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13 hours ago, domfluff said:

Oh, and the NTC campaign is a single-company campaign, so there's that.

I do think that that might be the best avenue to push smaller scenarios whilst keeping them on-theme.

If it ain’t cav a stand-alone NTC scenario is a recce platoon so even smaller.

Scouts Out set in Germany is a cavalry platoon. 

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On 5/14/2021 at 11:27 PM, George MC said:

If it ain’t cav a stand-alone NTC scenario is a recce platoon so even smaller.

Now that one is really personal!

Seldom does one see individual soldiers being chased by artillery barrages!

Best regards,

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I have been playing the US campaign and I think it might be the most fun I've ever had with a CM title. The wide open spaces and ability to maneuver leads to some really tense and unexpected situations! 

I'd like to learn more about the victory conditions for the US campaign. While playing the 1979 version I'd enjoyed a streak of major / total victories right up to Route 66 which ended with a minor US victory. The campaign then ends in a draw, are there hidden conditions to proceed to the last three missions?

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10 hours ago, TerminatorX said:

I have been playing the US campaign and I think it might be the most fun I've ever had with a CM title. The wide open spaces and ability to maneuver leads to some really tense and unexpected situations! 

I'd like to learn more about the victory conditions for the US campaign. While playing the 1979 version I'd enjoyed a streak of major / total victories right up to Route 66 which ended with a minor US victory. The campaign then ends in a draw, are there hidden conditions to proceed to the last three missions?

Well thank you for the feedback, always gratifying to see that the campaigns are making people happy.  I really hope you saved and can take another run at mission 5.

So Route 66 is where the campaign kind of takes the kid gloves off.  First off, it is an ME with very little intel on the enemy, highly realistic by the third day of the war.  Recon assets would be highly degraded by this point, so formations are at risk of smashing into each other without the "layers of eyes" they would normally have.  So in this mission you need to really lean in quickly, find the enemy and interdict them before they can get on their terrain objectives.  The US side wins by denying the Soviet side, and not losing too much in the process.   "But where are the Soviet objectives, Capt?"  Ah, again part of the puzzle, the US player need to kind of figure that out with what recon assets you have, or simply cut out the mystery and hit the Soviet forces as early as possible.  Soviet follow the standard doctrine template for an ME. If you stopped the Soviets in your game, then my guess is that you lost just a few too many friendlies doing it.

You were so close, tactical victory is the threshold to move on.  I hope you can make it past, I really like mission 6, 7 and 8.  If you find it impossible, you can always play them as standalones, they are; Bad and Worse (mission 6), The Citadel (mission 7) and Unhook the Leash (mission 8).  But based on your track record, I don't think you will need to.

I don't think we are doing Steam achievements but if we did there would be one for making it to Mission 5 along the victory track in a single go.  And then another for making through the entire US campaign in a single go.  If you can beat the Soviet March or Die in a single go, the military should recruit you Enders Game style.

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4 hours ago, The_Capt said:

Youu were so close, tactical victory is the threshold to move on.  I hope you can make it past, I really like mission 6, 7 and 8.  If you find it impossible, you can always play them as standalones, they are; Bad and Worse (mission 6), The Citadel (mission 7) and Unhook the Leash (mission 8).  But based on your track record, I don't think you will need to.

What was the thinking process of putting (some)campaign scenarios in the scenario listing? First time seeing this in CM. Are these rebalanced for H2H or just particularly good ones in general for all kinds of play? Why these particular ones? And why 82?

Edited by The_MonkeyKing
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4 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

What was the thinking process of putting (some)campaign scenarios in the scenario listing? First time seeing this in CM. Are these rebalanced for H2H or just particularly good ones in general for all kinds of play? Why these particular ones? And why 82?

Good question.  First off we wanted to make sure that if a player got stuck that they still had a chance to play out the scenarios in the campaign.  Second we wanted to give them a chance for H2H, some really good opportunity for play there.  We did do minimal rebalancing here because players can simply go into the editor and tweak for 2 player.  In other days we could do an entire Rumblings of War tourney using these ten scenarios.  They are not symmetrical by-design so testing out players under these conditions would be highly interesting.

