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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

God this game is amazing!

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Dead impressed with this. I know it's early days - and yes, there a few little bugs to fix, but generally, isn't it amazing! I've only played 2 different battles too, but I've spent hours on it already. The last one really reminded me of that epic Hurtgen Forest battle out of 'When trumpets fade' - when hundreds of American soldiers are killed trying to take out those '88s. It was sheer madness as my little pixel men tried desperately to evade the guns and artillery screaming down on them. I barely managed to reach the train tracks (which are modelled so well too) before I was pinned down by machine gun fire and small arms. I lost 47 men and all my armour in the end and I felt it too! I love the way you can properly use natural defenses now, like embankments and cover from fire behind trees and such like. At one point I had individual men popping up behind an embankment taking pot shots before ducking down again. It felt like I was watching a film! I can't remember the last time I was so engrossed by a simulation! Or maybe it was CMBO?

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I know, I have only played a few missions... but HOLY DETAIL... I knocked out 2 US Jeeps right on the road together... and a M8 Greyhound nearby. The 2 Jeeps caused secondary explosions which left a small crater beneath them wounding some of the Rattled and panic men near by. Then the M8 blew up with a secondary explosion after it had been on fire for 2 minutes causing a .50 cal jeep right beside it who was taking cover to brew up... Damn good!

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Yeah if you havn't CMSF then you will know not to keep your troops too close to burning vehicles. Some of the ammo cook offs can be some rather big explosions. I have had times where I had no chioce but to go past one, and BOOM!

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Boy, I know what you mean, Phil. I had a cinematic moment yesterday (well, I've had a lot of then, actually). A glider squad (about 6 guys) was breaking through a gap in the bocage to cross a road to head through a gap in the other hedgerow. About 15 yds to their left, the road curved to the left...so they were on one leg of the L-shaped road. The lead man was just stepping onto the road, and the last couple of guys were just coming through the hedgerow, when a squad of about 8 Jerries comes around the corner, and appear to be headed for the same gap! So they're running sort of parallel, like that scene in Private Ryan where Tom Sizemore ends up throwing his helmet at one of the Germans. There were 2 glidermen scouts hunkering down near the gap in the hedgrow that the other glidermen were heading for, and the Germans and Americans were looking at each other, but still moving for maybe 3 seconds, when the scouts finally let loose. Then the other Glidermen started firing, some still moving, then the Germans opened up. About 15 Tommie guns, Garands, Mausers and Schmeissers firing furiously all at the same time 10 yards apart in a relatively confined area! Loud as hell, and lasted for about 10 seconds. Only two Americans were wounded, and they nailed all the Germans. It was an adrenalin moment, and very cinematic!

Alas, no pics or vid...it was in RT.:(

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Wow, just played a bocage QB H2H. I havent played a game like this before. I think that was my very first CMx2 experience superior to CMx1..It was like being there, the squads moving through the shadows in the bocage maze, mortars arching overhead and confusing fire coming from behind the foliage, garands firing at germans going down the hill through the haystacks...

This is a fantastic game.

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Played my first QB last night--my Germans making a probe into a small (bocage) village held by airborne.

At one point, I needed to have a squad make an L shaped maneuver to cross a road and then dart into a building across another road (T-intersection right in front of the building. I popped smoke and got them across the first road. After that, they had bocage on their left, ending at the T intersection. So...

...just as they clear the bocage wall on the left and enter the road an Ami prone down the road drops my lead squaddie. The next two surrender and the rest hi-tail it back down the road with the safety of the bocage wall, now on their right.

It was such a cinematic moment, I was amazed!

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I have to agree on that the game is outstanding. It gets better and better, once you familiarize yourself with it. I am thinking of all the opinions from folks around, small complaints, wishes and such. Although constructive I am sure, first of all I would like to let BFC know that they have done an incredible job with this. And yeah, the Airbornes. What a fight it was at Fauville in the tutorial campaign. What is gonna happen when Wehrmacht proper shows up at the table?! :D

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I agree. I was trying to explain it to a game buddy . there is no other game that is going to come close to the detail and game play level as we see in CM games. Steve now has 12 plus years in working on this type of game system, likely tons of gathered data and the desire to do it.

What other company is going to invest the time to make a game that is to this level.

Profit is all that matters. battlefront has figured out how to sell plenty of mods to help generate the profit that will make it profitable for them, that is just smart bussiness.

I am just glad that they have figured out a way to make a success of their hobby and that they provide us with such games.

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This game is worth it for the Quick battles alone.....

I have only fired up four QBs so far, all on small maps with auto selection + Mix and each one has produced really interesting and believable scenarios (though the one with my Shermans v Germans with two Tigers I was lucky to hold to a draw - I would have lost to a "Human opponent!). I hold off on the set battles until I feel half way competent on controls/tactics etc.

Congrats all round to The Battlefront team.


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Dead impressed with this. I know it's early days - and yes, there a few little bugs to fix, but generally, isn't it amazing! I've only played 2 different battles too, but I've spent hours on it already. The last one really reminded me of that epic Hurtgen Forest battle out of 'When trumpets fade' - when hundreds of American soldiers are killed trying to take out those '88s. It was sheer madness as my little pixel men tried desperately to evade the guns and artillery screaming down on them. I barely managed to reach the train tracks (which are modelled so well too) before I was pinned down by machine gun fire and small arms. I lost 47 men and all my armour in the end and I felt it too! I love the way you can properly use natural defenses now, like embankments and cover from fire behind trees and such like. At one point I had individual men popping up behind an embankment taking pot shots before ducking down again. It felt like I was watching a film! I can't remember the last time I was so engrossed by a simulation! Or maybe it was CMBO?

Yep. Same here. I played the scenario you mention with the 88s and the train tracks. Tricky!!!! I love how the sun comes up and things get brighter

and if you punch on through to the central warehouses, the germans start scrambling. Brilliantly done battle and the game is fantastic.


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Yep. Same here. I played the scenario you mention with the 88s and the train tracks. Tricky!!!! I love how the sun comes up and things get brighter

and if you punch on through to the central warehouses, the germans start scrambling. Brilliantly done battle and the game is fantastic.


Yeah is the weather dynamic? I haven't seen any sort of effects like rain or wind change once in game. I'm now trying this battle from the German perspective. It's significantly easier! :D

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Yip its a great product Phil. I find you really have to playTurned Based to see much of the detail , figure out what just happened. I am really enjoying using the TAB key to follow infantry in any mode , its great through wooded areas :)

I play more or less exclusively WEGO as I can't cope with the realtime - plus I love to check out the action from various perspectives. Works for me anyway. I haven't even read the instructions yet - I forgot the TAB key did that.

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Hello Guys,

Great posts, thanks for writing them.

I will share something I saw the other day:

I had 4 guys (partial German infantry squad) in a wood line, facing a farm field, when an American jeep with three guys rolled-up into the field to scout the area. My guys took a few shots at them. The jeep then turned around to high-tail it out of there, but the guy in the back of the jeep! He braces himself, lifts-up and unloads his Tommy gun from the back as they sped away. My guys paused for a second or two, as I think they were shocked. I had never seen that before, and haven’t seen it since, but it was rather wild.

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Good choice IMO. The battles are too short for subtle changes in weather to produce any sort of significant result.

As i understand it though ground conditions will change during the course of the battle. So watch you don't go bogging your armor.

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