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First Impressions

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one question why was it changed from mp43 to mp44? Is it known? was it due to it been 1944 :)?

According to Speer it was part of a process to finalise certain weapon names. Therefore the Gewer 43 became the Karabiner 43 while the MP43 became the MP44. That happened in April 1944. with the change to StG 44 taking place in December.

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I finally got some time on the weekend to play. First impression is WOW awesome. I was stuck working on our underpowered notebook so I had to run with the 3D modeling turned down. Only the soldiers close by were drawn in any detail most of the time they looked like abstract animated groups of triangles. But I did not care!!! The game play was so good I ignored the poor rendering and just enjoyed the play. (Note later I got a chance to play a couple of turns on our main computer and the graphics looked fantastic - BTW).

The new spotting is excellent (I played on Warrior - I'm going to try again on Elite to see which I like better). It took me a long time to get that AT gun. In the end I had to go after it with two tanks, mortars, an HGM and two squads of infantry. Even though my platoon commander passed on its reported position (under the tall tree at the end of the bridge) only the HQ and the infantry could actually see the gun. So the others had to use area fire. I have no idea what finally did it in but after loosing two tanks to the first attempt I was not taking any chances.

I had a bit of trouble managing the artillery missions. First my heavy weapons HQ was out of position then I botched the order up and had to wait a minute before trying again. Then in one case I set a rate of fire that was too high and ran out of amo before my guys could take advantage of the suppression. So I actually cracked the manual and I think I'll do better next time:-)

I really like the behavior of the soldiers and the ability to give target and pause orders at way points. Of course one of the best behaviour improvements negates the way point orders. I'm speaking here of when a tank gets hit or soldiers come under fire they sometimes forget about future orders and just stop to find cover or engage. This means all those fancy orders get thrown out the window. Brilliant!

It is great that you can give those kinds of orders. The tank can go down the road and alternate shooting between various obvious choices of enemy positions. But if it takes fire from one of them or some other place it will not keep going to its doom but stop instead.


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one question why was it changed from mp43 to mp44? Is it known? was it due to it been 1944 ?

ah right, Im aware of the name change just interested in the number change aswell , cheers

In fact there were four different kinds of this automatic carbine and five different names for it: Mkb2 H(Haenel), MP 43, MP43/1, MP 44 and Stgw 44, the last three are identic weapons.

I hope I get the english technical terms right:

The MP43 differs from the MP43/1, MP 44 and Stgw 44 in screw thread at the barrel muzzle and in the shield at the front sight. The MP 43 also used the standard grenade launcher from the 98k while MP43/1 used the ad hoc developed Gewehrgranatgerät Typ 43.

There are no changes between MP43/1, MP 44 and Stgw 44 i´m aware of.

And the change from MP 44(Maschinenpistole/machine gun) to Stgw 44 (Sturmgewehr/assault rifle) is due propaganda purpose. Not MP 43 to MP 44! I guess it sounds more intimidating ;)

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As an old CMBO/BB/AK player who bought but never played CMSF, and who preordered CMBN, I approached the demo with some trepidation.

Was this going to be the long awaited repalcement for those hallowed games that I spent so much time playing?; would it present the same thrill that I felt when I first encountered the CMBO demo?; would it actually run well on my PC?

I am happy to report, based admittedly on a single but protracted playing of the training mission, that the answer is a very positive yes.

I knew this wasn't going to be CMX1 rewritten; I knew it was going to be a lot different in many key aspects. Where were my bases (yes, I know but I liked bases!), where were my targeting lines and, for most of the time, what the hell was I doing?

Although it was apparent that there was a lot of learning to do it really didn't take long to get the gist of it and, after a while, I could concentrate on getting the mission completed. And it felt real; moreso than CMBO had.

I was surprised as to the immersiveness (is that a word?) of the excellent 1 to 1 modelling, the pyrotechnics, the accuity of the Tac AI and the lush graphics. All in all a brilliant job - congratulations to the BFC team for producing what seems to be a masterwork.

Of course further, deeper playing may well reveal aspects of the game that I dont like, disagree with or think should be added to and I will be quite happy to express those views as well. But for the moment I have been transported back ten years, to the start of the CM era and all that it promised back then.

Well done :D

PS. Looking through the mission briefings, tut, tut...... Echo Coy :confused: Should be Easy Co.

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That's it? All complaining about that...LOL. RT is much better because a "real" commander doesn't get a pause button. Mistakes happen when you have to think on your feet. That's the way real life is.

But a real company commander (let alone a battalion commander...) doesn't have to micro-manage each and every squad, team or vehicle in his force. That's not the way real life is. ;)

In fact there were four different kinds of this automatic carbine and five different names for it: Mkb2 H(Haenel), MP 43, MP43/1, MP 44 and Stgw 44, the last three are identic weapons.

I hope I get the english technical terms right:

The MP43 differs from the MP43/1, MP 44 and Stgw 44 in screw thread at the barrel muzzle and in the shield at the front sight. The MP 43 also used the standard grenade launcher from the 98k while MP43/1 used the ad hoc developed Gewehrgranatgerät Typ 43.

