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I don't feel that Waclaw is "raining on my parade" with his comments, and I certainly do not see why a little criticism should make him a troll.  

One of the first threads I saw when joining this forum, was about the very firm defence that some forum members immediately put up for BF when the latter is criticised. As a newbie I did not participate in that fierce discussion, but I did wonder why it was there.

 I've been a member now for some years, and I think that sometimes some members react very defensively when another member says something negative about BF and or it's products.

As long as people are decent I think they should be able to make comments without being labelled a troll or being accused of raining on (almost) everyone's parade.. 

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Then perhaps he should structure his criticism a little more constructively. He comes off as trying to bash the product that most people on this forum want, with at the very best, naivety. Yes the product isn't perfect and yes you can disagree with BF's method of business. But coming on to a  private forum to bash a companies methods is probably not the best idea. At least offer something in your posts. When you don't, it does indeed make you look like a troll. 

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As long as people are decent I think they should be able to make comments without being labelled a troll or being accused of raining on (almost) everyone's parade.. 

That is certainly true. And FWIW I think people are misinterpreting what I think Waclaw was trying to say. I strongly suspect that English is not his first language and that people should cut him and others whose mother tongue is not English a little slack. God knows, many of the people who post here who are native English speakers butcher the language horribly enough.



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That is certainly true. And FWIW I think people are misinterpreting what I think Waclaw was trying to say. I strongly suspect that English is not his first language and that people should cut him and others whose mother tongue is not English a little slack. God knows, many of the people who post here who are native English speakers butcher the language horribly enough.



Well if that's the case, then my apologies.

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Every time a new BFC title has appeared there has always been one or two posters showing up attempting to drive potential buyers away for spite. Happened with CMBB more than a decade ago ("I refuse to buy this because nobody in the title is speaking English!"). Happened in CMSF, CMBN, CM:Afghanistan... Petulant criticism always couched in an air off 'offended outrage'.  After you've seen the same thing occur nine times over with title-after-title it really starts getting old.

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If you think that it's not value for money, no one is forcing you to buy it ...

Why do you take pleasure in raining on (almost) everyone else's parade, and post here even though you are not - presumably - going to get it? (Leaving aside the point that your criticism is inaccurate anyway.) You think that we're not capable of deciding for ourselves?

Where's that "Ignore User" button again ...


sarcasm is not trolling, for me, your optimism is not unbearable - you get "sell the same thing for the same" or "buy two, get one, pay for three" - in this way confirms the BF that their policy is correct, do not have to to do anything, because it anyway you buy! and again I will have to wait another year for real progress in mechanics / graphics - thank you very much!

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Well I can see that you can not wait for the next "Battle Pack" with some new vehicles and for 55 bucks? ;)

Since we do have rules against Trolling, and you are repeatedly in violation, I am issuing you with an official warning.  If you insist on grinding your axe, you are going to have to do it elsewhere.

sarcasm is not trolling,

There is a line between sarcasm and trolling just like there is a line between joking and abuse.  You don't seem to understand where that line is, so the smart thing to do (if you wish to stay here) is not engage in "sarcasm".  Just like people who don't know how to drive a car should refrain from getting in the driver's seat.

in this way confirms the BF that their policy is correct, do not have to to do anything,

Except having to put up with your constant whining drivel that finds MAYBE one or two persons agreeing with and everybody else telling you to put a sock in it.  Since that is a pretty good indication of Trolling, it's a pretty good indication that you are behaving like a Troll.


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That is certainly true. And FWIW I think people are misinterpreting what I think Waclaw was trying to say. I strongly suspect that English is not his first language and that people should cut him and others whose mother tongue is not English a little slack. God knows, many of the people who post here who are native English speakers butcher the language horribly enough.



No, this is not the case at all.  We've already exhausted the "maybe he's just fumbling the language" explanation long ago because people have taken great pains to explain why he is perceived as abusive/offensive.  It's pretty clear that he knows exactly what he is saying, how he is saying it, and why he is saying it.  Either that or he is thick as a brick.

Waclaw has a history of doing exactly what he did in this thread.  If there is positive discussion from customers about things we do that do not meet his expectations then he will enter the discussion with a poison comment.  He knows that people will disagree, which then gives him an opportunity to hijack whatever the current discussion to instead be about his narrow minded definition of what people should/shouldn't pay for.  Evidence?  Look at the last bunch of posts and see how different they are compared to the ones before he posted.

In previous "debates" Waclaw has shown that he has no respect for the opinions of others, despite the fact that he is always solidly in the minority position (to put it mildly).  Yet he does not hold back from trying to pick fights with everybody who disagrees with him (which is, as stated, almost everybody).  This is the standard behavior of a Troll.  Someone who steals attention for himself at the expense of everybody else.

Obviously he's done it one too many times.  Or more precisely, one short of too many times since he's not been banned yet.


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sarcasm is not trolling, for me, your optimism is not unbearable - you get "sell the same thing for the same" or "buy two, get one, pay for three" - in this way confirms the BF that their policy is correct, do not have to to do anything, because it anyway you buy! and again I will have to wait another year for real progress in mechanics / graphics - thank you very much!

