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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Sometimes "banning" isn't the last result, its the ONLY result.
  2. I dont think anyone is an expert with the editor yet. (Sorry Mark and your team ) I think there are still lots of ways to improve it and I am sure the BFC guys have more they would like to put into it. I think its the main reason why when most of the glaring bugs are fixed with the engine, it will be worth the price you paid for the game by itself. Hell I think the elevation component makes the editor one of the best all around editors of any game, not to mention the standard for wargames up until now. Guess we shall see if they plan on anymore stuff in it.
  3. This game sucks, when are you going to fix the bugs? I will never play this game again. YOU RIPPED ME OFF BFC!
  4. Best Wargames. Panzer General- Paid $5k to play a $39 game. Never be able to say that again. Down in Flames- Simple and addictive. Seal Team- No wragame ever deserved an update more! Fleet Defender- First time I heard "Fox 3", I almost fell out my chair. Rainbow Six/Rogue Spear- Still the best multi-player shooter ever. PDW, nuff said. CMBO (Demo release day) OMG, only day in 20 years I was ever late to the range. Operation Flashpoint- Best feel of real combat and so fun to create scenarios.
  5. Just wanted to say that map is awesome, and be careful as when I was doing ASL conversions for CMBO I got a nasty letter telling me to cease or get sued by the owners of ASL.... They weren't very nice about it.
  6. But that for me is the leap this genre needed. Scenarios for WWII are going to be far better IMO. I also think the lack of scenarios have a lot to do with smaller interest in modern settings than WWII, just as WWI would. I mean the West is so far ahead in technology it's not really a fair fight. I think BFC made a game that incorporates a bit more balance where there is none than they will need in future WWII offerings.
  7. Sadly Web, the majority of the complaints, while having some merit, are made in a tactless spirit by just a few members. What I mean is it's fine to find bugs, tell BFC about them, but to harp and harp and harp about them in every post is a bit redundant. Funny thing is people assume that being a beta-tester means we dont do **** but sit here and have fun and laugh about the idiotic posts on the forums. We are friggen customers too, but everytime we disagree with any other posters here, we are labeled "fan-boi's" or we have our character called into question. Then when we "customers" of the game fight back at the attacks, we hear how we are bad PR for BFC... Then you have someone attack MarkEzra for doing his damndest to improve CM's experience by having a site that hosts user created maps. I mean the guy disagrees with someone and provides a figure about a map having x ammount of downloads, and gets labasted for his trouble... Sadly there isnt much anygame would do for most of these complainers. I mean if one thing is fixed they bitch about something else. They refuse to see the game as a whole. What can you actually do about that? But before I was a tester I was a human, and I refuse to sit here and take crap from anyone who spews this crap. BFC has been making this game better everyday. You either choose to wait and see or find something else to do. Your choice....
  8. What's your point here dale? I mean I fail to understand why you sit at your keyboard and try to mount an attack on me. I mean what did I really say that would get this sort of attention? And ya obviously I am a beta tester, playing 1.05, and as I stated, loving it for the most part. My swagger as you call it, I fail to see WTF that has to do with anything, and to top it off, what swagger? I made a statement that had nothing to do with the NDA and wasn't run by BFC before I made it. And BTW, this may be the reason why you "potential customers" and "owners" of CMSF may not be getting the information you think you deserve. I mean attacking me for an innoculous statement that I was enjoying the game ... No wonder you arent getting any info, attacking the people giving you it. Real smart. Seriously did you even buy the game dale or are you just trolling? Talk about someone needing "policing". See, this is a great example. I assume you're some kind of betatester since you have 1.05. You're not allowed to say anything detailed because of your NDA. That makes perfect sense. You ARE allowed, however, to swagger around the board and wave your banana hammock in the faces of the few customers and potential customers who are desperate for some information and still check in here. That makes NO sense. That's indicative of a lack of BFC's interest in policing their Betatesters. I mean, you hope you don't sign up a bunch of lame-os, but hope isn't enough - you have to make sure they're not making you look bad. -dale </font>
  9. The CMx2 code IIRC is 0% CMx1 code, so I assume you cannot call CMSF an upgrade to CMAK.
  10. I think he means vehicles dont run into each other and overlap, completely stop and bog up the rest of the road.
  11. I am relaxed. Playing 1.05 and loving it for the most part. I can only hope most of you guys will agree but I wont hold my breath. Hoping there will also be less to read soon here.
  12. Can't you guys just give it a bit of a rest until 1.05 is ready and out to you? We know some of you arent happy, you say it in every thread. No one at BFC is blind or illiterate. They have seen and comprehended your previous gripes. Now give it a rest....
  13. I have a laptop with a SiS 650 64MB and the game wont run on that one either. Wont matter what you do as the SiS card is crappy.
  14. I saw a "for sale" sign on the BFC compound yesterday when I was driving by. Had a rusted Weasel and what looked like military uniforms strewn out in the front yard. Wonder what that meant?
  15. They aren't BTS anymore. They are BFC. Maybe thats why you guys arent playing yet.
  16. The Army doesnt let MP's think, that's why they give them the UCMJ. I believe that covers telling Battlefront what they need to do also. Forgot the smiley face [ November 05, 2007, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Sixxkiller ]
  17. Wood, you are lucky I dont own BFC or you wouldnt be posting here anymore. I cant speak for every beta tester or for BFC but you post nothing here that is really constructive or essentially worth reading and you cant remember what you posted. Soon you may have more time to do research for your VC's if you continue.
  18. I guess there arent many Fighting Corpsmen Seabees in your version then .
  19. I bet they would listen and hire more people if you guys paid for it. So which one of you has a couple mil for some cash infusion for little ole BFC?
  20. Nothing wrong here, they just know the US Army is coming for them! j/k btw.
  21. Haha, and I was FIRST, Rangers LEAD THE WAY! Sua Sponte....er I mean Semper Fi. OORAH I mean Hooah!!!!
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