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Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video

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All that a PR video needs to show is a general overview of:

The units

The maps

Some gameplay

And the fact the game is a sandbox.


We all know what we're buying in the end. Show off the flaws of CM. Who cares. The game isn't really meant for the younger crowd anyway. 

Adults really dont give a f*ck about minute details. 

As someone said, look at the success Minecraft. 


This video looks more like a bone for us and less of an advertisement. If they were advertising it, they should have added different factions into the scenario and a much much tastier map (Some CMSF maps are pretty dull).

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1 hour ago, Artkin said:

As someone said, look at the success Minecraft. 

LOL yeah, which leads to a story I just have to tell.  My neighbors have 3 kids. 5, 11 and 12.  The 11 year old is their daughter G, really bright loves animals and totally into caring for them.  Apparently in Minecraft she had a pony.   had....   The 5 year old O is miss mischievous.  A 50 year old smart ass in a 5 year old body.  Apparently G pissed her off so she goes into Minecraft and beats the pony to death.  Combat Mission Minecraft- where we find out why the horses in CM are all dead.....

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3 hours ago, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

for this intention, it worked quite fine. No hard feelings against you, I think you do a good job.

Yes, I see that. As I told you before, for fans of the game, everything new to see is great.
I made my point clear, why I think the video is not good, from two perspectives. First, what the not good content was specificly, and secondly why it was not good in perspective to which people. The only open question is, does it matter. I say yes

You say no, because "that was not our goal".
Fine. No bad feelings here, just constructive critics, customer feedback. It was not my intent, to open up a discussion about it, just to point out a weak-point to be reinforced.
Thats the function of a dispute, change and improvement. I should have known better, that this would start an argument, as my point was controversial. This wasn´t my intention, and I am sorry about it. Maybe it was, because I am working in the field, PR of a videogame, and the flaws were basically stabbing me in the eye. Same job, just another company. But I already explained everything about it. So, no need to discuss it further.

Continue, I am looking forward to CMSF2 :)

Well then, here we have proof positive with the critique of the Captain's effort to give everyone a little eye candy; NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED!

I give a most heartfelt THANK YOU to Captain Miller!

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4 hours ago, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

In this case, I probably have to agree with Mord

CaptMiller probably did the best according to his abilities in this field. But maybe he was not the right person to do the job at that specific task.
Yes, the purpose of the video was to show something to the core community, thats a two sided edge, because no matter what, the video is a promotion video at the same time. It is news worthy, as this is the first proper video of a (kind of) new game.

And I don´t think, that Comabt Mission needs a trailer like Call of Duty or something, this would go into a wrong direction. A decent down to earth, humble video showing the core gameplay elements in the best possible way would be perfect, as this will reach the target audience of the game with the right premise.

Stop being a Dr for a bit. and be in the Patients Shoe...

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No good deed goes unpunished.  The video by Miller is good and he's a beta tester not the marketing department.  BFC is a handful of people.  Unfortunately this means slower work, less than constant communication, (Being a bit harsh but Steve can handle however he wants and can, I'll still buy SF2 at the end of the day), and no marketing department set to making trailers.  

Edit: lol my "no good deed goes unpunished" got ninja'd by Vet 0369.

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1 hour ago, sburke said:

This is a volunteer effort by an individual who stepped up and offered to do something to ease the wait

I didn´t know that this is a volunteer efford, how could I know. For me it looked like something done by the Battlefront team.
I still don´t like the quality of the video, but I was maybe overreacting and too harsh. Sorry, my fault.

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Just now, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

I didn´t know that this is a volunteer efford, how could I know. For me it looked like something done by the Battlefront team.
I still don´t like the quality of the video, but I was maybe overreacting and too harsh. Sorry, my fault.

Miller hasn't ever posted as being someone from Battlefront.  No reason to assume this isn't a volunteer effort.

