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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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On Fox News today: "A former Canadian soldier known as one of the world’s deadliest snipers arrived to Ukraine to help the nation defend itself from Russia, only identified as Wali to protect his family’s safety. Wali is a former sniper with the Royal Canadian 22nd Regiment who previously fought in the Afghanistan War. He has a kill distance of over two miles, according to the Mirror, and is known as one of the world’s most deadly snipers.  He crossed into Ukraine on March 1 along with three other former Canadian soldiers after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on foreigners to join the war against Russia’s invasion. "

I wonder if he or any of the other Canadians had anything to do with the Russian general and other high ranking officers being shot.

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Current news form the war briefly:

Russians made a probe to cross Irpin' river and meliorative canals around it and entered to Moshchun village - east from Hostomel. UKR forces couner-attacked and turned village back.

Reportedly near Kharkiv another Russian column of fresh reinforcements was ambushed. 

Near Mykolaiv this night our aviation hit enemy supply convoy on the way from Kherson. Russian troops near Mykolaiv reportedly exhausted and turn to defense in seized villages, expecting more supply and reinforcements. There are Marines of Baltic fleet and additional BTG of 7th air-assault (mountain) divison is coming from Crimea.

Russian landing ships group sailed from Odesa area back to Western Crimea. But one Russian ship patrols on horizon of Odesa and even made five shots with a gun at unknown direction.

General Staff reported a battalion of Iskander-M wiped out in Chernihiv oblast. Too doubt to belive, maybe Tochka-U and not a battalion... Let's see



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Pretty standard pathogens that you could see in analytical testing labs serving hospitals or pharmaceutical manufacture.

The geobacillus stearothermophilus for instance is used as a reference organism (Biological Indicator)  in the validation of sterilization cycles  in pharmaceutical applications (primarily those manufacturing sterile dosage forms) since its spores are extremely hardy.


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1 minute ago, John Kettler said:

.Am quite surprised we've seen no evidence of the broadband camouflage system called Nakidka deployed in Ukraine.

The sole fact that they are using ridiculous copium cages soldered on top of tank towers should be telling you that Nakidka is most likely just another russian thing that works great on paper.

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Good interview with a Canadian commander who was involved in NATO training of the Ukrainian forces.  She gets into changes that were instituted  in nature of command structure empowering local commanders with taking initiative rather than the Soviet/Russian top down almost micromanagement approach.  The development and importance of the senior NCOs was also discussed.  She also expresses her immense pride in how the Ukrainian forces have performed and her confidence in them.




Edited by chris talpas
added NCO part
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47 minutes ago, akd said:

Only significant takeaway from all this is that US far right is still a willing and compliant agent of Russian active measures.

not sure what you are referring to here exactly. No mainstream conservative paid any attention to any of this until Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State, said this under oath to Senator Rubio this week:


SEN. MARCO RUBIO: Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?

VICTORIA NULAND: Ukraine has a biological research facilities, which, In fact, we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of. So, we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.

which of course raised a lot of questions, such as:

1. exactly what are those labs researching? (seems to have been partially answered here).

2. why is the U.S. "concerned" that Russia may have access to the research material? If, as I understand from the answers here, these are just garden variety research lab, why would there be any "concern"? presumably, this would all be research material that Russian scientists would be aware of.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions here. Nothing wrong with the Press asking questions and trying to get to the bottom of this. Maybe there is nothing to it, but just blowing it off as "Russian propaganda", like Kirby and Psaki did is not going to wash.

Edited by Sgt Joch
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42 minutes ago, Thomm said:

Does your screen not look like this yet:

You've chosen to ignore content by John Kettler. Options

This is the way

40 minutes ago, keas66 said:

Sorry  maybe I was being rude - But I see  responses from John K which seem to be  of two types - 1)  Kind of useful insights into   Military / Technical issues being discussed  which I enjoy reading  . 2) Crazy statements  that I would expect to see from a Qanon Follower

If he accidentally links something good that is still an accident.

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12 minutes ago, keas66 said:

Are you Mad ?


