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20 hours ago, Homo_Ferricus said:

There’s something I need to learn from you guys—I’m 29 and feel... well, old. Not in a pompous above-it-all kind of way either. Just a ****-my-body’s-deteriorating-and-I’m-running-out-of-time kind of way. It’s spurred me to decide to quit my job in the next month and take off traveling the world in rather aimless fashion. But we’ll see where exactly that plan goes...

Don't plan too much, just go!!! The backpacker trail is well defined pretty much everywhere. Pack light, fly one way to a suitable starting point (I recommend Costa Rica or Bangkok as fairly safe), buy the Lonely Planet guide, and you'll make friends who will tell you the next steps.

If you're healthy and don't have addictions beyond tobacco you can get by nicely for half a year on about USD5,000 + air fare. It's nice if a family member can keep your minimum paid on your Visa bill; you don't want to be broke in a foreign land.

And don't sweat the resume. At age 26, I sent a telegram (yup I'm that old) from Chiang Mai telling the law school that had accepted me I wasn't coming. Never regretted that choice. My 2 travel years were vastly more formative than school. It's also why I'm a road warrior expat today (married to another backpacker). Having deep roots in a place is great, but it isn't for everyone.

Anybody who interviews you (at any company worth working for) will either have taken time out to travel, or wishes they had. And as a bonus, your dating conversation will be vastly more interesting, especially to the kind of person you'd actually want to be with.... 

Edited by LongLeftFlank
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On 8/22/2018 at 12:09 PM, MikeyD said:

You reminded me of the old Woody Allen movie 'Annie Hall' (again, showing my age). A character at a party says he wants to die in the wilderness fighting a wild animal, to which Allen quips "probably eaten by some squirrels." I have a friend who also wants to die heroically at the hands (paws?) of wild beasts. Me, I'm from Maine. A real man dies in his home driveway from a heart attack while shoveling snow during a blizzard.

I like Tyrion's answer to the question, "How do you want to die?" best of all. That alone was worth watching the series for.


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3 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Don't plan too much, just go!!! The backpacker trail is well defined pretty much everywhere. Pack light, fly one way to a suitable starting point (I recommend Costa Rica or Bangkok as fairly safe), buy the Lonely Planet guide, and you'll make friends who will tell you the next steps.

If you're healthy and don't have addictions beyond tobacco you can get by nicely for half a year on about USD5,000 + air fare. It's nice if a family member can keep your minimum paid on your Visa bill; you don't want to be broke in a foreign land.

LLF thanks for the encouragement! I’ve not really shared these plans with anyone as I’ve grown out of many old and stale friendships and have never been close with family, so hearing your input is more valuable than you might guess. It’s a turbulent time for me as I figure out the most graceful way to quit the job, start to make firm plans and preparations for what I need to bring/arrange (good footwear, travel insurance, a bunch of other things I’ve hardly thought of), and try to get my health in best order before I leave. The immensity of what I have ahead of me is just now dawning on my emotions.

I’ll be starting in Armenia at the end of September, most likely. I have zero debt and saved about $15k, which I hope that I can go for a year on, living frugally and supplementing with whichever wage situations I may find abroad. Will likely make my way to SE Asia from there but I’m not committed to anything, and feel a dangerous curiosity about visiting Syria... I hear the govt. areas are pretty safe and stable now and they’re working to get the tourism dollars flowing again.

CMSF2 demo! Give! Give! Me want!

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1 hour ago, Homo_Ferricus said:

It’s a turbulent time for me as I figure out the most graceful way to quit the job

Hi folks, I'm gonna go make the most of my time in this life before it is too late.  you all have a … well best of luck on your projects....

There is no graceful way other than to act like you really wish you could stay cause anything else will just make them feel miserable as they wake up the next day to the daily grind.

Now that I think about it...…. damn lucky bastard.

I'd skip Syria.  You may end up finding you'll waste money on bribes and such.  As LLF noted you can actually do pretty well in SE asia if you avoid a lot of the touristy crap.  If you hit Thailand go to the night market for food.  Man I had a phenomenal shrimp curry dish ridiculously cheap that was so good I had to go back before I left.  I was on the company dime and could have eaten anywhere.

Japan can be surprisingly cheap as well.  Lots of choices in accommodations from capsule hotels to local Ryokan and if you hit the small mom and pop noodle shops and such food is cheap.

Also LLFs comments about resume are spot on.  Travel and life experience are highly rated these days as setting you apart in job applications.

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1 minute ago, Combatintman said:

@Homo_Ferricus - I would strongly urge you not to go anywhere near Syria not least because it is still bloody dangerous and most governments are advising not to travel there but also, if you survived the ordeal, you would probably face a pretty long chat with any number of Federal agencies about why you went there.

yeah really good point....

