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Things Peng and I have challenged about

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Have I been made redundant?

Oh no, that would imply that there are two of you. And nobody wants to contemplate that.

In other news, Chloe the Wonder Dog is not quite so wonderful after having a breach in her stern end.


In my office, natch.

Turns out once I get all the sh*t cleaned up.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Have I been made redundant?

Oh no, that would imply that there are two of you. And nobody wants to contemplate that.

In other news, Chloe the Wonder Dog is not quite so wonderful after having a breach in her stern end.


In my office, natch.

Turns out once I get all the sh*t cleaned up. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

Maybe I should see if she can go stay over at dalem's again.

It would be good for somebody to give a ****e about him too.

Let's not push the bounds of credulity here Lars ...

Speaking of credulity, how is the Loverly and Talented Shary dealing with being drugged to the altar ... and yes, I MEANT DRUGGED, not dragged.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

OGSF is a fecking toad who might try returning a turn to me, despite the fact that he's ashamed to be losing his arse to me. Again.

Ye're a filthy, lyin' toady dog! Ah saint ye a turn feckin' weeks ago, laddie! Ah'll saind at agin, ye pillock!
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, did you miss me?

Were you gone?

I don't know...what posture should I take with you all tonight?
On your hands and knees would be good. At least you'd be in position to give the floors a good scrubbing that way. And it's not as if that posture would be unfamiliar, since you spend so much time in it with your head in the toilet bowl.

After 5 fecking years of posting here, I sometimes worry that I'm beginning to repeat myself. Have you come to know Seanachai? Has every spiky bit of my personality been trotted out for you to enjoy? Has every unswept corner of my soul been laid bare for you to mock? Have I become surplus to current requirements?

Have I been made redundant?

Frankly, I think that I am.

Do I fade away? Do I disappear?

You might consider taking up a more engaging topic than your shriveled, blackened, and frankly uninteresting ego. Something like...oh, I don't know...how about fried okra for instance? Now there's a topic you could really get your teeth into.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Mind you, on a brighter note, said 'hot woman' and I are off tomorrow for a lovely 10 days in Oman, with a spot of Scuba diving, visiting the Turtle hatchery at Raz al-Jinz and exploring the hinterland of this mysterious, exotic land.

How you manage to bear up under all that excitement I'll never understand. Do you take supplements?


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Consider yourself lucky the feckstick dint show his manky face in these parts agin. Did you or did you not start this thread? Did you or did you not fail to write rules which even Texans can understand? The blame for all gibbering ninnies appearing in this thread... well, new ones anyway, lies squarely at your gnarled and bunioned feet.

The only poor show around here is yours. Next time you start a thread make damn sure that no Texans show up or you WILL be in a heap of trouble alrighty.

Well I think we can all consider ourselves lucky that he’s gone ‘where all good SSN’s go’ as for everything else you wrote, what can I say, you’re whole premise is unsound…

Poor show and all

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Consider yourself lucky the feckstick dint show his manky face in these parts agin. Did you or did you not start this thread? Did you or did you not fail to write rules which even Texans can understand? The blame for all gibbering ninnies appearing in this thread... well, new ones anyway, lies squarely at your gnarled and bunioned feet.

The only poor show around here is yours. Next time you start a thread make damn sure that no Texans show up or you WILL be in a heap of trouble alrighty.

Well I think we can all consider ourselves lucky that he’s gone ‘where all good SSN’s go’ as for everything else you wrote, what can I say, you’re whole premise is unsound…

Poor show and all </font>

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Consider yourself lucky the feckstick dint show his manky face in these parts agin. Did you or did you not start this thread? Did you or did you not fail to write rules which even Texans can understand? The blame for all gibbering ninnies appearing in this thread... well, new ones anyway, lies squarely at your gnarled and bunioned feet.

The only poor show around here is yours. Next time you start a thread make damn sure that no Texans show up or you WILL be in a heap of trouble alrighty.

Well I think we can all consider ourselves lucky that he’s gone ‘where all good SSN’s go’ as for everything else you wrote, what can I say, you’re whole premise is unsound…

Poor show and all </font>

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Peng Chapter 10, Verses 20-24:

And the Peng did say, "The prophet has forseen these events, and forseen these events have been. One day, an SSN of lowly stature, so low as to remain unseen in the eyes of the majestic Pool, shall blunder his way into the promised land. His name shall be soul-less, as shall his soul. Heed him not, for the demon in his gullet will soon desist in its practises, and merry you all shall be." So it is spoken, so it is done.

You lot are derelicts. Evident this has been, now self-evident it is become. There can be no inkling of doubt, sprout of question, nor floret of incertitude. Absent was I, much befitting my hermitic lifestyle, and absent were you, though on a different plane. Daftness is a plague in this land, idolatry rampant. One could blame those of the Midwestern clime, but surely they be consummate, implacable, and just. Responsibility would more ably come to rest on others, residing far from that Utopia of earth and sky. But what good comes of this? What purpose have I? Answers may come, but more than likely not, as I have no whim to rejoin such queries.

