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Some lame questions while waiting

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Really??! I mean really?? The OP asks two simple questions and this thread atom bomb mushrooms into a five (edit/now six with this post) page monstrosity on swearing :eek:

For all that is good and holy in the world, please BF, please release the demo/game!!



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Really??! I mean really?? The OP asks two simple questions and this thread atom bomb mushrooms into a five (edit/now six with this post) page monstrosity on swearing :eek:

For all that is good and holy in the world, please BF, please release the demo/game!!



This is how it is. Get used to it! ;)

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I swear like a trooper when I'm at home or only with my wife, particularly while driving on the freeway, but it still jars me to hear all the coarse language in TV and movies these days. Even worse when I hear young people dropping the F word or worse in stores and malls, with nary a concern for who's walking nearby them. I guess you could say its a double standard, but actually, I wish that the consideration I show others (by moderating my speech around them) was returned in kind. Its about politeness and culture, showing some breeding, having a little class: whatever you choose to call it, it makes you feel a bit more refined when you hold yourself back, than when you let yourself go. Restraint is supposed to be the best demonstration of true power, after all. And you can bet when my pixeltruppen start getting creamed in CM:N, I'll be turning the air blue for yards around my PC.

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While we're on the topic of censorship and violence, let's see some other games that my 16 year old cousin and I are playing:

*turn down your speakers for the last one.

One can only wonder what the 12th SS Hitlerjugend would have fought like had they been raised on videos games like these. :D

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Swearing, blood, screams,guts and blown to pieces and people would still purchase it.

Actually, I wouldnt.

Personally, whether intentional or not, I greatly appreciate the lack of swearing and blood/guts in the CM games. I hope BFC continues to leave this out of their games. Having swearing and/or blood/guts in your game does *not* make it more realistic. It just makes it crude. Anyone who doesnt think so just needs to look at Company of Heroes.

As one with small kids in the house my rule is simple: I dont play anything that I dont want them to play/watch me play. And for the record, I do not feel like the CM games are violent at all. Yes, they depict violence, but not in a violent way. I think of the movie The Longest Day. It had plenty of death, killing, explosions and violence in it - but it wasnt a violent movie. CM is no more violent than me and my son running around going 'bang bang I got you'. Obviously, you drop a 2000 lb JDAM on a bunch of insurgents, theres plenty of *implied* violence, but I dont see little pieces of them fly through the air.

No let me be clear: I am not trying to say that this is the way all parents should be, or that anyone who plays Gears of War is bad. This is just the rule that I have come to live by as my kids get older and take interest in what I am doing.

So again, whether intentional or not, thank you BFC for keeping blood/guts and swearing out.


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I can see where the concern about foul language is coming from. Maybe this is because I have kids too, and I'm always trying to discourage bad habits.

Think of this way: The people getting blown up and maimed in computer games are not actual people getting blown up and maimed, but the foul language spoken in computer games *is* actual foul language. One is simulated, one is real. Which one do you think kids are more likely to go away with?

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One can only wonder what the 12th SS Hitlerjugend would have fought like had they been raised on videos games like these. :D

There was still plenty of relatively recent WWI footage around at that time.

When I was at primary school, my grand mother showed me a book full of maimed patients from WW I.

It was not as colourful as that video - being black and white, but on the other hand they were pictures of real people.

It was her way to tell me that war is bad.

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...it still jars me to hear all the coarse language in TV and movies these days. Even worse when I hear young people dropping the F word or worse in stores and malls, with nary a concern for who's walking nearby them...

I wish that the consideration I show others (by moderating my speech around them) was returned in kind. Its about politeness and culture, showing some breeding, having a little class: whatever you choose to call it, it makes you feel a bit more refined when you hold yourself back, than when you let yourself go. Restraint is supposed to be the best demonstration of true power, after all.

Alas, such concepts are foreign to modern culture, which takes the brash attitude "This is how I talk, get used to it, you *$^)! hypocritical prude." We can bemoan the loss of the culture we grew up in, but the protests of a few have but scant effect on tsunami of the cultural vulgarity of our day. Consider the propriety of my actions along with the sensitivities of others and restrain my behavior?! Self expression takes priority over all else these days.

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Badly, being out of shape and overburdening the supply lines with Pizza, Cheetos and Cola and in fact being generally unwilling to leave the house at all.


Horrible stereotyping there Elmar. I am certain they will improve stamina by compulsory 5 hours every day of Iron Cross VI on Wii.

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Alas, such concepts are foreign to modern culture, which takes the brash attitude "This is how I talk, get used to it, you *$^)! hypocritical prude." We can bemoan the loss of the culture we grew up in, but the protests of a few have but scant effect on tsunami of the cultural vulgarity of our day. Consider the propriety of my actions along with the sensitivities of others and restrain my behavior?! Self expression takes priority over all else these days.

Ha, classic words from a fellow grumpy old man :-)

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One can only wonder what the 12th SS Hitlerjugend would have fought like had they been raised on videos games like these. :D

A pushover!

1. They'd be whiny, unfit brats who could kill you online in a split second but be unable to maintain their REAL weapons or use them!

2. All the Allied soldiers would have to do would be take their consoles away and the SS ubermenschen would be reduced to tantrum throwing crybabies.

3. If you did get them out of their barracks and tore them away from their screens they execute the most abysmal attacks with lousy fire discipline "cos it works in COD" and that's so realistic!"