Yes, if what you are looking for is substantial improvements in mechanics and graphics, then you're just going to have to skip CMFB and wait for future titles with more changes.  But that doesn't mean that you are right when you are saying that we are getting "the same thing for the same (price?)". Getting new unit formations, maps, scenarios and campaigns means a whole new experience, even if the graphics and mechanics haven't changed much. That is more than enough for me to happily buy this new title. Also, as the geographical setting and the timeframe has changed, this will also be a great opportunity for me to read up on the Battle of the Bulge, and I will also be studying all the changes and updates of vehicles and other equipment that had happened since the fighting in Normandy.

If you're not interrested in any of this, fine, just skip this title. But there are a lot of us that will enjoy it, and we certainly don't feel that this is just a Battlepack with a few new vehicles, as you called it.

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That is certainly true. And FWIW I think people are misinterpreting what I think Waclaw was trying to say. I strongly suspect that English is not his first language and that people should cut him and others whose mother tongue is not English a little slack. God knows, many of the people who post here who are native English speakers butcher the language horribly enough.




Your forbearance shows you to be the gentleman we know: but sadly I don't agree with the thrust of your comments in this case.

For what it's worth, my exception to his comments that I quoted in my post concerned the reference to other forum members, rather than to BF per se.

He was - my words of course, not his - implying that we are dumb schmucks for wanting to pay BF $55 (or even $65) for something that is essentially nothing more than a vehicle / battle pack. (And implying aspersions cast at BF for wanting to sell us the same ...) Well, I can decide for myself whether or not I want to buy what has been extensively trailed through AARs, You Tube videos, etc etc. and whether it is more than "a Pack".

He is perfectly entitled to think that CMFB is overpriced for what it contains, and to say so in plain, unvarnished terms if he wishes: no complaint from me.

It is his not being able to do it without sly digs at others that led me to click "Ignore User".

But perhaps I should have done just that, and not posted my thoughts ...


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someone answer me? the difference between a "battlepack" from CMFB? or maybe it is too aggressive question? or I offend someone?


That is not what you asked, nor is it what you ever ask.  The biggest mistake you can make is presuming that I'm too stupid to know that.  So, if you want to continue pushing your agenda or playing the game of "poor me being abused by the evil moderator", I'll just ban you right now and save us all a lot of bother.  You have caused enough disruption already.

In the spirit of Emry's presuming innocence (which is a positive quality to posses, don't get me wrong), I'm going to make things very clear to you:

Post in this thread again and I will ban you



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Ah, I had not perceived that. Sorry I butted into this part of the discussion; I will now take the opportunity to butt out again. Thank you, Steve, for taking the time to explain matters.


Don't sweat it.  You apparently have been fortunate enough to miss the last 100 times he's done this.  Probably an indication that you spend too much time in the Cess Pool :D


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- This is one of the methods of dialogue Socrates (Greek: elenktikos) so I ask questions to get the expected response - you may know, this is why Socrates was accused of depravity?

I expected that nobody would answer, because it is much easier to call me Trol, than to admit that CMFB is not much more than a stand-alone "battle pack" ;)

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- This is one of the methods of dialogue Socrates (Greek: elenktikos) so I ask questions to get the expected response - you may know, this is why Socrates was accused of depravity?

I suppose someone could defend a Nazi entering a Synagogue on the anniversary of Krystal Nacht and saying "don't you think you Jews deserved what you got?" was just using the Socratic method for sparking a productive discussion.  I think most would disagree.

I expected that nobody would answer, because it is much easier to call me Trol, than to admit that CMFB is not much more than a stand-alone "battle pack" ;)

You are called a Troll because you are a Troll.  You are also now banned because, as Trolls are often prone to doing, you continue to think rules do not apply to you.  Nor warnings, or even second warnings.

I'm sure you'll be back by ducking the ban on your current account.  Since Trolls are motivated by pissing people off, it's to be expected you'll want to keep it up.  Fortunately Trolls returning to cause problems are easily spotted and rebanned.  So why bother?  Is your life so empty of meaning that you have nothing better to do with your time than come back here?  All you'll do is prove, again, that you are a Troll.


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One of the aspects of a troll that makes then a troll is baiting people into responding. Socrates would be disappointed. He used questions to teach people you are using them to annoy and provoke people.

I like how you tried to invoke sympaty as well very narsasistic and troll like.

Oh and you are factually incorrect since CMFB has feature work, new vehicles. scenario, campaigns and quick battle maps. So, by definition more than a batte pack and more than a vehicle pack. plus more than the two cimbined as well.

So, you are acting like a troll, you are incorrect and good ridence.

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The ban is totally justified. Thank you. Seems like waclaw is always just instigating, so he had this coming for a long time. I couldn't have been as patient with him as Steve has been, that's for sure. So now we can get the thread onto a positive (or at least not-too-negative) track again. Hope to see CMFB soon. Or at least the demo. The maps look amazing!

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