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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. It is only in the Signatory portion, not in any amendment nor the bill of rights. While we are here though, neither is government sponsored health care, or giving amnesty to illegal aliens. The 5th Amendment does offer protections to our "life, liberty, or property," noting we cannot be deprived of any of them without due process of law. Its also odd that many of you assume that "rich" people dont pay more taxes already than do "poor" tax-payers. The tax laws are written by rich people for the most part, especially the income tax laws, but you ever stop to think what a "rich" person pays on property taxes, inheritance taxes, capitol gains taxes,..... And yes I live in one of the most expensive places in California, and am as poor as humanly possible.
  2. Complain all you want. BFC is used to it anyway. Its still a business. More content in any game requires more money. Be thankful it's not $250 for the base game and $$$ for the modules because the 5-10 years you will be playing it is certainly worth that at least. And BTW, NATO isnt just a few new blue units, its 3 new armies, very cool armies IMHO.
  3. c3k, Well since you asked for not just a flare, I think they are in. Good job. Oh wait no they arent in, just making attempt to placate you for when you ask for stuff that isnt in but we tell you it is so you will be dazzled by our massive efforts and forget what it is you asked for originally. Its the BFC way to be Activision.
  4. No game will ever touch the wow factor when the demo for CMBO came out.
  5. Joch also forgot to mention, most of the people working on the scenarios and campaigns are doing so in their spare time, but you would be amazed how quickly things happen with them. And we wish that these were out the door already too. While its sometimes fun to play when these modules get closer to finished candidates, its also a lot of work and sometimes NOT FUN to play at all. I literally have thrown my mouse across the room when crashes take out hours of work on scenarios, not just once either. So whether you know it or not, the more time this takes, the better for YOU, not us. I rarely touch Normandy to be honest at this point as CMA and NATO have my full attention! Now back to working on a non official Dutch vs Canadian campaign (with Germans thrown in a long the way.
  6. He went all mavrickey-jamesbondey on this subject
  7. You kind of started it. Nothing that BFC ever actually made has been cancelled. Since you have BETA TESTERS playing it daily, not cancelled, and all 3 down the pipe are excellent. As for when it's ready to roll out, well thats not my pay grade to decide. As far as all the times you have been correct, well this isnt one of them.
  8. Well at the risk of making too much hype and all, of all of the titles we have this shockingly has been my favorite to work with. Just something I like about it.
  9. That was great ND. CM:A can be humbling like no other Cmx2 game can.
  10. Ya I have a working knowledge of it as 4 tours in Afghanistan made it impossible to not pick up. Sorry never replied Dima, missed this one
  11. Hmm this is gonna be hard to confirm or deny. Has anyone else seen this happen?
  12. Believe me guys, some of the beta team hounds Steve about the Pacific game that we all want. Bet you cant guess who is the leader of that? We think it would be the best thing to happen since CMx2. But these BFC boys are kinda busy Thanks for the pics.
  13. Pashto and Dari are the two most common, with Dari maybe being a bit more used depending on the circumstances. Most Afghans are good in 2 or more. I speak more Pashto personally as Dari is frick fracken hard .
  14. Oh ya the sidewinder mishap must have made that deck hand consider himself the luckiest man ever. Best thing was the bottom message "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in english, thank the military." I did add commas as maybe they could have consulted a teacher.
  15. I would like to speak for Battlefront and let you know we are on a one week strike for putting out CM:N. Lets see who breaks first!!!! Disclaimer: I at no time speak for Battlefront or any of its subsidiaries except when the testers let Steve relay information on an informal and often inaccurate basis on the current state of release dates or any other matters that concern CM titles. We will confirm that the Allies may or may not have won WWII and some of the units will be in the initial release.
  16. Were they pink palm trees running after you after another bender Steve?
  17. Not sure if any are out there. I do know CM Normandy will have from both ends (Red and Blue). Just very hard to do it with Syrians on the attack as I am not sure we could have had a believeable story line for one and two hard to balance haha. Maybe I will start working on something soon. I do like playing the Syrians more than the US now anyway.
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