4. Most of them would collapse of heatstroke as they tried to carry an MG plus rifle, plus grenades, plus Panzerfaust, plus Panzershreck

5. Fire support would cause devastating friendly fire incidents as the the FO's would be struggling to concentrate on 2 hours sleep because " we played these amazing online death matches ALL NIGHT"!

6. Morale would collapse once word got around that when you died that was it! No spawning or saves, you were dead, I mean how unfair!

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I have it on good authority that we English speakers use a remarkably impoverished lexicon for cussing. Basically the words George Carlin talked about thirty years ago and not much else. Other cultures, especially those with inflected languages, are very much more creative. Simply by changing an accent mark or the ending vowel of a word you'd be able to cast doubts on your subject's gender identity, the martial status of his parents, or even his mental capacity. I had a coworker originally from Mexico City who laughed at Americans' clumsy artless use of profanity. ;)

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There's really nothing to worry about...the stock waves have almost no cussing. In CMX1 the worst epithet slung was Mad Matt growling "Bastards!" As far as I can remember most of those wavs were carried over into CMX2...However, I remedied that for CMSF!

I am hoping I can do a semi cuss mod for CMBN once I have a computer...and the game! Something more akin to the times, though.


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I don't know where the US military get their recruits from if they are not takng in young men and women who have spent their formative years playing computer games. The "X-box generation" seem to be able to soldier OK in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The only complaint I have heard from the UK military about today's youngsters is that too often their feet aren't tough enough becuase too many of them have only ever worn trainers not real shoes or boots.

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There's really nothing to worry about...the stock waves have almost no cussing. In CMX1 the worst epithet slung was Mad Matt growling "Bastards!" As far as I can remember most of those wavs were carried over into CMX2...However, I remedied that for CMSF!

I am hoping I can do a semi cuss mod for CMBN once I have a computer...and the game! Something more akin to the times, though.


I would argue we are living in rather puritan days. Meuh.

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Oh, and as far as foul language and the effects of violence on young, impressionable minds...well, I reveled in violent play as a child...shot, burned and blew up many an army man...then would paint the pieces red...we played guns and acted out elaborate death scenes, played king of the hill and the bottom was always surrounded with hot lava, or piranha or sharks, so those who fell were melted or eaten alive...and I cussed up a storm while doing it...

SO as far as any of you know, I haven't murdered anyone...


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I wouldn’t be too sure of this, I've been in Combat with this most recent generation and they performed admirably.

A pushover!

1. They'd be whiny, unfit brats who could kill you online in a split second but be unable to maintain their REAL weapons or use them! Kids love their weapons when taught to appreciate them like their video games.

2. All the Allied soldiers would have to do would be take their consoles away and the SS ubermenschen would be reduced to tantrum throwing crybabies.

3. If you did get them out of their barracks and tore them away from their screens they execute the most abysmal attacks with lousy fire discipline "cos it works in COD" and that's so realistic!" They already know team work, they just have to be directed in the proper application of it.

4. Most of them would collapse of heatstroke as they tried to carry an MG plus rifle, plus grenades, plus Panzerfaust, plus Panzershreck In the beginning this is true but 13 weeks of training later they would be good to go

5. Fire support would cause devastating friendly fire incidents as the the FO's would be struggling to concentrate on 2 hours sleep because " we played these amazing online death matches ALL NIGHT"! Proper application of discipline would fix this, not a major issue that was encountered

6. Morale would collapse once word got around that when you died that was it! No spawning or saves, you were dead, I mean how unfair! The younger generation seems to be more tolerant to combat losses and wounds, they don't believe that it will happen to them, probably like the kids in '44

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I think this must be an American thing. In Australia foul language and nudity on television is OK at night. However, Australian school children are not allowed to take automatic weapons to school and shoot their teachers and class mates. I understand different rules apply in America.

I will second this. As an American visiting Sydney there was one night, after 10 pm, I was watching what appeared to be a health show (Don't ask me why!) that followed a Balls of Fury movie. I was indeed shocked when the topic went to STDs and they began to show man and woman parts of what the disease looked like!

I was aghast and wanted to complain to someone in the Australian government. I mean, those people weren't even good looking!

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A pushover!

1. They'd be whiny, unfit brats who could kill you online in a split second but be unable to maintain their REAL weapons or use them!

2. All the Allied soldiers would have to do would be take their consoles away and the SS ubermenschen would be reduced to tantrum throwing crybabies.

3. If you did get them out of their barracks and tore them away from their screens they execute the most abysmal attacks with lousy fire discipline "cos it works in COD" and that's so realistic!"

4. Most of them would collapse of heatstroke as they tried to carry an MG plus rifle, plus grenades, plus Panzerfaust, plus Panzershreck

5. Fire support would cause devastating friendly fire incidents as the the FO's would be struggling to concentrate on 2 hours sleep because " we played these amazing online death matches ALL NIGHT"!

6. Morale would collapse once word got around that when you died that was it! No spawning or saves, you were dead, I mean how unfair!

Don't pay much attention to world news much, do ya?

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I will second this. As an American visiting Sydney there was one night, after 10 pm, I was watching what appeared to be a health show (Don't ask me why!) that followed a Balls of Fury movie. I was indeed shocked when the topic went to STDs and they began to show man and woman parts of what the disease looked like!

I was aghast and wanted to complain to someone in the Australian government. I mean, those people weren't even good looking!

Ahh I still fondly remember flipping across news channels in Italy one night and seeing a report on a fashion show and there goes Cindy Crawford down the runway with a blouse that only covered half her chest. That is a news channel I could enjoy watching as opposed to now where I only watch Comedy Central.

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