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2 minutes ago, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

This is the first proper video of CMSF2, the game hasn´t been published yet. I would not be able to post such a video. Why? Because I don´t work for Battlefront. So I was under the impression, that he is an Battlefront official. Why would "somebody" post the first video of a new game before the company itself?

Because Steve doesn't have the time to do it himself.  

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35 minutes ago, Dr.Fusselpulli said:

I didn´t know that this is a volunteer efford, how could I know. For me it looked like something done by the Battlefront team.
I still don´t like the quality of the video, but I was maybe overreacting and too harsh. Sorry, my fault.

It was posted by CPT Miller.  If it were done by Steve, it would have been posted by him.  You made an assumption with no foundation and then proceeded to trash it.  A moments hesitation and a simple question could have resulted in a completely different post that could still be suggestive and offering a critique which I am sure Cpt Miller wouldn't mind hearing.  Positive feedback and suggestions  are rarely a bad thing.  None of the beta testers are Battlefront employees.  In Cpt Miller's case as he noted he isn't even a beta tester, he simply made an offer and BF took him up on it and supplied him the material for our benefit.

All it would have taken is a simple question.  Put on the big boy pants, own it and we can all move on to more fun and vids from the Cpt.  I am sure he is probably harder on it than anyone else.  That tends to be the case when you are looking at your own work.  Still even with whatever shortcomings one perceives there is soooo much there to look through.  Check out the soldier models, uniforms, vehicle models.  And just for grins, here is the Official trailer for CMSF.  :D




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As I said earlier, everybody is entitled to their opinions.  We have our own and in this case we think the video is exactly what was needed for this time and place and we're very thankful that CptMiller stepped forward to do it as a volunteer to help you guys out.  I approved of the video he made before it went public and I approve of it even more now that it's out.  The video is doing exactly what it should be doing.

We've always preferred to undersell, under promise what we do.  Over the long term it's the better way to go.  Producing a super slick video that tries to hide all of Combat Mission's rough edges isn't the honest thing to do.  And when someone gets the false impression that CM is kinda like ARMA or Battlefield, what do you think is going to happen when they download the demo or buy the game blind?  Nothing good will come of it, for sure, so why go down that route?

Marketing doens't do much for wargaming, so it's never been and never will be our priority.  Obviously some vehemently disagree with this, which is fine.  When they create their own wargame companies they can prove us wrong.  Until then, relax and enjoy what we do instead of getting ruffled about what we don't do.  Especially when the things we don't do are the same things we haven't done for the past 20 years.  By this time either we've either figured out what works or too stupid to argue with, so don't argue with us ;)



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6 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

As I said earlier, everybody is entitled to their opinions.  We have our own and in this case we think the video is exactly what was needed for this time and place and we're very thankful that CptMiller stepped forward to do it as a volunteer to help you guys out.  I approved of the video he made before it went public and I approve of it even more now that it's out.  The video is doing exactly what it should be doing.

We've always preferred to undersell, under promise what we do.  Over the long term it's the better way to go.  Producing a super slick video that tries to hide all of Combat Mission's rough edges isn't the honest thing to do.  And when someone gets the false impression that CM is kinda like ARMA or Battlefield, what do you think is going to happen when they download the demo or buy the game blind?  Nothing good will come of it, for sure, so why go down that route?

Marketing doens't do much for wargaming, so it's never been and never will be our priority.  Obviously some vehemently disagree with this, which is fine.  When they create their own wargame companies they can prove us wrong.  Until then, relax and enjoy what we do instead of getting ruffled about what we don't do.  Especially when the things we don't do are the same things we haven't done for the past 20 years.  By this time either we've either figured out what works or too stupid to argue with, so don't argue with us ;)



But, But...Ok, you win :-)

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17 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

When they create their own wargame companies they can prove us wrong.  Until then, relax and enjoy what we do instead of getting ruffled about what we don't do.  Especially when the things we don't do are the same things we haven't done for the past 20 years.  By this time either we've either figured out what works or too stupid to argue with, so don't argue with us ;)


I can never understand how so many otherwise intelligent people on these boards can't seem to understand and accept in regard the BFC business model.  And, while I'm at it, how so many insist on beating a dead horse over and over when BFC/Steve consistently tell them not to expect release dates, dev logs, etc., etc.