Please tell me how much you read and from which link before questioning my sanity? I provided a ton of information in those links, and it's by no means confined to any one link. Funding, biolab locations, the provision of diplomatic protections to all US staff (for example, in Georgia), the exclusion of nationals from Level Three areas (limited to US only and must have a security clearance), arrangements with Ukrainian authorities, official statements (via open letter to Zelensky and two others) from Rada members regarding the biolabs in Ukraine, the almost 1000 fatalities associated with them and concern the bioagents in them might be targeted against Ukrainians, introduction to Georgia of known virus vector biting flies from the Philippines (!), the temporal connection between the putting the insect lab online in Tbilisi, Georgia, the outbreak of biting flies there and rapid appearance of these same insect invaders in Dagestan, Russia, all in 2014.

Showed official statements from Russia's MoD and China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I showed maps Bulgarian journalists had done showing where the biolabs in Ukraine were located. Provided a list of the agents allegedly found or destroyed in one biolab (L'viv) and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health purported pathogen destruction order of February 22, the day the invasion of Ukraine began. Showed multiple programs were underway in them with direct applicability to BW and that the Russians had been sounding the alarm of the BW threat from those biolabs since 2015. Pointed out the US Army had done a multi-year study specifically using insects as vectors for viruses in a testing program on humans. Previously pointed out DARPA work on using insects as carriers to deliver gene-altering viruses to plants and animals alike and the BW implications of that. Now, let me give you something else to chew on. Here is an excerpt from the below super long, article I provided a link to before. And all of this is from an article written in 2017!



US Defense Agency Tests GM Insects to Transmit GM Viruses

The Pentagon has invested at least $65 million in gene editing. The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded 7 research teams to develop tools for genome engineering in insects, rodents and bacteria under DARPA’s Safe Gene program, using a novel CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

Darpa engineering
insect weapon

Under another military program – Insect Allies – GM insects are engineered to transfer modified genes to plants. The $10.3 million DARPA project includes both gene editing in insects and in the viruses that they transmit. Ecological Niche-preference Engineering is a third ongoing military program for genome engineering in insects. The Pentagon’s stated objective is to engineer GM organisms so that they can resist certain temperatures, change their habitat and food sources.

ecological engineering

© fbo.gov

Genetically Engineered Humans

Besides gene editing in insects and in the viruses they transmit, the Pentagon wants to engineer humans as well.

genome engineering

DARPA Advanced Tools for Mammalian Genome EngineeringProject seeks to create a biological platform inside the human body, using it to deliver new genetic information, and thus altering humans at the DNA level.

DARPA wants to insert an additional 47th artificial chromosome into human cells. This chromosome will deliver new genes that will be used for engineering the human body. SynPloid Biotek LLC has been awarded two contracts under the program totaling $1.1 million (2015-2016 – $100,600 for the first phase of the research; 2015-2017 – $999,300 for work which is not specified in the federal contracts registry). The company has only two employees and no previous record on bio-research.

Top Secret Research on Synthetic Viruses

Between 2008 and 2014, the United States invested approximately $820 million in synthetic biology research, Defense being a major contributor. Much of the military projects on synthetic biology are classified, among them are a number of classified studies by the secretive JASON group of US military advisors – e.g. Emerging Viruses and Genome Editing for the Pentagon, and Synthetic Viruses for the National Counterterrorism Center.

JASON is an independent scientific advisory group that provides consulting services to the U.S. government on matters of defense, science and technology. It was established in 1960 and most of their resulting JASON reports are classified. For administrative purposes, JASON’s projects are run by the MITRE Corporation, which has contracts with the Defense Department, CIA and the FBI. Since 2014 MITRE has been awarded some $27.4 million in contracts with the DoD.

Although the JASON Reports are classified, another US Air Force study titled Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens, sheds some light on what the secretive JASON group has researched – 5 groups of genetically engineered pathogens that can be used as bio-weapons. These are binary biological weapons (a lethal combination of two viruses), host swapping diseases (animal viruses that ‘jump’ to humans, like the Ebola virus), stealth viruses, and designer diseases.Designer diseases can be engineered to target a certain ethnic group, meaning that they can be used as ethnic bio-weapons.

Ethnic Bioweapons

Ethnic biological weapon (biogenetic weapon) is a theoretical weapon that aims to primarily harm people of specific ethnicities, or genotypes.

Although officially the research and development of ethnic bio-weapons have never been publicly confirmed, documents show that the US collects biological material from certain ethnic groups  Russians and Chinese.

The US Air Force has been specifically collecting Russian RNA and synovial tissue samples, raising fears in Moscow of a covert US ethnic bio-weapons program.

