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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. I seem to remember people guessing it will be released on D-Day lol.
  2. I am so against any US/Western involvement in Lybia. Its none of our business. This part of the world needs to sort out its own messes. Besides, we arent doing such a good job in Iraq or Afghanistan, why do you guys think we will do any better in Lybia? Then what if Syrian people want a regime change? Do we go there too, and the next and the next? I was watching a news channel at a coffee shop and some Senator came on and said how we need to step in. I wondered if he had ever been sent anywhere to be shot at. Anyone who makes policy for our military should have been a part of it in my opinion. And I think its so much easier for these guys to go have people get killed while they stay home and get on a soapbox. The differences we are making in Afghanistan are in inches, not the miles we need. Lybia will be the same.
  3. And after release of the game, your first QB game ends, you guys might want to consider getting on here to thank the guys for designing the maps and Mark "QB" Ezra for compiling and fixing start points on many of them.
  4. I believe BFC was started to get away from being slaves to publishers. I know there are advantages from reaching a bigger audience, but I think every game they produce does better than the last one (in house games that is) so the method to their madness seems to have worked,
  5. Well, Patton (1970?) is still one of my favorites. George C Scott was amazing. Restrepo is about the 173 Abn in the Konogol Valley in Afghanistan. This if you havent been there is one of the most dangerous places in our little war. The Green Berets has been panned through out the decades but its filmed beautifully and gives a look into Special Operations that I cant remember being in other films. Sands of Iwo Jima is my all time favorite movie. Midway is beyond epic.
  6. I will confirm that this animation is at the top of the to-do list. Sadly the game will be delayed till next year due to finding the non-drunken Belgian for realistic simulated crunching tests. The drunken one wasnt a problem.
  7. If you guys dont like CMBN, you may as well go live w/o gaming. Hopefully the previews that are coming will help show how good this game is already. Personally I love CMSF but nothing on earth can be as addictive as any WWII setting. This really is a step in a direction most should be happy with. I cant stop playing QB's myself especially the Germans vs the Germans.
  8. Yes you can set your watch by it. As long as the watch is in 10,000 pieces, has no band, brings snow to the equator, and was left by aliens. Might be more accurate to consult Snooki from Jersey Shore if you want more accurate timetables.
  9. BFC has never been just about only trying to please the largest share of the customer base. A 4 letter word that comes to mind to prove my argument, CMSF, proves that. And this is a non issue because at risk of me "violating" my NDA, there's not a single line of code to make Operations come back. None, zero, zip, nada.... but thats been stated repeatedly. And believe me I LOVED the Operation type games. It helped far more with the immersion factor for me, seeing as how I am one of those WoW type players as well. In a perfect world, this game would be part this and part Panzer General, but it is what it is, the Campaign system doesnt suck, and unfortunately we cant have it both ways. And before you guys all up and leave, you may wanna play the game first. It kicks CMBO's ass in every way I can think of. EVERY WAY!
  10. Will BFC never live down the release of CMSF? Plays kinda great now doesnt it? I guess it bodes well that you guys expect so much from us. And CMBN will not have that kind of release.
  11. Did you see the guy who gave it 2 stars and why? LOL Mastering controls hehe
  12. Hopefully CMBN will make the list a little higher someday. Well BFC sure hopes you guys think it should be higher ranked on that list once it comes out.
  13. I am all for it! Imagine a guy who has xx years in the military getting beat by Charles. Now imagine when that happens you have a little "equalizer" to reverse the obvious cheat codes he put in to be in the position of beating you in the first place. :cool:
  14. Well I hope you guys get it sooner than you all hope cause then we are closer to the next one!
  15. Well I am on the opposite end of this spectrum. I would LOVE to see my units gain in experience and have individual unit stats tracked throughout the entire campaign. I do not see it as being gamey but immersive. Anyone who has even been in battle knows that bringing their buddies home means almost as much as accomplishing the mission, sometimes much more. Why would this be such a bad feature? But I can also understand why this may be difficult to do coding wise and not sure if Charles and Phil have enough time to do it.
  16. BFC is used to the nay-sayers, the malcontents, the doom sayers, and the opposite alike. You are all welcome to your opinions as un-informed as some of them tend to be or as prophetic as you think you are, right or wrong. BFC has never hit a release-date on schedule and maybe never will as well intentioned a company as it is. You guys dont believe them when they say stuff like, "Well we would like to make a game everyone enjoys but we arent stupid enough to drink that Kool-Aid!" And just so you know the Beta team is allowed to be protective of the products we work on considering some people spend more time working on it for free or nearly free than they do on their real J.O.B.S. So get real, we play these games too. We dont all agree with every single thing this game does or will do and we dont expect you to either. So relax, its coming, w/o all features and bells and whistles BFC and you want in but QB's are all I need right now. Now back to it....
  17. When I first heard they were doing it I was like, "Ummmmm why????" But now after testing it I am more in the, "Ummmmmm Oh Yea" camp. While you guys who arent a fan of CMSF's modern setting and are craving more WWII stuff, this is like a happy medium setting. Snowball scenario designers are pretty damn good I must say too. The Afghans actually do very well in their rag-tag equipped state against the Soviets. Think you guys will be surprised like I was.
  18. I dont know what you guys are complaining about. I am now staging a coup at BFC headquarters and am soon gonna release the game as is for you guys to play. I will even program the rest of the game on my own to maximize the level of awesomeness you have come to expect for BFC. Now just give me 2-300 years to get to the new forum. Sacrifices have to be made somewhere! If my coup fails though, I am sure a new forum subject line will appear sooner or later.
  19. The TOE hasnt been finalized just yet. In any case I am not sure BFC would release it to you in any case as nothing is absolute until the product is finished. Probably have to wait for release to come. Never fear its getting closer everyday. And any tester who did give ya it, well they may not be a tester anymore .
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