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2 hours ago, Combatintman said:

@Homo_Ferricus - I would strongly urge you not to go anywhere near Syria not least because it is still bloody dangerous and most governments are advising not to travel there but also, if you survived the ordeal, you would probably face a pretty long chat with any number of Federal agencies about why you went there.

Hmmm, does it help that I was born in Russia? :D

I’ll be outright honest—your warnings are only making it more enticing. I could probably pass as a Russian to most Syrians, and even if my Americanhood was discovered I’m decently capable in social situations and understand if I need to pay some modest bribes to conscripts that don’t get paid jack. I’ve been keeping up with the conflict rather vigorously for a number of years and the opportunity to hop and skip from Armenia into Syria is definitely tempting.

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Would highly recommend Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Oman, Turkey etc right now.  Tourists are scared and stay away so hotels and tourist sites are empty and cheap.  Where previously one would have waited in 4 hour lines to get in to see anything, there are no lines at any of Egypt's pyramids, temples or at Jordan's Petra etc. 

I thought the places very safe so long as one doesn't mind seeing lots of armed guards and troops wandering around or at checkpoints.  These countries need foreign currency and love tourists as their tourist industries are in terrible shape.  (They do just about anything to keep the few tourists they have safe... Seriously.) 

One may be more in danger if on a bus tour as that has a schedule and is a potential fat target.  But, if you are alone or with one or two buddies, you can move quickly and be unpredictable. 


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1 hour ago, Homo_Ferricus said:

I’ll be outright honest—your warnings are only making it more enticing. 

Hey, I get it - I have been to Syria (1983). It is a beautiful country with wonderful people. There are really cool historical places to visit as well.

But none of that is available right now. People are suffering under a lot of uncertainty. Visitors would be operating under even more. There are lots of other places with friendly people and interesting history to see. Just don't go to a place with that much instability.

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15 minutes ago, IanL said:

But none of that is available right now. People are suffering under a lot of uncertainty. Visitors would be operating under even more. There are lots of other places with friendly people and interesting history to see. Just don't go to a place with that much instability.

And be sure to get checked out on the AK-47 before you leave.



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7 hours ago, IanL said:

Hey, I get it - I have been to Syria (1983). It is a beautiful country with wonderful people. There are really cool historical places to visit as well.

But none of that is available right now. People are suffering under a lot of uncertainty. Visitors would be operating under even more. There are lots of other places with friendly people and interesting history to see. Just don't go to a place with that much instability.

I’m not interested in going to Syria because I can’t find friendly people and interesting places elsewhere, I’m interested because of how much time I’ve put into following the conflict for the last 5 or so years. If I find an opportunity for a reasonably safe visit, I don’t know if I could stop myself from taking it. I’d love a chance to see East Ghouta, Darayya, perhaps even Dara’a and maybe cross to Jordan from there. I imagine it would become a quasi-journalistic visit rather than a naive romp through Syria just so I can say I did.

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On 8/13/2018 at 8:41 AM, weta_nz said:

First off - Sorry to anyone who's come here thinking they have released it!!


Yup, you got me first time I saw it. Unfortunately the thread has recently been derailed with off-topic posts but I'll continue to check it regularly and the battlefront website for actual news on the demo, which they said would be coming "soon..." as there is little alternative.

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A friend of mne tried to pop into down to Mosul Iraq on his bike, while passing, a few years back but was kindly advised part the way down past the border it wasn't a wise move as ISIS was just kicking off.

Something like being a cosmopolitan Plink Floyd loving hippy wouldn't automatically give him diplomatic immunity.  Sadly British bike journalist John Cantlie probaby hasn't been so lucky 😞

Excuse pics - they were the best I could do photoshop wise with his overexposed photos, as a consequence giving it an extreme Three Kings bleached look 




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From a recent thread at SH:

MOSCOW, July 31 (Itar-Tass) - RIA Novosti. The terrorist group "Islamic State" took responsibility for the attack on foreign tourists in Tajikistan, whose victims were four people, according to the American SITE Intelligence Group, a leading monitoring information activity of extremists.


   On the evening of July 29, seven foreign tourists, citizens of the United States, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, and Germany rode on bicycles. Suddenly they are knocked down by a black car.

   This was not just an accident. Having made a run-around, the driver of the car turned around and began to purposefully crush the fallen cyclists. Then people came out of the car and began to finish off the victims with the help of firearms and knifes, and then fled the scene of the crime.

   As a result of the incident, four people were killed, two more were injured of varying degrees of severity. Most lucky was Frenchman, he fell behind the group, and at the time of the tragedy, he was not on the road at all.


   The driver who hit the tourists disappeared from the scene. During the operative-search activities, a Dewoo-Leganza car was found, on which a group of attackers on foreign cyclists had previously been driven.

   Law enforcement agencies liquidated three suspects in an attack on foreign tourists, which occurred last Sunday, RIA Novosti reported to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan.


Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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