Is it going to take the written (and perhaps video) equivalent of an artillery barrage to get you and others here to wake up and see what's been going on, since when, where, how funded, doing what and how it all fits into the context of the grim history of US BW? If what I've provided, presuming you've read it doesn't convince you there is and has been a real threat from those US controlled (DOD via DTRA) biolabs in Ukraine then logically you must be, variously, unable to understand what I've provided and its implications, unable accept thoroughly unpalatable reality, deliberately choosing ignorance, attacking the messenger, etc.


John Kettler



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3 hours ago, TheVulture said:

Buk system destroyed by drone west of Kiev



Wonder why it has only two missiles rather than the usual full load of four? Has that TELAR been shooting at something at something? If so what, and with what results, if any? Or are we looking at evidence of missile shortages?


John Kettler


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4 minutes ago, Sgt Joch said:

There are still a lot of unanswered quations here. Nothing wrong with the Press asking questions and trying to get to the bottom of this. Maybe there is nothing to it, but just blowing it off as "Russian propaganda", like Kirby and Psaki did is not going to wash.

LOL the good old I was just asking questions defence. Asking odd / bad / misguided / misleading questions can still be part of or help the enemy propaganda. Any facility that has some danger surrounding it would be a concern during war. Take nuclear power plants same thing. We should be concerned that the Russian army fights for or takes control of anything that could be dangerous. Obviously. But to say it is concerning does not indicate some nefarious activity is going on there. That's a supposition that has no basis and therefore should be dismissed. If someone comes up with some actual evidence of nefarious activity sure ask way but to conclude that dumb questions are being dismissed means nefarious things is incorrect.

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1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

UKR Verba MLRS works - modernized Grad


Great, just great! We have a whole new opportunity for confusion to occur, because the Russians have a Verba, an advanced MANPADS, which is supported by a dedicated tracked acquisition radar cum command track and is tied into the overall Russian AD radar net as well.


John Kettler

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8 minutes ago, John Kettler said:


Please tell me how much you read and from which link before questioning my sanity?
<other stuff >

John Kettler



Well quite clearly to my mind at least any statements   about  American/Ukrainian Perfidy  around Bio weapon installations in the Ukraine  coming from The Russian MoD or any Chinese Government source can quite clearly be ignored as propaganda . If that's not clear to you then  so be it .  But I don't for 1 minute buy into any of your paranoia  . The problem right now is open Russian aggression and War crimes in the Ukraine .  Stories from the protagonists  providing some sort of justification for such actions are entirely for  propaganda purposes .

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The "Da Vinchi" detachment of DUK (Volunteer Ukrainain Corps, led by Dmytro Yarosh), acting in composition of 128th brigade, destroyed enemy BMP, probably with ATGM.

Dmytro Kotsiubaylo (aka "Da Vinchi"), 27 years old guy, which have been fightning since 2014. For these 8 years he personally made about 800 launches of ATGMs at the enemy targets. In 2021 he was honored the award "Star of the Hero of Ukraine"   


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2 hours ago, panzermartin said:

Are Russians only fighting inside vehicles stuck in highways ? I haven't seen any foot soldier action inside towns and cities. If I was playing a CM battles and was facing a myriad of very capable AT weapons I would use a heavy infantry force to counter that. Seems they have only limited special forces and conscript infantry with no clue how to fight in cities. 

Also, are Kadyrov's men still fighting around Kiev or after the initial losses they have withdrawn. Haven't seen any reports on that. 

This, this, this, the Russians simply don't seem to have functional infantry on any large scale. Drive the tank column down the road until the first one, or the first five, blow up is not only not a winning plan, it doesn't even deserve the word plan. They are getting wrecked in semi open country this way. If they try this around Kyiv the city will be barricaded in burning Russian wrecks.

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16 minutes ago, Sgt Joch said:

 why is the U.S. "concerned" that Russia may have access to the research material? If, as I understand from the answers here, these are just garden variety research lab, why would there be any "concern"? presumably, this would all be research material that Russian scientists would be aware of.

Because russians and pathogens of any kind mean trouble.

A pathogen in a research lab is still a pathogen. And can be deadly if released or misused.

Again we are talking about an enemy that came here to do ethnic cleansings, to "solve Ukrainian question" and does every warcrime imaginable short of bio- and chemical weapons. In just two weeks they already murdered thousands of civilians.