But whim have I to speak in complaint of the "new" Doritos. They taste just as caloric, just as artery cloggingly mediocre as before, save the lesser amounts of flavoring now bespeckling each wedge of corn. But that was to be expected. What irks my taters, and irks them all day long, is the change in nomenclature of said corn wedges. What child has not revelled in the joy of a serving or three of "Nacho Cheesier" chips? Has a junkie ever pondered the grammatical correctness of his portion of "Cooler Ranch" munchies? Of course the answer is nay. However, as nothing is sacred in this day of gated communities, which I despise, the dearly remembered "er" ending has been eliminated from each product name.

It was two in the morning, and the epoch of conciousness was nigh. Sleep would not come, and adrenaline still wound its way through capillaries. I'm sure you all know the feeling. The television, unwatchable. Books; too burnable. I'm sure you all know the feeling. No solice but thesnow and darkness outside. A coyote, a damned glorified rat, skitters in and out of the treeline. Its movements are indescribable to those who have never observed a fox, a wolf, or a hunting dog. It resumes its ethereality, slipping into the brush, tail flicking in an attempt to keep the cold at bay. Synapses fire in a chain. The left knee is complaining again. Something about an itch. Involuntarily I scratch. Fingertips find a scab, still forming. I curse he who invented astroturf, and his mother, and the moron that thought it would make a great playing surface. I am compelled to annoy, and if possible, waste bandwith in conjunction with the first task. And yet, this is when Aussies prowl, feasting upon young males, and I think I would be safer in the dark. The machine has its own ideas, a bad media card preventing access to the realm of said Aussies, and also my means of typed harassment. Bill O'Reilly is an flaming nutwagon. I fall asleep.

I'll give you 5:1 odds Seneca takes the IHSA title for Class A. And cheerleaders should be forbidden from talking. It's better that way. NG_cavscout is getting a royal whupping from yours truly when it comes to CMAK. Boo Radley, though being beaten, will take time to succumb. Anyone else ever consider Arthur Radley NOT to be a "mockingbird" in that compilation of tripe? I'd call him more of a starling in that he serves no real purpose. That girl should never have dressed as a ham. Problem solved.

Seanachai yet again rambles off more opprobriums to the English language. He talks of hate, and hate knows of him. Befuddled one becomes if one considers the situation for too long. Statements should rarely be taken at face value, especially from a diatribe of such depth. But it is wise to do just that. I'm sure you all know the feeling. He is the inverse of yin and yang, or perhaps just the contrapositive. Balance is perpetually sought, yet never achieved. The more qualms are settled, the more arise. Peace unto your house. Restlessness is wearying.

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Originally posted by stoat:

Peng Chapter 10, Verses 20-24:blah blah blah blah

It was two in the morning, and the epoch of conciousness was nigh. Sleep would not come, and adrenaline still wound its way through capillaries. I'm sure you all know the feeling. The television, unwatchable. Books; too burnable. I'm sure you all know the feeling. No solice but thesnow and darkness outside. A coyote, a damned glorified rat, skitters in and out of the treeline. Its movements are indescribable to those who have never observed a fox, a wolf, or a hunting dog. It resumes its ethereality, slipping into the brush, tail flicking in an attempt to keep the cold at bay. Synapses fire in a chain. The left knee is complaining again. Something about an itch. Involuntarily I scratch. Fingertips find a scab, still forming. I curse he who invented astroturf, and his mother, and the moron that thought it would make a great playing surface. I am compelled to annoy, and if possible, waste bandwith in conjunction with the first task. And yet, this is when Aussies prowl, feasting upon young males, and I think I would be safer in the dark. The machine has its own ideas, a bad media card preventing access to the realm of said Aussies, and also my means of typed harassment. Bill O'Reilly is an flaming nutwagon. I fall asleep.

yadda yadda yadda

Sounds like you need to get laid.
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Now that stoat can drive (such a big boy!), shouldn't he be out cruising for chicks instead of trying to be like Seanachai and writing long, meaningless rambles with lots of big words, hoping to impress us with his skill with a thesaurus, assuming (correctly? perhaps just the Aussies) that we're a bunch of simpleton nincompoops with nothing to do but sit around to the ramblings of some idiot who sat awake at night thinking and suddenly believes he's the next Nietzsche, but come the next morning will realize he's just another Midwestern boob doomed to a 3.1 GPA degree from Nebraska State University and a meaningless and unrewarding job as a deputy assistant manager at some accounting firm that no one recognizes the name of but really controls the money of everyone South of the Mason-Dixon line, with a over-weight but good-cooking wife named Barb, and two kids, a 10 year old snot-nosed boy who absolutely adores farting and a 6 year old girl who wears nothing but jumpers expect when playing (poorly) for the U-6 soccer team that Barb made her join (kids need exercise) but she doesn't really like, but he still needs to drive her there every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday in his Ford Focus ST that kind of needs a new transmission, but not enough to make it worth it and everything that goes along with that, and (lest we forget the point) will go to school again the next day just the same as normal, but will have forgotten his biology homework, which is irritating because the teacher never reminds them, and then he'll go home and spend the afternoon reading fiction 2 grade levels ahead of where he is, but not really understanding it 100%, and then he'll come here and post all fancy-schmancy again in the evening, and repeat the cycle?

Or you could, y'know, fix your computer and send out some damn turns.

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