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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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Report on MSNBC quoting a Pentagon official, that 90% of the artillery that the US has so far promised to Ukraine is in Ukranian hands at this point.

Great news, IMO. I'd love to see more sent. I think the M777s are the best choice. While they aren't as mobile as M109s, they come without the complication of having to maintain mechanized vehicles unfamiliar to them. A towed howitzer is much simpler. A towed battery can displace pretty quickly when required.


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1 minute ago, Ultradave said:

Report on MSNBC quoting a Pentagon official, that 90% of the artillery that the US has so far promised to Ukraine is in Ukranian hands at this point.

Great news, IMO. I'd love to see more sent. I think the M777s are the best choice. While they aren't as mobile as M109s, they come without the complication of having to maintain mechanized vehicles unfamiliar to them. A towed howitzer is much simpler. A towed battery can displace pretty quickly when required.


Hopefully they'll get more when the new big batch of help is approved. Today Ukrainian CINC also asked for MLRS too, as a way to counter Russian precision strike capabilities:


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1 hour ago, domfluff said:

It's a Russian billboard celebrating their veterans. That's an American soldier.

The Soviets did get a lot of help from the USA and Britain so they could have an easier fight against the Germans. So why not share the celebrity with the US veterans?

And I don't know which of the Allies that killed most German civilians, but I think it was the US and British bomber squads. They did what actually were a war crime although they got away with it.

So maybe the Russians find that to be enough reason to have a US soldier on the banner now when they themselves are doing the same in Ukraine.

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3 minutes ago, BornGinger said:

The Soviets did get a lot of help from the USA and Britain so they could have an easier fight against the Germans. So why not share the celebrity with the US veterans?

That's 100% not what they're doing here, and you know it.

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4 hours ago, c3k said:



If THAT doesn't make Finland and Sweden run to NATO, then nothing will.

"If you try to defend yourself from Russian invasion, we will invade you."

Reminds me of the old saying... "do you really hear what you are saying?".  Or as I'd put it, "do you really hear what you are saying or are you really that stupid?" :)


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busy night (day for y'all) it seems.  I'd say the validity of the various phone calls, texts, etc of atrocities are utterly irrelevant at this point.  Mass murder by Russian troops is beyond any reasonable or even unreasonable doubt.  The implications of the murders are many:  Putin is radioactive globally; nations that were 50-50 are now more pro-Ukraine or at least less pro-Putin; Ukrainians have even more to fight for; and countries supplying aid to UKR have much more justification in doing even more; and a bunch of innocent people are very much dead by purposeful, violent murder.  Do the anecdotal bits about individual soldiers even matter at this point?  And I didn't even mention the looting.

The mass murders are equal opportunity atrocities -- arguing about Russian mindset, Muslim ethics, blah blah blah, it's all f--ing noise.  Soldiers of many backgrounds are doing horrible things w one thing in common -- they are all in the Russian army.

Meanwhile, the battlefield seems to be a mixed bag.  W UKR making gains and Russia making small gains.  But can the UKR counterattacks really unhinge things?  What matters is unhinging Russian forces such that there's local collapse or at least major reshuffling of RU combat power to thwart UKR advances, taking the heat off other areas.  We'll see, the question is whether this becomes WW1 stalemate or not. 

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Sorry for spamming, but it's just too good to skip. Apparently Putin(!) apologised(!!!) for Lavrov's comments. That would be the first apology in history of Russian foreign policy - now we have proof Putin is really sick (there's a link to Haaretz article down in the thread).


Edited by Huba
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2 hours ago, Kinophile said:

Failure to professionalise their materials supply chain will undermine and retard any theater level offensives


2 hours ago, Kinophile said:

but if UKR logistics are not up to snuff and dont drastically improve very rapidly then RuA will get the stalling of the war's momentum that it so desperately needs.

What do you mean under failure?

And what do exactly do you want to know about logistic? I never interested deeply of this, but I will try to answer )

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41 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

Reminds me of the old saying... "do you really hear what you are saying?".  Or as I'd put it, "do you really hear what you are saying or are you really that stupid?" :)


Can't find the meme picture now, but the idea was roughly

(Russia, knocking on door) "Let me in"
(Finland) "Why?"
(Russia) "I'm going to protect you"
(Finland) "Protect me from what?"
(Russia) "From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in"

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6 minutes ago, mosuri said:

Can't find the meme picture now, but the idea was roughly

(Russia, knocking on door) "Let me in"
(Finland) "Why?"
(Russia) "I'm going to protect you"
(Finland) "Protect me from what?"
(Russia) "From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in"



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47 minutes ago, Huba said:

Seems that some of the Russian units are withdrawing from Izyum:


I saw some Twitter replier state that when the Ukrainian General Staff announced a offensive in Kiev, Russian forces began withdrawing within a week later. Interesting if really true this occurs again.

40 minutes ago, danfrodo said:

that's great news!  It provides some proof to our belief that RU is taking heavy losses to get very little ground. 

This is being reported from Ukraine so grain of salt is important. 4th Guards Tank Division, or the Kantemirovskaya Division is the same unit that got kicked out of Trostyanets in Sumy Oblast no? Christ, the pain Russian elite units are taking must be huge. I hope the Ukrainians are doing better. 

I also hope we get a chance to learn more about the units on the Ukrainian side from a western perspective. I'm sure Ukrainians know things like brigades and units that fight hard as hell (tho I'm sure all do) but unfortunately aside from Azov, the Ukrainian Marines, JFO, and TDF, I can't name anything else off the top of my head.

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7 minutes ago, FancyCat said:

Я видел, как кто-то в Твиттере заявил, что, когда украинский Генштаб объявил о наступлении в Киеве, через неделю российские войска начали отход. Интересно, действительно ли это происходит снова.

Об этом сообщают из Украины, поэтому важна крупица соли. 4-я гвардейская танковая дивизия или Кантемировская дивизия это та самая часть которую выгнали из Тростянца в Сумской области нет? Боже, боль, которую испытывают российские элитные подразделения, должна быть огромной. Надеюсь, у украинцев дела обстоят лучше. 

Я также надеюсь, что у нас будет возможность узнать больше о подразделениях на украинской стороне с западной точки зрения. Я уверен, что украинцы знают такие вещи, как бригады и части, которые сражаются как черти (хотя я уверен, что все знают), но, к сожалению, кроме Азова, украинской морской пехоты, ООС и СВО, я не могу назвать ничего другого. моей головы.

I can mention the 72nd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Together with the territorial defense forces and individual volunteer and special units, she bore the brunt of the fighting for Kyiv.

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44 minutes ago, mosuri said:

Can't find the meme picture now, but the idea was roughly

(Russia, knocking on door) "Let me in"
(Finland) "Why?"
(Russia) "I'm going to protect you"
(Finland) "Protect me from what?"
(Russia) "From what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in"

Und willst du nicht mein Bruder sein, so schlag ich dir den Schädel ein...

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4 minutes ago, FancyCat said:

OBrien thinks this is aimed at Russia, but I'm of the opinion it's Lukashenko doing his best to persuade the West to restrain Ukraine from walking into Minsk after finishing the war.


Well I think we found our Mussolini in all this

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2 minutes ago, Vacillator said:

This bit is fun:


The better part is where he says you can’t use nuclear weapons regardless because it could de-orbit the Earth.  Anyways…


“They came here and killed and tortured people, and they say we did it, that we did this to ourselves…”


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