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RoW II: The Boots & Tracks Brawl (Part V)

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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

0.16?!!! Jesus, I got SMOKED!! :eek:

What the hell was I thinking?! Play in a tounament? What kind of looser thinking is that? I knew my arse was gonna get handed to me, but 0.16?! Whatever!

Ah but you mettle has been tested,

You have stared the snake in the eye,

You know the taste of copper in the throat,

And your gut loves the tingle and flutter of wings.

It is not how you finished, my friend.

It is "that" you finished, which makes the Warrior at Sunset.

[ October 05, 2002, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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30th! With 2 pastings and a draw. Though I did give out 2 pastings of my own. Much better than ROW 1, but, once again the top dog for the regular season comes out of my section....so, that calls for a new sig line....

[ October 06, 2002, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: tabpub ]

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Thanks very much Mike for your incredible persistance in cajoling of players, constant updates and generally forcing of this series into the 2nd round pretty much through your sheer willpower... well done.

Thanks also to the scenario designers for their creativity and continued involvement into the 2nd round, I'm sure all the participants have enjoyed the challenges you've presented so far.

Finally, thanks to my five opponents during the first round who were always pretty prompt in returning files despite my, at times, tardy turn around times due to real world issues I had at various stages. Your patience was appreciated and I certainly enjoyed the challenges of the battles we fought while I hope you did as well.


Jim R.

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I hope that my experience can give some hope to those finishing at or near the bottom. In ROW 1 I was fairly humbled, and landed pretty damn near the bottom. I'd like to say that it was a pretty good learning experience, though, as somehow I've found my way into the finals this time.

Thanks to everyone who has made this possible, your hard work is appreciated. Getting to play 3 more scenarios with something at stake is only icing on the cake.

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Originally posted by Spanish Bombs:

I hope that my experience can give some hope to those finishing at or near the bottom. In ROW 1 I was fairly humbled, and landed pretty damn near the bottom. I'd like to say that it was a pretty good learning experience, though, as somehow I've found my way into the finals this time.

I can echo SB's sentiments here--like him (and Tabpub) I was a veteran of overall-champ Wreck's section in ROW I, and like SB, I was near the bottom in the scoring totals. And the less said the better about the Nordic Wannabee championships, where I took over a dropout player's disasterous positions and made them worse! But by learning from my mistakes--and maybe a good deal of luck--I have managed to make the finals of ROW II.

By finishing this tourney you set yourself up for inclusion in future Winecape tourneys, where your skills may develop and/or your luck may turn. And CMBB will be a whole new ballgame!

Many thanks to TB155 for his patient and skillful handling of the tourney throughtout.

[ October 06, 2002, 09:56 AM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Just got in after a night out on the town...

Good going chaps.

Thxs TB for all the work etc....

And the designers.

As for the Cpt, we shall have to see how the cookie crumbles in the next games. It can be no worse than driving Shermans up a mountain?

Well done CA and the other winners. I see KR has swept the board, perhaps he is the son of Wreck?

Well I better find some free time to get back into the swing of playing. I stopped after these games and I am out of practice...


Well that will be my excuse when i get my backside handed to me...


See ya in the arena...


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Congratulations KR!

Congratulations Jeb!

Thank you TB155!

I had a great time and really appreciate all the hard work and patience exhibited by you, the designers and particularily my section members.

As mentioned above by others, I don't feel bad about my poor showing. This was the first time I ever played human opponents.

Now, I have a long list of lessons learned and I can guarantee you - it will not be the same next time around. smile.gif

Thanks to All

Heavy D

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Spanish Bombs and Combined Arms, congratulations. Keep up the fame of "Wreck's Bitches" ;) !

As You can see I couldn't tackle a former finalist The Capt from his seat, but our section really was the with lesser differences in scores. Damn, so close. But next time...oh what the hell, my snipers are already lurking around The Capt's house... ;)

Thank You Treeburst155 once again. These tournaments really ARE educational as You can see my overall performance comparing that to previous tournaments. Learning curve is hard. Well I can always comfort myself with the fact that I took some points away from The Capt smile.gif

I'm looking forward to play the final scenarios. Treeburst, how do You make the rest of the schedule? Do we get new enemies too?


[ October 06, 2002, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: Juha Ahoniemi ]

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The 4 player schedules will be generated by the Nabla Scheduling Program. First I have to establish the final list of players, and then divide them into groups of four. The Nabla program does not determine sections (groups), it just creates schedules for them. These 4-player groups will be randomly assembled except for the 12 finalists who must play the other section winners in their tourney.

Below is the list of people who have expressed a desire to play the Finals scenarios. If you played in this tourney, and are NOT on this list, AND you would like to be, post here.

Note: If you are eligible for the prizes (Section Winners,) your name is NOT on the list below!

