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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Goodbye Battlefront

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I'm not what you would call a member of the community. I rarely post, unless I'm having an issue. So if this has been brought up countless times before understand that berating me for it will be a waste of your time. I don't know forum etiquette. I don't care about forum etiquette.

I'm not here to argue. I'm here to lodge a simple complaint and a statement of fact.

I do not accept the lack of turn-based mode in online and LAN games. Simple as that. I consider it a core component of the game, and since it is missing, and since I've paid my money and there's no way for me to get a refund, I will not make the mistake of purchasing future Battlefront titles.

I have been a supporter of Battlefront since the beginning and I just wanted to get my piece across. A future patch to correct this grievous oversight is not sufficient. The game should not have been released without such a critical component. There is no excuse.

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I'm not here to argue. I'm here to lodge a simple complaint and a statement of fact.

I do not accept the lack of turn-based mode in online and LAN games.

So why did you buy it? It was never promised. It wasn't mentioned in the pre-game release info. It wasn't in the free demo. You assumed, you didn't ask, and you were wrong. And now you're whining. Bye.

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Don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. Now, back to playing with German snipers in belltowers. :)

You never fail to be completely rude to anyone who disagrees with the direction BFC has taken. As a beta tester that's honestly pretty pathetic.

I know most of you on here are NOT 16 year old kids either so there's no excuse really.

And to the OP I agree completely with your sentiment. BFC does have super limited resources though and has to focus on more critical gameplay issues first... I'm hopeful that wego tcp-ip or some form of pause for RT will make it in eventually in a module.

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It's certainly possible to buy the game assuming that the sequel to CM would have the same gameplay options. It is listed in the features section though not everyone would neccesarily see it, buyer beware.

Despite the hilarious melodramatic delivery and the ludicrous idea that patching it in is not good enough (TCP/IP was patched into CMBO too!) the OP has every right to complain about this and storm off like a ten year old if that's what he wants to do.

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Beta Testers are not official spokesman for BFC. Never have and never will be. If a Beta tester was to become an official spokesman, I would get that job. Better pray Steve doesnt get drunk one night and make it happen, cause I wouldnt put up with any negative commentary unless you started and ended with "Sixxkiller is so sexy".

As for MikeyD, well thats just Mikey being Mikey. I am sure since he is sniping in a bell tower, he is the one that is creating said bell tower for you to enjoy later. He does a lot of that which you know nothing of. But Mikey has less of a shot of being an official spokesman than I do of creating a bell tower. :)

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The negative comments are a bit distasteful in my opinion. So what if spfiota wants to leave, snide remarks directed at him certainly don't make the community a welcoming place and do nothing but reinforce whatever negative beliefs he had about the game/community.

Ok he wants to leave, I say let it be and move on, I'm loving CMBN but I'm not going to overreact to his overreaction.

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I'm not going to overreact to his overreaction.

What about over-reacting to other peoples over-reaction to his over-reaction? Or under-reacting, or sort-of-reacting-but-not-enough-to-be-considered-over-reacting-but-definately-more-of-a-reaction-than-under-reacting?

Gosh, this reaction business is confusing. I blame Newton².

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I find it odd that MikeyD's comments towards the OP were singled out when this thread is full of sarcastic farewells by others. Which, IMHO, are well deserved. I don't approve of parents who coddle children throwing tantrums, so I definitely don't approve of adults (assumption OP is one, granted) throwing virtual tantrums without an expression of disapproval.

By Internet standards the disapproval shown here is extremely mild. There was no mention of the OP's possible family lineage intersecting with various animals, nor which parts of his anatomy should be placed inside other bits of anatomy (possibly that of an animal), nor eloquent strings of swears and slurs which are left to stand on their own. From my experience that's the norm with forums, YouTube, and other blog like feedback sections.

My official take on this is the OP needs to remind himself that what he expressed here is an opinion. And it's an opinion we find very little value in due to the way it was presented. But such is life and that's why there is the padlock feature of this Forum.



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