There are no changes between MP43/1, MP 44 and Stgw 44 i´m aware of.

And the change from MP 44(Maschinenpistole/machine gun) to Stgw 44 (Sturmgewehr/assault rifle) is due propaganda purpose. Not MP 43 to MP 44! I guess it sounds more intimidating ;)

Wow! that's a bit more complicated than I thought! :D

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so I had to run with the 3D modeling turned down. Only the soldiers close by were drawn in any detail most of the time they looked like abstract animated groups of triangles.

Was dealing with that for a few days...and I am kinda glad 'cause I just saw this bad boy in all it's glory and I have to say WOW! Beautiful. I can really appreciate the textures and models that much more.

The grass still draws funny but I am used to it at this point.

The placement boxes do need to be darkened up though...I read some posts about people having trouble with them but I thought they meant they didn't know how to place 'em. They just blend too well into the environment...very hard to see.

I've already had some wow moments just screwing around, though they actually happened before I could totally see the game rendered as intended...I may need to email myself those saves so I can rewatch them here, with better GFX.

In one, a Sherman fired a round at this Germ and I saw it explode behind him...he dropped just prior. I was like was he hit by shrapnel? I kept replaying it and noticed he was dropping by the time the round was exploding...come to find out that Sherman put that shell right through the dude's chest. I was like, oh yeah 1:1 baby!

I knew I was gonna dig the game, I am a glass half full kinda guy and I had faith in Steve and Charles and the guys after their getting CMSF shaped up...but it's just incredible...dream come true to see WWII like this. Really looking forward to the whole shebang.

The split squads, scouting, At teams, ammo bearer teams, Mg teams...man, the tactics are gonna rock. CMX1 is retired for me...for good...the King Is Dead...Long Live The King.


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In tutorial scenario,

Total victory with Iron German Opponent,,

very good scenario

tip: after AT gun elemination and center area bombardment, left flank and right flank infantry attack with two tank attached at each will work

Good Job BFC , thanks for the game again

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that Sherman put that shell right through the dude's chest. I was like, oh yeah 1:1 baby!

So I wasn't just imagining things! A few cool things I've seen so far:

* Tank shells holing an enemy infantryman. Yes, holing him (not exploding on impact, but passing through him), killing him, then traveling on and exploding some distance away. Happened twice in Busting the Bocage. I don't recall seeing that in CMSF (though my tanks may not have been close enough to actually witness this bit of action).

* Partially rubbled buildings. CMSF allows individual walls to be knocked down, but in CMBN the walls of stucco-ed structures will first acquire some visible damage from HE blasts (pock-marking and missing bits of stone), then the wall will collapse, then the whole building finally comes down.

* Also seen roofs partially collapse, exposing the rafters.

* The rubble has a much more realistic 3D look (with corners still somewhat standing after the building collapses) than was in CMSF. Very nice!

Thanks to BTS and the beta testers for what looks like a truly great game!

- Chris

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I was showing off the demo to a guy at work yesterday (a coder of some exceptional talent, btw) and while I was down at ground level scrolling slowing backwards reviewing my turn action with the mouse and we passed through a Sherman and he was like "What?! They modelled the insides of the tanks! That is so totally awesome!" It takes a lot to impress this guy, worth every second. I think BF made another sale right there.

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I was showing off the demo to a guy at work yesterday (a coder of some exceptional talent, btw) and while I was down at ground level scrolling slowing backwards reviewing my turn action with the mouse and we passed through a Sherman and he was like "What?! They modelled the insides of the tanks! That is so totally awesome!" It takes a lot to impress this guy, worth every second. I think BF made another sale right there.

Look inside the church in 'Closing the Gap', They've modelled the interior and even the altar + back-piece and stained glass. Brilliant!

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dang, I've been asking for this ever since CMx1: why on earth can't they model the insides of soldiers pants? i mean, come on, how difficult can it be, some yellow pixels and some brown ones. more brown ones when morale dropping.

all seriousness aside, you'd think they are fanatical about the job they're doing and loving it too. must be tough. good thing we're around to take advantage.

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I played CM1 and tried B2B. This is by far a much better and improved version. Loving it. Comments as follows:

1. Maybe I am doing something wrong or not understanding the CC for the german side. When playing the "Closing the Pocket" scenario, it took 5+ turns before the off map artillary started FFE. Was using a squad level leader unit at the time.

2. Computer AI for tanks seems much more responsive than player AI and more accurate. IE, they hit targets more often and faster ROF. Maybe just biased since it is against me and that is my observation anyway.

3. Tank movement can seem dumb at times. IE, is it not possible for the AI to know to reverse for a better position to move rather than making a long circle into an enemies LOS? Not a game breaker and one of the details you learn OTJ.

4. Artillary strikes in general seem very inaccurate when playing against computer and require very large safe distance to avoid friendly fire in most cases.

