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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. They have animators, one more programmer would do what at this stage, and no need for PR when you have such wonderful customers such as yourself M1A1. Maybe you could send your resume in for one of them eh?
  2. Whats your malfunction wood? Why must you always be negative? It really is amazing how Hunt can try and help you guys with a work-around he has discovered and you have to be an ass and tell him its not useable. You arent the only person who reads this board......
  3. Yes because everyone but Charles is an idiot who is involved with the game. Anyone got a drool bib for the beta team for cheap?
  4. Why does Matt have to post as according to M1A1TankCommander, nothing is broken right?
  5. And most reviewers have no real military experience to find the stuff that CMSF does do right. And now most of the stuff that completely ruined the fun for most of you has been fixed. I havent seen a tank drive backwards instead of forwards for a while now. Also its hard to compare this with previous titles, but I suspect that it will continue to be so compared. It's getting better with every patch. Just hang in there.
  6. Well Strat, I am just assuming that maybe they are VERY busy doing BFC work (There is more than just CMSF as far as the company goes responsibility wise), or they are working hard on 1.05, or that they are taking a break after working 20 hours a day to be with thier families, thier internet is offline, they are planning on breaking MadMatt out of prison, Steve has found the motherload of military uniforms and has closed himself in a room to try them all on, or Steve has just been on a 96 hour binge doing wheelies in his Weasel and his wife has decided to have him work on a new CM game titled, "Combat Mission: Clean Up the Yard Before the Divorce Lawyer Gets Here." CM:CUYBDLGH for short. Oh ya, and so you don't call me a fanboy or think I have gravitated to being a PR Genius or helpful, if I was BFC, I would just not post until I got 1.05 out the door and you guys learned to be constructive. But that's just me....
  7. Dirt, they are just bugs. When fixing some others become broken. I dont have mole people or shapeshifters stealing my units, nor do I drive vehicles into buildings. As for BFC not responding, would you rather they respond or work on your issues? You seem to think they are shying away from your posts. Charles has even posted. Not like he does that much, and Steve most likely reads most of the threads that have ever been on here. So there could be a reason as to why you havent had all the answers you seek.
  8. What is wrong about the outerboard title? You are not on the innerboard. j/k I will tell you when we like your ideas we say, so and so on the outerboard had a good idea, so if you have a better descriptor I am all ears. I still think you guys think it's an US vs YOU kind of thing. The beta testers want the same things as "you" do. Sheesh, we play the game as much as we can and see it more in it's "broken" state than you do. And it's too bad you didnt get a "patch" build we got recently. Would have been like Christmas, Easter, and your 21st birthday all rolled into one for ya. :eek:
  9. Nope just my guess. Ah, OK, has BFC mentioned or even confirmed that? </font>
  10. Well I am refering to distance of the shell tracking, it will take longer to load- reload so each unit will have a slower rof. Spotting will be most likely be scaled down a touch. Artillery will be less accurate...... so maybe more units can be on the field at the same time.
  11. I still love to play CMBO. I recently found the Pacific conversion mod on CMMODS and am happy as a lark. Just wish I had someone to PBEM with. And Michael Withstand, remember that CMx2 WWII will not be tracking as many things as CMSF so it may help with making larger battles. I am one of the guys who wouldn't mind having a Army Corps facing each other as opposed to a company + sized engagement. Lets hope I am right and you are wrong on this.
  12. How long does it take for Sweedish Battle Tank to bring me 2 Sweedish Bikini Team girls?
  13. Look at your bursts when you are neutral. If it's a 0 then to get a "tail" shot you will need 3 maneuvers or a half loop and a maneuver. If its 1, then you just need 2 to tail.
  14. Huntarr, is there a "toon" for getting people to follow simple directions? Looks like you may have to draw some pictures for these folks....
  15. The FDC's are good too, they just arent being shot at most of the time. I imagine the technology has made them more efficient since your day DEG. Getting an FO (killing, wounding) is a pretty devistating loss to your mission in the real world. I have heard the Haji's in Iraq have big bounties on them (not sure if its true or not).
  16. It shouldnt be. You can always right click on the "forum" text and copy the link. It's permanent for me.
  17. Depends on the altitude, what the targets skills are, what plane you are in, your skills, and your bursts. Most of the time its better to not target the enemy wingy in AI games. Just get the leader and the wingy soon follows
  18. Yes FO's are trained to use multiple assets at the same time, including air assets and naval batteries. A better designation now is Fire Support Specialist (FSS). Also in game terms (will have to check on this) they should be the best at spotting atleast the friendly units in elite FOW settings, but not sure if they do. And BTW, the washout rate to get into 13F is higher than being a combat pilot or some of the snake eating professions. Also the security clearance can be as high as any Army held position. Did I mention they have to pretty much be able to out run, out fight, and out survive most other units too?
  19. Well that is becoming a problem in real life too. They RELY on being sneaky, but on the modern battlefield recon by human spotting tin cans is becoming more unnecessary as technology leaps. Especially with the standoff range getting farther every few years.. If possible use the biggest thing you have to "lead the way". Improvise, Adapt, or watch your men die. Not tactically accurate, but very much better than writing those letters to thier mommas.
  20. While some of you guys have some good ideas, Huntarr has given you the way to do it along the lines of what CMSF is capable of doing. It's tried and true, but I suspect it's a bit late in the game to screw up the movement commands when there is so much to fix already. Who knows if it would break other stuff.
  21. Everyone wants this stuff back, even the testers have asked for such things!
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