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Amazing things you've seen

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There's 1st impression threads and tech problems/support threads. How about a things you've seen thread?

I was leap-frogging through the hedges when, during the replay, I noticed a knot of enemy troops suddenly appeared; lying dead and wounded. I rewound the replay and started the replay again focused on that spot. A German pixeltruppen was in the process of tossing a potato masher over the hedgerow when he was hit by gunfire. The potato masher fell from his hand and landed among him and his buddies. The explosion messed up the whole squad.

I downloaded Fraps right after that. I've got to get this stuff on 'film'.

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The shocked and amazed look on my Wifes face when I said

"Honey,I need to be alone with my new game for a while,Go out and have some fun,just take what you need out of my wallet and leave me be for a few hours."

I think this may be my most expensive game purchase ever.:eek::D

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A 60mm mortar engages a German armored car with direct lay, and lands a round straight into the open commander's hatch.

A panther drills through an M10's turret, and I see a large secondary explosion behind the M10... it turns out an unseen M10 has behind it, and the Panther's round went straight through the first turret, into the next, and set off the ammunition in the second. The Panther was quickly disabled, and the crew escaped only to get caught in a desperate forest fight nearby.

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I have had, as the Germans, a friendly 120 mm mortar spotting round come down on the back deck of one of my Panthers and knock it out.

I have also, again as the Germans, had a Stug survive a 57mm ATG hit from the front. The expended round ricocheted off, angled high into the sky, came back down into one of my infantry squads about 120 meters away, and killed a soldier.

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My Schrek crew that pushed the bounds of geometry. 238 meters to the Sherman, and they land a TOP TURRET hit.

"Well Hans, if we angle the shot like this, then we let the kinetic energy of the round carry it forward, and hit the weaker top armor. You know, I used to be in a mortar crew, so firing a schrek at 60 degrees isn't all that different..."

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The amazingly nicest thing I have seen so far is how a PAK 40 crew and their ammo bearer`s alone secured my left flank in a quick battle and were holding their ground against 1 million US infantry (at least it felt like 1 million :-) ). This was also the time when I figured out that the halftracks were not "delivered" with a guy behind the MG, so I moved a halftrack close to the last surviving man, let him mount the vehicle and while it was slowly moving backwards he was forcing the US troops to stay in cover, thus delaying them, so they couldn`t reach their objective in time and I won.

The amazingly stupidest thing I have seen was in the same battle. The right flank was supposed to be held by my main asset, an elite Tiger tank with its values pushed to the top and therefore quite expensive. It rolled out to stop some Shermans, but what happened was that the first Sherman stopped the Tiger. The distance between them was 60m, so nothing unusual, but the follwing action made me almost cry out loud. While the Shermans were slowly dismantling the Tiger, the elite crew of the steel beast kept continuously hitting trees behind which the Shermans were waiting...

It seemed there is no way for the AI to adjust fire to the front or rear of a vehicle, they always go for the middle. And since 10-20 88 rounds are not able to cut down a tree, four Shermans had the best cover in the game you could imagine. :-(

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Is this amazing?

Just let the AI attack me in a tiny QB. It got 2 American infantry platoons, a weapons platoon with 2 30 cals and 2 60mm, plus 2 additional 30 cal teams. I got one Grenadier platoon, 1 sniper, a few AP minefields, and 2 tube 81mm support.

Turn 1, my entirely hidden platoon HQ (behind a hedgerow) is hit dead on by 60mm mortar fire, which proceeds to kill them to the last man before then move a muscle. As that is my only FO, my own mortars are thus neutralized. Wild luck in aim point for map fire? Or something else up?

Then the Americans venture out into a field lined with hedges, straight at my platoon's main position. There are 4 teams stationed in angles in the hedgerows, 2 with MG42s and 2 with MP40s and rifles. The rifle teams are initially hiding and have shallower angles, so they only get LOS at 80-90 meters or so. My 3rd squad is unengaged, as is the sniper team initially. I run the sniper team to a house and go to the second floor to get LOS right along a hedgerow some of the foremost Americans are sheltering behind

It is a shooting gallery. I lose all of 2 men in the two squads, both riflemen in the MG42 teams. The Americans in the field in front are a shambles. The sniper fires a while, his teammate blazing away with his MP40 (is target light the way to get only the stealthy rifle to fire?) - eventually the sniper is hit. The MP40 ceases fire with 49 rounds left and Ds.

Eventually 60mm fire finds one of the MG42 teams in an angle in the hedgerows, and wounds another man. The rest of that squad gets out of dodge ASAP, and survives.

The Americans are making no progress and I'm pulling back clean, so I ceasefire out.

Total German causalties 8 men - half of them the HQ team to magical mortar fire on turn 1. Total American casualties 87 out of 131. 1st squad got 25 (MG) plus 21 (MP40) for a total score of 46, while 2nd squad, slightly farther, got 19 (MG) plus 15 (MP40) for a total of 34. The sniper team got 5. Enemy mortars got 5 out of 8 of my losses.

Main moral - the AI can't attack very well, at least with infantry and when there are open ground KZs involved. Don't know what was up with the uncanny turn 1 mortar fire. Anybody else see that sort of thing? Could have been blind luck in a map shoot I suppose...

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Amazing things ?

A dead Marder exploded minutes AFTER I killed it ... apparently the ammo exploded ?

Yup, be careful with your infantry, some vehicles full of large shells can make some impressive secondaries.

EDIT: beat me too it I geuss :D. Forgot to refresh since I left this open.

Did see one potato masher drop most of a squad (2 guys dropped by SMG fire).


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Could be one of three things:

1. You were unlucky enough to put your FO in a place that the AI was told is a good place to shell (this is set in the Editor). Simulates the "recon by fire" mentality of WW2... if it looks like a good spot, whack it!

2. There was some pre-battle Intel level for the US side and they keyed off of that information.

3. They were aiming for something else and an errant round hit where you definitely didn't want it to.

I suppose in theory they might have just spotted you, but from what you said I think that is unlikely.

As with all CM games, since CMBO through now, the AI doesn't "cheat". That much I can say for sure.


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On that "closing the pocket" mission.

My infantry were assaulting the very suppressed town in the middle of the map. My plan was to have my infantry assault and take the key buildings and lay down fire on anything they could see at the back of the town to protect one of my panther's which I was trying to rush through the town and into a line of trees. Securing this line of trees would allow my panther to engage a pack of incoming shermans from cover and hull-down.

So I order my infantry to assault various buildings, and give my panther a pause+slow command so it putts through town carefully hot on the heels of the assault.

I order it to drive between two occupied buildings as it edges its way into the back of town where it might catch sight on the incoming shermans.

I said the town was 'very suppressed' - that was from repeated arty shellings, you see.

Suddenly the panther spots a sherman and stops nosed out of an alley between two of my occupied buildings. The sherman gets off the first shot though... and it deflects off the panther's powerful front armour.


deflects off the powerful front armour into an adjacent building, heavily damage from my shelling, causing it collapse and kill all of my otherwise unharmed pixeltruppen.


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Could be one of three things:

1. You were unlucky enough to put your FO in a place that the AI was told is a good place to shell (this is set in the Editor). Simulates the "recon by fire" mentality of WW2... if it looks like a good spot, whack it!

He was the defender, so naturally the attacking AI would try to bombard his positions.

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