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CMBN Screenshot Thread

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The following are 17 images from a single turn of a WEGO pbem of Bois de Baugin. I can't say enough how much I appreciate the care and effort put into this scenario and it's map.

JonS this is truly a masterpiece. This is my second battle in a PBEM with two different opponents. I have tried to come up with an alternate battle plan after having put so much of my previous one down in an AAR keeping in mind I could rely on my opponent (who previously trounced me in Huzzar) devising a very good attack plan. Even the best of plans however can founder on a tenacious defense. I can only hope the rest of my force will put up the same level of resistance as Herr Probst.

We start with the Americans having launched their probing attack on hill 144. The initial assault degenerated into a close quarters grenade tossing match. The Americans hit the far left flank of the hill defense (to Probst's left.)

As the scene opens Probst has turned to face the enemy breaking into the fox hole line on his flank, grenaten in hand.


His contribution is late as the Americans are already beginning to break, but it hurries them along on their way.


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This is where this game gets oh so cool. BFC whatever anyone feels about the game needing to be tweaked, you definitely have the base engine down and should rightly feel proud. I have watched this scene a dozen times already and just can't get over how impressive everything is when it comes together.

Back to our heroes tale, Probst displaces forward on the line racing some oncoming GIs to get into a favorable ambush position (this is all the AI, I gave no such orders.)


Probst races into position along a tree line.


Finding an ideal position he turns to face the path his enemy is approaching from.


Amazingly he then crouches down and calmly pulls another handgrenaten


And tosses it at his BAR wielding opponent who was unaware the enemy had flanked him.


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Thought all that was impressive? Our hero has barely gotten started! Probst then opens up with his MP 40 as another group of GIs approach the foxhole line.


The GIS are bunching up and it is clear he faces a full half squad.


One GI down


Two GIs down and Probst doesn't even hesitate, he is on his feet again displacing along the tree line.


One pissed off GI attempts to hit him as he moves off through the woods. Like the guy with a rifle grenade loaded? ...in the woods!


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I couldn't figure out if it was just because of the tree between them or if the GI hesitated to reload, but it was a costly error.


Probst drops prone and pulls still another handgrenaten. At this point the rest of his team is down, but Probst isn't giving in.


I'm bettin this GI wished he had just let it go and retreated down the hill. That thing looks like even if it doesn't explode it is gonna smack him right between the eyes.


Ducking? Why bother? This is gonna hurt. Maybe the guy is tossing himself on the grenade to save his fellow pixeltruppen.


The rest of the team has had enough. 3 men down to a berserker with a submachine gun and a satchelful of grenades, this isn't what they signed up for.


60 seconds of sheer mayhem, all I did was tell these guys to hold the foxhole line. To Charles, Steve, Phil and the rest of the BFC team as well as all the beta testers - This is simply awesome. I have gotten so much more than my money's worth and have only scratched the surface. Truly amazing, thanks folks.

To my opponent in this game I have to admit to taking very little credit for how this fight on the hill has gone. Blame BFC :-P

Also a special thanks to all the modders, I am sure some of you can see your work here. To Mord- the immersive voices are truly outstanding.

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This is an amazing vignette of close action, and the screenshots are amazing. Thanks for taking the time to search deep into the game action and put this together for us. It really shows the rich detail of reactions shown by the virtual soldiers. I love it!


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So I sent three platoons across a bridge...

As you can see, they seem to have missunderstood my orders.

So has anyone else seen troops bunching up under bridges?

Bridges still have issues. You gotta be ultra careful with your waypoints near them, and you'll still get strays if you're not microing at the team level.

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Forest fighting is hell, but it becomes worse when your opponent figures out a way to nullify your advantage as a defender. This scene occurred right after the thread on forest fighting was opened. The thread was started by the American commander here. I think you may have found your own answer Von Kleist.

Here we are in the Bois de Baugin as a smoke screen blows in compliments of some American smoke grenades. Should we pull back? Certainly not, we would probably be shot for giving up ground without ever seeing the enemy!


Quiet I can hear them coming, Sh*t they are already on us, the first GI goes down.


Oh jeez we are getting overrun


Like fish in a barrel


For the sake of historical record, these GIs had just heard about one of their recon guys getting hit with a hand grenade after trying to surrender. They aren't inclined to take prisoners.


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Maybe retreat was a good idea...too late now


Scouring the battlefield for any remaining Germans. Anybody see this guy Probst?


Meanwhile over on the left flank....

Once again our landser spot them enemy first, one down


Ahh and here comes another - shooting gallery!


uh oh, they just keep coming


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Fats in the fryer now! Hey maybe you ought to use the MG you have strapped to your back!


WTF?! Tank!!!!


Time to consider getting out of here, who's bright idea was it to hold this position? Oh mine...


oh geez not another grenade. Heavens to murgatroid! Exit stage left!


once again a little too slow


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Classical, as always. When the lads suddenly had that frigging tank in front of them your narrative cracked me up completely. Was it beamed in from the Philadelphia Experiment? Those guys had to hear it in the smoke. What were they thinking?

Your screenshots are excellent and tell the story so well. I love it! Thanks for sharing.


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Classical, as always. When the lads suddenly had that frigging tank in front of them your narrative cracked me up completely. Was it beamed in from the Philadelphia Experiment? Those guys had to hear it in the smoke. What were they thinking?

Your screenshots are excellent and tell the story so well. I love it! Thanks for sharing.


Thanks, it's a labor of love.

The tank appearing like that blew me away, but I think reinforces the idea that you can divert the attention of units in woods positions and assault them from multiple directions pretty successfully. My hats off to Von Kleist for a very good move, but it isn't over yet. Herr Probst is still out there.

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