for sure. If he says this Christmas and its not out until next, well that's Steve. I am pretty sure he would like it out sooner than even you guys do, but its his company and if his misses his target, well that's less money for him. Not like the game is gonna be better the sooner it gets out anyway. Oh and BTW, even the beta guys get optimistic Steve and his oh it will be a WEEK OR SO that can turn into much much longer . Hang in there tho guys, they really are going as fast as they can.
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