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CM:BN Beta AAR/DAR Bois de Baugin - German side

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Quick question about that 50mm shot on the truck, was it a HE shell that was fired?(if Jon doesn't mind checking) I assume so based on the high number of causalities caused. Since a AP shell should/could result in much fewer cas, unless of course the shell makes the truck go boom.

Btw Jon, did you ever finish or release that CMSF scenario called "Reverse Slope Defense"? (working title maybe?) I remember playtesting it with you awhile back.

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I didn't check, but I assume it was HE - the AI is generally smart enough to use the appropriate ammo based on the target. There is a slight 'Schrödinger's Ammo' fudge involved, but it works well.

That gun has used almost it's entire allocation, and is stripping from its ammo team. Which is more than handy. It also provides a way to limit ammo use and/or maintain a reserve of ammo.

Reverse Slope - heh. I was searching through some folders the other day looking for something and came across that. Unfortunately, no, I never did do much more on that, which is a shame. It'd be interesting to set it up with different forces as the attacker, but other projects have taken precedence.

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You and Elvis have done a great job keeping me interested (And it seems everyone else too). I am really enjoying these DARs. These DARs have been a great success at keeping my attention and distracting me until the release. :)

I really hope you guys drag this out until the release...or maybe that is the idea?


Otherwise I am really going to be sad when the DAR's are over. :(

Good work!


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Did someone say Panzer Command has better graphics!!! It's not Aprils fools day is it??

Listen I'm all for more wargames and I'm an avid supporter of Matrix Games...however I know that CM Normandy will be THE NO 1 tactical WW2 game out there. The only area PC gets a bonus point is that it's East Front...

I do know if I bought PC over CM Normandy I'd be getting second best...I prefered playing CM SF over the old PC games and I love the East front and really have no interest in modern warfare...so that says something...also at the infantry level CMX2 games are streets ahead of PC...

Reading the thread not sure why it all got a little out of hand....all because a turret doesn't fly off....it happened I'm sure but probably not enough for it to happen when were dealing with this amount of units...so it ain't no biggy....

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Are you worried that customers will demand more special effects like fire which your revolutionary software engine cannot handle? Thanks for making me choose Panzer Command Ostfront. At least they understand customer relations.

Oh I'm betting you'll buy it anyway baby but in the meanwhile .....


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18: Pummelling and Stalking

Elvis has started to exploit his new found freedom to manoeuvre to bring his Shermans up and start pummelling la Campagne with direct fire. He has one Sherman in the trees on Hill 144, the survivor on Hill 154, and three more down near the edge where he started, still maintaining a respectful distance but nevertheless moving in.

The buildings in the hamlet take a fearful pounding, but he obviously isn’t too sure where my troops are since many of the rounds strike harmlessly at empty buildings.

Not these ones though


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With the outer buildings rapidly becoming untenable, I decide to pull all the men back into das Alamo – the main villa to the rear of the Hamlet. It’s composed of three linked buildings and a separate small barn, and is surrounded by a high wall. That should give my men plenty of places to fight from and also confound Elvis’ long-range observation and fire into it.

This is the HMG team shown getting hit above, pulling back to das Alamo, whose entrance can be seen in the high wall just to their front left.


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Something to note about this image is the roadside ditch that two of the men are running along. CMBN roads have a natural camber and are lined with drainage ditches, which the men will use when it makes sense, like here.

Being offensive minded, I order my ‘schreck team in la Campagne to engage the Sherman on Hill 144. It’s a little optimistic, as the range is about 260 metres, but he’s in a reasonable position keyholed between two buildings and behind a low wall


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The Sherman can just be seen under the trees. They get all five shots away, even though the first gunner gets struck down and his mate has to loot ... er, buddy aid him. But it was too optimistic, even against a stationary target. One round prematures in the trees, while the other four slightly go wide or long. That leaves exactly no anti-tank capability in the town.

Meanwhile, there’s a deadly game of hide-and-seek afoot. From Hill 144 I observe Elvis creeping his Sherman around the edge of the Bois de Baugin on Hill 154, and pushing a 57mm anti-tank gun through the woods. So I counter by stalking them with my infantry. A ‘schreck team gets into position, fires and hits to no effect, then is promptly gunned down. Another guy throws a grenade which sounds like it injures someone, but the tank keeps on fighting. Then this


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Two blobs of doom, winging their way towards the Sherman and about to turn it into a blazing inferno. One of the crew got out and put up a brief fight before he too was eliminated. That’s seven Shermans destroyed now. The 57mm anti-tank gun is similarly destroyed, and I secure another surrender in another part of the Bois. Huzzah!

With my anti-tank assets dwindling fast my approach is changing. Now I’m trying to ensure that I hold Hills 154 and 144, extract as much blood as I can in the defence of la Campagne before it inevitably falls, and to destroy as much US kit and kill as many US soldiers as possible. I’m therefore quite happy when the 75mm indirect fire I ordered a while ago falls on Hill 144.


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Some of the rounds fall in the area that must be tightly packed with US soldiers and vehicles, but several fall on my forces, killing or wounding seven men from four units. Their morale takes a big hit from that error. This is not helpful to my new approach.

26 minutes to go.

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18: Pummelling and Stalking

Elvis has started to exploit his new found freedom to manoeuvre to bring his Shermans up and start pummelling la Campagne with direct fire.

Of course, one big advantage that you both have in this battle is knowing each others force composition. Other wise he wouldn't be so bold as to assume that all your tracks were out of commission.

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Something to note about this image is the roadside ditch that two of the men are running along. CMBN roads have a natural camber and are lined with drainage ditches, which the men will use when it makes sense, like here.