Why '82 and no Blue AI?  Same answer to both...we ran out of time.  I was close to pulling the trigger on doing up Blue AI but we did not have time to properly test it.  And '82, because it was really the original US Campaign to coincide with the Soviet one (which we did leave all locked up and nasty), and again we ran out of time to take on '79.

The campaign standalones are really there as bonus content to allow you guys to play em or play with them in the editor.  The risk was people could go in and see all of the AI plans (i.e. cheating) but our thinking was "well it is your money" and so should be your choice.

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1 hour ago, Artkin said:

Are you guys part of the "team" now? Can we expect you to help with future releases now that you've proven yourselves?

Well we like to think we have been "part of the team" for quite some time now (Bil and I were beta testers for quite awhile and they are definitely a key part of the whole outfit).  That said, this time was definitely a different level of commitment but we are really glad that Steve et al took a chance on us.

Right now we are focused on continuing to support CMCW as we roll from BFC early access to wide release under Slitherine.  After that we will see.  Nothing is written in stone just yet, but I can say we do have plans...and then a plan after that...and maybe one more after that.

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Where to write about mission fixes ?

In some missions at soviet army, there are no air observers, although there are planes and helicopters on the map. The new player will not understand why he cannot use aviation due to the absence of an aircraft observer. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

@The_CaptI took your advice and tried mission 5 again. By dispersing infantry throughout the woods I was able to figure out where the Soviets were and then hit them while they were moving, which seems like the safest way to fight. 

After preserving my forces well enough I ran the team into the ground on the next mission, and it looks like only barely scraped by getting on to mission 7. It was really interesting getting the behind the scenes context for mission 5, do you have any similar observations for mission 6? I ask because the expectations I had from the briefing and what I ended up noticing about the fight were a little different from each other, which I'm sure was intentional.  I struggled to make decisions based on the one hour time limit, size, and force composition. Attacking positions yielded information, but was costly. Looking at the remaining enemy after the fight ended I have to admit I have no idea how I'd clear them all out. Were beta testers able to take and hold all objectives?

Edited by TerminatorX
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8 hours ago, TerminatorX said:

@The_CaptI took your advice and tried mission 5 again. By dispersing infantry throughout the woods I was able to figure out where the Soviets were and then hit them while they were moving, which seems like the safest way to fight. 

After preserving my forces well enough I ran the team into the ground on the next mission, and it looks like only barely scraped by getting on to mission 7. It was really interesting getting the behind the scenes context for mission 5, do you have any similar observations for mission 6? I ask because the expectations I had from the briefing and what I ended up noticing about the fight were a little different from each other, which I'm sure was intentional.  I struggled to make decisions based on the one hour time limit, size, and force composition. Attacking positions yielded information, but was costly. Looking at the remaining enemy after the fight ended I have to admit I have no idea how I'd clear them all out. Were beta testers able to take and hold all objectives?

Mission 6 “Bad and Worse” earns it name that is for sure.  One beta tester pulled it off.   But in a way I never even considered when I built the thing.  He took the amphibious option and turned the scenario into a Marine assault.

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hmm, I found it an easy mission

I only took the couple Marborn city blocks that were required for the mission though.

Main damage was done by the Starships and TOW located at the position marked on the button of the map.

plan: https://i.imgur.com/yHXzaqN.jpg

only saved screenshot I have is when the starships started:

Culmination point was at 10min when everything indirect hit the enemy positions preplanned and after 5min of that air arrived and also the TOWs and starships where driven to position. That toke care of the enemy main force. Only cleanup after that.

Losses where half a tank platoon and half a inf platoon

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That looks like a pretty tidy plan. I committed almost everything to the approach you marked as 3 since it offered such a good view of what enemies I could spot from that overwatch by the powerlines. Caught a lot of armor from the side that way which was great, but fighting through that dug in platoon on the hill above Marborn and into the town itself was just a slog. I dumped a lot of artillery on to those positions but even the cluster munitions weren't doing much killing. I had completely forgotten that the US had amphibious capabilities, will have to remember that for next time.

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19 minutes ago, TerminatorX said:

I had completely forgotten that the US had amphibious capabilities, will have to remember that for next time.

Looks like the dead Chinese guy was right then ...

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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