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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. You arent officially addicted until you get a divorce. If your arent married, you cannot be addicted.
  2. I doubt they will ever not have the turn based option. Hard to play WEGO w/o it.
  3. Ok, ty Brian, I tried for 10 hours to figure it out hehe. Gonna have to duel O/S this computer I guess.
  4. I just tried to play on my Vista (Home Premium) laptop and I get the same error code, -216..... I have reinstalled Netframework 1.1 and Dx9.0c, turned Windows Defender and Trend Micro suite off opened port 8080, done a rain dance, sacrificed virgins, and joined a cult and still no joy. Any thoughts except for running an emulator as I do not have a XP cd and forgot to ask the wifey to ask her IT guy at work if he has an install disk lying around. -Ray
  5. I hope they do the individual record keeping. I love the artillery and would love to know just how good I am employing it. As for moveable waypoints I dont miss them. You can just at the end of a turn or mid battle in RT delete the waypoint and make a new one with none of the penalty you had in CMx1. And complaining is what wargamers do best.
  6. Dang it has been 10 years. Looking back, I believe I was the first person banned who wasnt spamming. Steve can prob tell ya that I wasnt even very nice to him in our emails that followed hehe. Guy must have the patience of a nun to deal with people like us on a daily basis. And Fionn, while being pretty abrasive sure did make things interesting here, and 10 years ago there werent many cool places to go on the net, and still no where can compare to here. Now I just wonder what 10 more years is going to bring for us. BTW Meach, thats a lot of puppies .
  7. Well I have a Dell Studio 1735 and it has an intergrated card. The game plays just fine for me and I run Best/Best settings most of the time. Sound isnt as good as pricier laptops but fine for me. For $700 I think I got a good deal. The 1737 (I think) has a faster duo-core2, 1 more gig of RAM, 20gb bigger HD, and a 256MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650, and thats a bit over $1000. But I am happy for now with it and will never go back to desktop's anyway.
  8. Its safe to say we are liking playing the Brits and IMO you dont have to be from the UK to learn to love them. At the moment I am having a hell of a quick battle vs a Rep. Guard tank company. Wife made me stop playing and pay attention to her and all I was thinking was how I could get a squad in position for a flank shot on a meat grinding T-90. (BTW, I still havent taken it out)
  9. A lot that's lost in translation so to speak is that the Taliban are not the insurgents in Iraq in training or sophistication. While they have been literally crushed both in men and leadership countless times since our intial incursions began, they keep coming back in some degrees stronger than they were the previous time. Their ambush techniques especially in some of the mountainous regions are like what would be taught at AIT. They are especially good at maneuver warfare and never seem to run out of a constant stream of anti-tank weapons. They are extremely brave to a fault (not just religious fanaticism's), and will never stop. Some of the same qualities our soldiers and marines have. I think the greatest quality they have is they dont believe they are beaten. Sad part is eventually they will win. Not because they could ever beat us on the battlefield, but because the people we are trying to help and give freedom to still can identify more with them than with us.
  10. Haha if I get sent to recruit I may have to go postal tho
  11. I for one hope and pray someone comes a long and gives BFC a run for their money. 2 great games is always better than one. Plus then they dont have to have the added pressure of being the only game in town for some of you guys. To a lesser extent, thats like being a country EXPECTED to be the world's stabilizing factor and hating them when they use military force to enact peace. I would just hate to see what some of us would do if Battlefront stopped making games, and since they are not to my knowledge immortal, that day will come eventually. And if you want a higher degree of realism, equipment true to real life, and shockingly accurate sounds of battle, there is a 10000km by 10000km battlefield that you can still register for with free travel, lodging, and amenities. You can even get a bonus for registering! Go to https://officialarmy.com/ and get in the game!!! PS Free camelback for the first few hundred thousand users
  12. Well I just bought a Dell Studio 1735 for a little over $700. It has a duo core 2.0ghz with 3 MB of Ram and Vista. The video card isnt as good as I would have liked but it runs my games just fine. Its the Mobile express 965 chip. CMSF in particular runs even the huge scenarios on the lower graphics settings with a slight hic-up in frame rates on best setting but balanced is just perfect for me. Plus i can go wow the people at the local coffee shop when I go there.
  13. Also be sure to grab Seabee's mod manager and some of the excellent stuff thats been created by others thus giving him a reason to make it
  14. I love the new system over CMx1. Not as much into the RT at the moment (even though its actually better to play RT) simply so I dont miss anything if I dont want to. I am a die hard for the artillery since the second it was added in the beta phase, and I played a Qb the other day as the Syrians that had the greatest pre-planned artillery strike with 120 and 82mm mortars that I have seen so far. Just simply devastated the USMC's defensive positions. I felt like a 5 star General as opposed to a lowly MSG. As for keyboard, I use default myself.
  15. If they were eating RPG's, they wouldnt be that skinny!
  16. Well I like MRE's, RPG's, I think a phrase would be succinct would be, "RPG, you can eat only one."
  17. Well I think Cmx1 and x2 both have a great value in future training exercises for our and other nations military young men and women. It gets a hell of a lot of things right and at risk of being a fan boi (which your damn right I am) some things it does a little too close to the real thing. That being said, I think I general knowledge of military tactics is very helpful to becoming successful but I dare say, you can come in this game not knowing a RPG from a MRE and still beat the hell out of anyone, and thats where CM SHINES in my opinion. I have spent most of my life in the US Army and I still suck at this game even on lowest difficulty (oddly except AGAINST the Marines ). But that can also be true playing first person shooters which I used to be very good at but now get stomped by 13 year old's that have never or even held the weapon they are slaughtering me with. As a training aid, CMx2 could be incredible with or without the millions they should give Battlefront to develop it. I just got back from a posting in the funzone, and a small game such as Counterstrike has been played by just about every one of my men. The discussions on who was best and why got a little heated a few times with 2 of the under 23 year old's having to be restrained a bit on one occasion. But I think the greatest aid this game can teach is unit cohesion, learning to keep maximum potential firepower on key areas, and most of all, learning to deal with plans gone wrong, battlefield losses of key units at the exact time you need them, and dealing with the fact that we are 99/100 outnumbered by the enemy (no matter how it looks on TV). Oh ya and also the "wow factor" I had last night has to be mentioned. I had a Jav team fry up a LAV from a roof top and my morale shot way the hell up. OMG, I think that was one of the 10 best moments in gaming ever for me. First will always be the CMBO demo first battle though. Plus as a soldier, can you imagine your Batt commander challenging you to a training excercise on CMSF and whipping the **** out of him. You'd be a GOD in your AO. Ok back to lurking
  18. Sixxkiller


    Oh ya and Happy Holidays to you guys. Little late but ya know.......
  19. Sixxkiller


    Actually there IS stuff coming on the horizon guys. I had some major computer problems and am just now starting to install the patches for Windows. (If you love computers, dont move to Colorado with an older laptop )Be patient you will get some more info soon.
  20. I think the reason so many major and minor things are to be addressed in the patch is because of Steves famous phrase..... Steves posts in Skunkworks usually include the phrase, "Ok, here's the final release canidate I promise" followed by "Ok, well here's a new final release canidate, this is the last one I promise" followed by (you guessed it) "Ok guys theres a new final release canidate, this is the final one, I promise" followed by (notice the pattern here) "Ok guys...... I know that there have been times where I was 2 builds behind what Charles had already done hehe because I didnt check enough.
  21. Mike, I will be happy to send you the patches via mail when 1.05 is completed. Just send me your address to sixxkillersquadron@hotmail.com.
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