It´s funny - to add to the overall graphics/appearance discussion of CM:BN - in the beginning of the DAR, I found the looks of the terrain (not yet finalized to be fair) not all...agreeable. And very different from CMX1 (modded beyond comprehensibility), which, to be fair as well, could convey quite nice terrain appeareances after all. But I suspected that it could be a question of just unaccustomedness. Quite right so, because after seing more and more of it, I find myself thinking it´s beautiful. It somehow reminds me of those Brothers In Arms games for the consoles that came out some years ago - the same green and lush Normandy feeling about it.

With the inevitable refinements that is going to come and the extension of all modules, introducing new features and perfections, do you realize that the happiest time of our lifes is just ahead?

Oh, BTW, thanks for the DAR! Great stuff!

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It´s funny - to add to the overall graphics/appearance discussion of CM:BN - in the beginning of the DAR, I found the looks of the terrain (not yet finalized to be fair) not all...agreeable. And very different from CMX1 (modded beyond comprehensibility), which, to be fair as well, could convey quite nice terrain appeareances after all. But I suspected that it could be a question of just unaccustomedness. Quite right so, because after seing more and more of it, I find myself thinking it´s beautiful. It somehow reminds me of those Brothers In Arms games for the consoles that came out some years ago - the same green and lush Normandy feeling about it.

With the inevitable refinements that is going to come and the extension of all modules, introducing new features and perfections, do you realize that the happiest time of our lifes is just ahead?

Oh, BTW, thanks for the DAR! Great stuff!


Brothers in arms, what great games!

This AAR just gets better by the Post, I wasnt sure if I was going to get CMBN but now...a deffo.

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Buy it StellarRat!

[stellarRat backs away]

Moon: Buy it!

StellarRat: No,Moon.

Moon: You must buy it!

StellarRat: You cannot offer me this game!

Moon: I'm giving it to you!

StellarRat: Don't... tempt me Moon! I dare not play it. Not even to demo it. Understand, Moon. I would play this game from a desire to have fun... But through me, it would burn hours too great and terrible to imagine.

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Buy it StellarRat!

[stellarRat backs away]

Moon: Buy it!

StellarRat: No,Moon.

Moon: You must buy it!

StellarRat: You cannot offer me this game!

Moon: I'm giving it to you!

StellarRat: Don't... tempt me Moon! I dare not play it. Not even to demo it. Understand, Moon. I would play this game from a desire to have fun... But through me, it would burn hours too great and terrible to imagine.

It happened once, I cannot let it happen again. Im sticking with the Reds


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Blimey these AAR's are to much...I really haven't been this excited about a new release full stop...I don't care what any detractors would say as I know I'm going to love it warts (if any) and all....and I wouldn't be arsed if I was called a fanboy...

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agree, the AARs are wetting the appetite nicely ... almost to much. Desperate to get stuck into this game. I think i now more about the underlying engine of CM:BN than any other CM game ever simply because i reading every sentence i can about it on these forums.

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19: Closing In

The next five minutes see Elvis trying again to push in on la Campagne astride the D-28, without much success.


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But a combination of sniper fire and long-range HMG fire keeps the effective rate of advance very slow, and inflicts a steady trickle of attrition. At this stage his push up the centre is of little concern to me.

The big story though, is - as it always seems to be - up on Hill 154.

The Sherman that Elvis swung over, after the demise of his last one under a hail of ‘faust rounds, is greeted by a couple of 50mm rounds to the turret, pops smoke, and withdraws. Undaunted it is soon creeping forward, covered by it’s own smoke screen. I don’t have anything else to engage him with, especially since he’s well over 30m from the edge of the Bois, outside ‘faust range. So for over 2 minutes the 50mm PaK and the Sherman face off against each other, separated by just 60m and a smokescreen, patiently waiting for the smoke to clear


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To keep himself amused, the Sherman engages an FO team that’d been sent up to the top edge of The Orchard to retrieve a ‘schreck from a ‘schreck team that’d already been eliminated there.


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In retrospect, trying to retrieve that one may not have been a very smart move, but I’m starting to get desperate for AT weapons. Strangely, there was no explosion when this round arrived – I wonder if he fired an AP round.

By this stage of the battle, the PaK only has a total of 7 rounds remaining, including those carried by the ammo team – 4 x HE and 3 x AP. That’s not a lot of death and mayhem to deal out, and I suspect it’s most useful role is as a threat in being. I consider moving the gun to another position to confound Elvis. Earlier I saw Elvis pushing one of his own guns about, and the crews get them moving reasonably quickly. But what dissuades me in the end is a combination of the belief that I can pierce the Sherman’s armour at 60m, and the disincentive of a packup time of over three minutes – the smoke is likely to be long-gone by before they can get out of there, leaving them desperately vulnerable.

Anyway, after waiting and waiting and waiting, the smoke finally clears. I have the gun lines up on the exact known position of the Sherman, and so just seconds after sighting it the round is on it’s way


(larger image) (The PaK is unskinned in this beta build)

But the round fails to penetrate. Given the hit location right on the rounded edge of the turret roof that probably isn’t surprising, but it’s still a bitter setback. Two AP rounds left.

The next round flies high over the top of the Sherman as it backs away in a panic, popping yet more smoke. One AP round left.

There’s some consolation in that at least the Sherman is scared of the PaK.


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Uh oh. Hold the consolation. The crew all survive, but that last AP round is worthless. PROTIP: not noticing the second tank in overwatch while engaging the first tank is bad for your health.

21 minutes to go. With no anti-tank weapons. Against four Shermans. This is going to be ... delicate.

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