One thing is delivering a weapon on a plane (they probably still aren't sure of West's reaction to that) - the other thing is "when we came we learned that evil Azov nazis used pathogens to poison local water supply" for example. 

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5 hours ago, John Kettler said:


I deliberately didn't post links, because I wanted you to go first read the realities of Snopes and do your own research so you couldn't say I rigged the results. I did offer to post the links I sent Steve, but only if he was cool with it. All I did in my post was to provide a quick summary of what I personally had found. At no time did I refer to either of the two sites named by you. While we're at it, another thing my own research turned up was DARPA work on genomic mapping of ethnic groups.    This has patently obvious BW application. 

Whether Steve agrees to my posting the links here or not, I make this offer: will send those who PM me a request the same links I sent Steve. Just include your email, so I can do this privately.


John Kettler

No thank you.  You, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard can spew your Russian dis information to someone else.  I don't care to waste time reading that garbage.

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1 hour ago, Erwin said:

A wider global perspective from WSJ:  "

 “… while the immediate threat is Russia, the more formidable one is China.  … Regardless of the outcome, Moscow’s actions demonstrate that force is the final arbiter between nations. Taiwan is the clearest state in this circumstance. Like Ukraine, it is affiliated with American security structures but formally outside them. Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan has no strategic depth. Also unlike Ukraine, Taiwan is crucial to the global economic order—its semiconductor production sustains high-technology production internationally. A ruinous war around the island would trigger economic effects that make the Ukraine crisis look like a daily stock-market dip.

Even if NATO proves diffident in Ukraine, we can expect a strong Western defense of Taiwan because of the latter’s economic importance and centrality in America’s Indo-Pacific defense posture. Even so, we can expect Mr. Xi’s China to modify its calculus, recognizing that the Russian invasion of Ukraine might have a desensitizing effect and make an attack on Taiwan less shocking than it would otherwise be.

China hopes that Russia, humbled or emboldened by its Ukraine adventure—and with or without Mr. Putin at the helm—will occupy Western attention as Beijing gobbles up the choicest Pacific possessions and extends its economic and diplomatic tendrils into the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. Far from accepting independent Russian action, China is counting on Russian failure to accelerate the satisfaction of its boundless appetite.

That will create two blocs, not three. On the one side will stand the U.S. and its allies, on the other China and its affiliates and satellites. War between the two is all but inevitable. The U.S. must take note: Triangulation against China is impossible with Russia in an abject state of economic dependence. The large strategic issue in the Ukraine war is the possibility of China’s domination of Eurasia.”

My view is 100% the other way on Xi attacking Taiwan. This has been a brutal demonstration of what can happen to your plan for a "short, victorious war". And Taiwan is ten or a hundred times harder. A ~hundred miles of unfriendly ocean, and infinitely better defensive terrain when you get there. Helicopter born assaults have been demonstrated to just not be a thing anymore. Ponder transports going down with a thousand troops each on them, the bodies washing up on the Chinese coast. If you do win all you get is an expensive, and violently unhappy ruin. Xi is great many very bad things, but stupid isn't one of them. Xi also hasn't been at the center of the self licking ice cream cone of what he wants to hear for long enough to lose his marbles, yet.

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8 minutes ago, sburke said:

No thank you.  You, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard can spew your Russian dis information to someone else.  I don't care to waste time reading that garbage.

Psst...I agree and thus had to do it myself.

"Does your screen not look like this yet:

You've chosen to ignore content by John Kettler. Options"

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6 minutes ago, kraze said:

A pathogen in a research lab is still a pathogen. And can be deadly if released or misused.

Again we are talking about an enemy that came here to do ethnic cleansings, to "solve Ukrainian question" and does every warcrime imaginable short of bio- and chemical weapons.

I dont think the Russians are going to be solving the 'Ukrainian Question' (pretty icky historical analogy tbh) by infecting the country with Salmonella en masse. And even if they did, they wouldn't need Ukrainian lab grown bacteria to do it. They would accomplish the same thing much more efficiently if they just carried around packs of Tyson chicken breast and rubbed one on the face of every man, woman, and child they met. Where I live, Chipotle exposes thousands of college kids to E. Coli every week...

Anyway this virus talk has gone really off the rails here. Not a lot of good reporting on it to discuss, crack Pakistani news blogs aside, and if there is a story there well never read about it. Either way IDK that its doing anything but stirring up ****fights. 

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