Yes, I'm a fanboi, but not because of the above posting, which is simply pointing out my wonderment at people ignoring the facts, repeated and consistent facts.

I'm a fanboi because, in spite of flaws, bugs, long silences and the like,  I love the game and have the utmost confidence in BFC based on a superlative track record of consistently putting out a superior product, continuously fixing bugs for free, upgrading constantly, back-upgrading older products, etc.,  years.


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So then.... lets get this board straight... It's not really about information or the exchange of information it's a complaint board...or maybe it's a way of blowing of steam  and openly expressing your particular views to others fellow board members which sometimes may lead to their eternal regret.  Just saying.

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Some of this confusion is my fault. I should have made it more clear in the first post of this thread and the video description that this was a fan effort that is endorsed by BFC. It is not an official trailer, and I don't work for or represent BFC. My bad on that. I'll edit the video description to reflect that to hopefully head off any future confusion that may be caused. 

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4 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

I can never understand how so many otherwise intelligent people on these boards can't seem to understand and accept in regard the BFC business model.

Because they are both right. Every solution, that keeps Battlefront in business is the right solution, that doesn´t mean, it is the best solution.
I believe that other solutions might be better solutions, as I think there are ways to optimize the business model of Battlefront, although I would strongly agree with some points of Steve. Humble communication for example, don´t hide flaws and be honest about it, the audience will appreciate it and will get the right expecations about the game.
That is especially true for a niche game like Combat Mission. Wargaming like this isn´t a product for a diverse audience.
It is not that I would have no idea what I am talking about, I am in a very smilar position, with a very similar audience for our product. We have our own solutions for the problems which we are facing and we are doing well with it. There isn´t just one solution.

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I have an old buddy who, when he was 19 many year ago, spent an entire dinner party lecturing the editor of Consumer Reports magazine about EXACTLY what was wrong with his magazine and how to fix it. I'm SURE the guy greatly appreciated the input of a pimply faced teenager with black horn rim glasses who had never held down a full time job in his life.

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1 minute ago, Raptorx7 said:

So because a small amount of people complain the rest of us shouldn't get updates about the game?

Yeah, that's a good way to do things.

If you look just a few posts up Steve said he would have something in the next couple days. So what is your question again?

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5 hours ago, sburke said:

The 5 year old O is miss mischievous.  A 50 year old smart ass in a 5 year old body.  Apparently G pissed her off so she goes into Minecraft and beats the pony to death.

LMAO! If I had a daughter! I love this kid. ^5 her from me next time you see her!


1 hour ago, sburke said:

Heh I think I'd need to see that thread to understand his comment better.  Right now I am just imagining what it might have been like.  :P

I almost brought up the Tiger screen shot thread. LOL. It was a good one. Basically, BF finally gave us a BN screenie after an ungodly drought of info and because there was a Tiger in it some people went ape****. And not in a good way. Arguing, angst, over the top theatrics, ensued. You know, typical forum stuff.


2 hours ago, IICptMillerII said:

Some of this confusion is my fault. I should have made it more clear in the first post of this thread and the video description that this was a fan effort that is endorsed by BFC. It is not an official trailer, and I don't work for or represent BFC. My bad on that. I'll edit the video description to reflect that to hopefully head off any future confusion that may be caused. 

You have absolutely no reason to apologize. You did a good job and every one here that has a problem with it can feel free to break out a video editor and Fraps and make their masterpieces when the game is released. Put their money where their mouths are. Hell, BF could run a contest, guy that makes the best SF2 trailer gets a module of their choice, free. Only rules, no mods or added effects. See how many "directors" jump in, then.



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