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Enough Whining. List things you LOVE about CM

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Hit decals! I love the immersion and atmosphere they bring to the game. Your imagination can really run away with you when you are examining the aftermath of a horrendous hit, whether crewmen make it out or not. I really enjoy scouring that battlefield and conducting forensic autopsies during and after a battle. My single most favorite graphics edition since BN was released.



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well, I had a panzerfaust team running to a location to get a bead on a tank. It was last ditch suicidal maneuver. To my surprise the guy with the faust stopped mid stride, took aim, fired, killed tank, then continued to his end destination. Is this a new thing? Anyways I was impressed. I just realized you can shoot and scoot infantry AT guys. 

 Oh yeah, and everything else everybody else said too. 

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27 minutes ago, gundolf said:

Is this a new thing?

It can happen during a "quick" order.  The first time I ever saw it was also my very first holy crap moment in the BN demo. It was just like what you experienced but the guy stopped mid stride and fired a rifle grenade into a farm house, killing two German soldiers that popped up, then followed his squad to complete the move.



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This is the closest thing one will see to a "shoot and scoot" order.  Try deliberately ordering an AT unit to QUICK move (briefly) within range of an enemy AFV (obviously with no enemy inf protecting it and preferably to its rear) and you may see this happen.  Have done this deliberately with good results.

Doesn't work with FAST as that orders the unit to run with no stopping to fire.  Not sure what happens with MOVE etc.

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The only game that comes remotely close to getting you the feel of realistic combat.

Plus the only way to ever have the chance to control such forces.

(Even real life commanders do not get that. They do give orders to such units, but they do not get to control them as to executing such orders.)

playing a battle right now I would have to be at least a lieutenant colonel in real life and I would have no clue as to what was going on in the details of the battle in all 4 fronts, maybe if I was leading from the front, I would HAVE A SLIGHT VIEW OF WHAT ONE FRONT WAS DOING.

who wants that much realism anyway. I enjoy having God like powers

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AFV/IFV combat.

Multiple ATGMs whipping across a dark valley into an approaching convoy. MG fire slicing amongst the burning vehicles, picking off survivors. Autocannon slamming into BMPS desperately trying to maneuver past the burning HQ vehicle.

Artillery strikes grinding a lovely tree-lined street to a shell holed, ruined mess, for blocks and blocks...

Infantry advancing down a lane, ambushed by reverse-facing enemy units. Man, I've been caught by that one so often...


This is just a ****ing great game!

Edited by kinophile
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Probably THE most amazing thing I ever saw in a game was when I called a 60mm mortar strike on an M3 Stuart to distract it while I could move my troops close enough to take it out & when the first shots starting coming down seeing it explode.  When I rewound & watched it over I saw that a mortarshell went right into the open hatch, causing its destruction.   THAT was something.


Jyri Erik


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For me it's the level of detail and complexity. I would be hard pressed to think of any other platoon-battalion level strategy game for the late WWII era that captures the immense variety of vehicles, weapons, formations and battles that CM does. You don't just control Panthers, you don't just control Panther Gs, you control early, mid or late model Panther Gs.

One thing I love about the manuals is the encyclopedic guide to all the weapons and units at the end. I often just read that part of the manual for fun.

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The detail that went into all those vehicles. Nobody would have complained if the interiors of the vehicles were not modeled. And yet they're there and they're very detailed (in some cases stunningly so!). It tells a lot about CM being a work of love.

And then you get that vehicle hit text on your armored car "RICOCHET INTO: Opening / PENETRATION" and you realize that the detail is not just there visually and aesthetically, but also functionally. 💗

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Weapon ballistics and munitions. That's the one thing that CM does better than everything else IMO. No game can simulate the complexity of human behavior, but CM does a pretty masterful job with really getting down to simulating the munitions of an actual battlefield and the physics of bullets and shells and shrapnel flying around. It can be almost frightening to watch sometimes when you see companies of men get shredded to pieces with modern weaponry and you imagine what that must have looked like in reality, or how horrifying it would be to be on the receiving end of it. War movies look really fake and silly after playing CM. It's funny that we're living in an age in which video games do a better job at simulating this stuff than movies with real actors. Kind of like how Napoleonic movies do such a poor job of showing what real Napoleonic-era munitions looked like, especially with artillery and whatnot. Yet you can simulate that stuff in video games pretty easily.

With the WEGO mode in CM you can get that absurd, forensic level of detail about every little bullet flying around. You can rewind and watch an AT shell miss its target, fly between someone's legs and then smack into someone's face through a window 800 meters behind the line. Or watch bullets ricochet off a building and hit someone hiding in an alleyway. Or ricocheting into an open hatch. Or you can watch tank shells bounce off armor, fly high up into the air, and then come back down and land on some poor sap's head. Or watch bullets raining down from the sky from a firefight way on the other side of the map. Other games can do this kind of stuff -- I have fond memories of playing Red Orchestra and watching tank shells bounce off armor and then hit some dude nearby, turning him into red mist. No game has ever approached the scale of CM though with the same level of detail, with entire battalions of men running around with authentic orders of battle, visually represented down to the last man cowering in the dirt. CM was like my dream game when I was a little kid playing with toy soldiers.

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My total, above all favourite is all these good things mentioned - plus REAL Time mode. 

I played a QB v AI once (Brutal, as RUS) and instead of controlling/adjusting as the game went on, I instead laid out about 30 mins worth of orders. 

The idea was to take a truer, rear echelon approach - send the men with a plan and see what my troops TAC AI would do when the faeces met the rotating cooling device. 

It was fairly...brutal...but fascinating to watch the TAC AI react as it tried to achieve its orders. 

I gave orders for the reinforcement units, adapting to the local situation, and re-ordered any units that had fled fire, but other than t bc at I just sat back and watched the slaughter unfold. Man, modern war can cut a company apart in literally a minute. 

Took FOR EVER to set all the initial orders but it was worth it. 

Edited by kinophile
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1 hour ago, kinophile said:


I gave orders for the reinforcement units, adapting to the local situation, and re-ordered any units that had fled fire, but other than t bc at I just sat back and watched the slaughter unfold. Man, modern war can cut a company apart in literally a minute. 

So did I beat you with the Blue AI plan, or did Redforce win the day ?


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We are not there quite yet but we are slowely getting there...ones the annonced games are released...

 - the ability to open up the editor and make a scenario or campaign covering your favorit episode of the war...historical or fictional. Whatever that might be -

If you own all the games, modules you can do that !

Ones we get these soon to be released products CM2 pretty much have the entire western front covered...from Husky to Berlin.

Hopefully the easter front and africa etc will recieve the same treatment 😎

As far as the west goes...if you read about something/ watch a documentary or get an idea from somewhere else about a battle on the western front into your head and feel that that would make for a good CM scenario...

Open the editor and get cracking ! 😂

Will it be a fully historical scenario...very well researched or will it simply be loosely based on the historical events or perhaps entirely fictional...up to you 😁...

The OOB/TOE editor and the map editor is capable of handeling most circomstances.

It can be quite enjoyable to research an idea you have gotten into your head and slowely putting it together in the editor...

Into a fully playable CM scenario...

Not many other games can do that !

Its been a long wait but now we are pretty much there (western front)...and that is cool...

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