5. Cannot use mouse trails else cannot see mouse in game. Not a big deal and MSMC has same problem when full screen.

My PCs:


Win7 64-bit


8 Gigs RAM

Nvidia 240 GS - 1 Gig

Resolution 2560 x 1600 (30 In LCD)


Win7 64-bit


8 Gigs RAM

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650

Resolution 1920 x 1080

Both machines work great.

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Oh yeah, some other comments.

Will the full realease have the option of not allowing the other side to surrender, or play until all enemy units are destroyed or surrender on the map? Would be a nice option.

Also, is there a technical reason why LAN play is RT only? Or did I read that wrong. Would be nice to have turn play by LAN also.

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Oh yeah, some other comments.

Will the full realease have the option of not allowing the other side to surrender, or play until all enemy units are destroyed or surrender on the map? Would be a nice option.

Also, is there a technical reason why LAN play is RT only? Or did I read that wrong. Would be nice to have turn play by LAN also.

LAN is only RT, don't know the reason. If you're on LAN and close to each other you might as well hot seat or use a shared folder to share PBEM files. Not the same thing I know, but better than nothing. Hopefully one day WEGO LAN will be in.

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I played CM1 and tried B2B. This is by far a much better and improved version. Loving it. Comments as follows:

1. Maybe I am doing something wrong or not understanding the CC for the german side. When playing the "Closing the Pocket" scenario, it took 5+ turns before the off map artillary started FFE. Was using a squad level leader unit at the time.

2. Computer AI for tanks seems much more responsive than player AI and more accurate. IE, they hit targets more often and faster ROF. Maybe just biased since it is against me and that is my observation anyway.

3. Tank movement can seem dumb at times. IE, is it not possible for the AI to know to reverse for a better position to move rather than making a long circle into an enemies LOS? Not a game breaker and one of the details you learn OTJ.

4. Artillary strikes in general seem very inaccurate when playing against computer and require very large safe distance to avoid friendly fire in most cases.

1: You will get faster response times if you use a unit that's higher in the chain of command, like a company leader (I assume you meant a platoon leader rather than squad leader? I don't think squads can order artillery support...) or dedicated forward observers (when available). It's still going to take some time though, because it did take some time in real life.

2: Keep in mind that you are comparing different tank models, probably different engagement situations, possibly different crew experience levels, and that there are also random factors at work...

3: I agree with that. Playing 'Closing the Pocket' from the US side, I saw a Panther run from one side of the map to the other presenting his flank to my AT guns all the time... Needless to say, the kitty didn't survive very long.

4: There is a nice table here with minimal safe distance for modern US artillery. Commanders can, of course, order missions closer than that, but it gives an idea of how close is really getting too close... They give a minimal safe distance value of 260 m for 60 mm mortars (!) fired at a 1000 m range, and up to 680 m for 155 mm howitzers fired at a long range.

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The on-line manual for CMBN is very annoying. I suppose the phony 1944 Field Manual seemed attractive, but it's hard to read the "faded" greyish text against the yellowed "paper". The ? mark in the large box in the center of each page also covers some of the manual's text. (Sometimes I can deduce what the covered text probably is, but important information is frequently unreadable.)

I tried printing the manual on my Epson line printer. Big mistake! The boxed ? mark doesn't appear (which is great), but the greyish text on yellowish "paper" emptied the LightMagenta printer cartridge. (And the printer stops working if ANY cartridge is empty.) So now I have a printer I can't use until I get a new set of cartridges for $70 or so, and I have the last 100-odd pages of the 200 page manual (which Epson prints back to front) which have a lot of interesting info but no discussion of the how one views the map and gives orders to the units. And it's still hard to read the light text against a dark background. (I dread to think what the pages would have looked like if the printer driver had given me a choice to print just black and white instead of color. I might have had grey text on greyer pages and emptied the black cartridge.)

As I've owned CMBO-CMBB-CMAK for years, I have a lot of experience with those games. That experience doesn't transfer too well into CMBN. I've tried the training patrol scenario three times now, and I still haven't figured out how to view the map easily. I've given simple movement and targeting orders to one of the Shermans, and the Sherman appeared to move as I directed.

However "locking" the view to the Sherman didn't do anything. I expected that would give me the tank commmander's view of what was happening, which I could then raise above the tank better to see what was going on. To my surprise, nothing happened at all.

Is there a UTube intro to the game which talks through exactly what the player does to control views and issue commands to units? One lengthy intro video I've watched has the view jumping around so much I almost get a headache watching it. It does show you can move the view around easily, but it gives no clue about HOW the narrator is moving the view.

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Is there a UTube intro to the game which talks through exactly what the player does to control views and issue commands to units? One lengthy intro video I've watched has the view jumping around so much I almost get a headache watching it. It does show you can move the view around easily, but it gives no clue about HOW the narrator is moving the view.

There are a couple tutorial scenarios in the full game IIRC. I believe some of the playtesters are also planning to post some hints and tips material.

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