1)Boris- bbalaban@rim.net

2)JonS- jons-em@clear.net.nz

3)White4- christian.p.lerche@saic.com

4)jjelinek- jjelinek@intertek.net

5)Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com

6)Frunze- evanroberts1@charter.net

7)Cpl Carrot- rjb109@slingshot.co.nz

8)Visom- NL_Visom@telia.com

9)mPisi- mPisi@flash.net

10)Big X- ckeagle@earthlink.net

11)Juha A.- juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi

12)von Lucke- blane2@flash.net

13)Mike8g- mike8@lycos.com

14)John Kettler- kettler@relaypoint.net

15)cuzn- fvisintini@nyc.rr.com

16)Wadepm- wadepm@attbi.com

17)Heavy Drop- rtravis1@satx.rr.com

18)Jim Liang- jim_liang@msn.com


20)Mikeydz- mikeydz@houston.rr.com

21)a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net

22)Tero- tero.leppanen@pp.inet.fi

23)Sgt. Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com

24)Hobo- hobo@mindpulse.com

25)Saport- jatucker@loxinfo.co.th

26)Cpt T- dktravis@stx.rr.com

27)Fate - kirkcm@telus.net

28)TabPub - Tabpub@aol.com

29)EASY-V - vboyev@aol.com

30)Bertram - BORedmeijer@home.nl


Ted R.- tramos1@optonline.com

Michael Reddy

I'm not going to leave these Finals sign-ups open too long. I need to move on to the next step before RL takes all my time again on Wednesday.

The deadline for signing up for the Finals is 1500 hours (GMT-5), on Tuesday, October 8.

If you want to play, post here. If you want to be a replacement, post here. Newbies can sign up for replacement slots. If I need to round out a section, I will go to the replacement list. If someone drops out, I will go to the replacement list until near the end when I will finish the games.

The deadline for completion of the three Finals scenarios is December 15th!! That will give you just over sixty days to complete the scenarios. This means all players should be sending one file per day per game. If you think this will be a problem then you should consider having me remove you from the player list now.

Treeburst155 out.

[ October 08, 2002, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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You may have posted earlier and I missed it. That's why I'm posting the list I'm using. smile.gif You're on the list. BTW, there will be no AAR points for the Finals. Nobody gets to write his way to the prizes. :D HOWEVER, AARs are always welcome and encouraged. Designers want feedback, and they deserve it.

Treeburst155 out.

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Below are the twelve section winners, along with the email address I have on record for them. Please let me know if your address has been changed, or if you wish me to use a different address.

An asterisk by your name means that I cannot send you email due to anti-spam software in use by your ISP. I can only receive from you.

Tourney I Finalists

Ali - alpi100@jippii.fi

Lopaka - rwinant@fenwick.com

Holien - holien@woodford.gioserve.com

*The Capt - k.lan@roadrunner.nf.net

Tourney II Finalists

MickOZ - mickcm@optushome.com.au

Combined Arms - ttravisano@stny.rr.com

*Kanonier Reichmann - jimbo@picknowl.com.au

Spanish Bombs - chucknsue@yahoo.com

Tourney III Finalists

U8led - U8led@aol.com

Jeb - jcallan@austin.rr.com

Jon L - russlav@frontiernet.net

Vadr - chaz@cgidesign.net

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Holly Crap! My first ROW and I finished 3rd b4 AAR. What a great time I had with the scenarios (except for some yelling I did at a 88 in H4H that refused to screen very large arty dude with smoke and insisted on shooting at a squad with one man left in it). Like I said b4 I can think of no better way to play CM, totaly blind realistic scenarios and you are compared to 25 other people who faced the same exact obsticles. Excellent Tourney and I hope I never miss any of the future ROWs. Job well done TB155 and all scenario designers.


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Drink less while giving orders. Your opponents will be quite formidable I'm sure.


I'll put you on the list.

Kanonier and ALL,

The schedule of matches for 4-player sections can cause one player to play the same side all three times and/or be on defense or offense all three times. It depends on the scenarios. The primary thing the scheduling program does is try to even out the number of times a player is compared to any other player (same side of a scenario). Then it moves on to even out the sides as much as possible. IIRC, one player in each section will play the same side in all three games. This is unavoidable. Attack/defend duties are totally scenario dependent. Nabla worked the scheduling program out on a university computer with a mathematician buddy. It's as good as it can possibly get.

I will need to use a non-playing person to send files to The_Capt and yourself. Kingfish is a good one for this.

To All,

Just this morning I received the scenarios from Boots & Tracks. I looked them over. Hehe....these may be the best ones yet. The maps are beautiful, the briefings are excellent, and the situations are interesting. A LOT of work went into these scenarios, and it definitely shows.

I'm off now to secure the scenarios. You have about 29 hours to sign up if you want to play.

Treeburst155 out.

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