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More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)

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and I repeat it again - I want to see improved in the new CMB:
- Textures of snow - I do not want to look at a copy transferred from CMFI
- Sounds (separate ambient for winter)
- New volumetric effects
- Particle effects
- New UI
- I do not want to look at is not scratched tank - air bomb hit
fixes, which I'm waiting for 8 years.


Not that I don't want any of that, hell that and more frankly.  However one does need to keep perspective in order not to build for disappointment.  Hope is good, but hope with a dose of as reality gut check is also important.


Snow for example.  What textures do you mean?  If you are looking for some kind of depth perspective, I suspect that is an engine limitations.  I don't know that BF can give us any feel for depth with stuff tied to the map surface.  They are able to do somethings for grass, tall grass etc so perhaps they can.  I am hoping, but also trying to keep my hopes in perspective that there may be very straightforward issues why they can't do those things.


Personally I'd love to see a post from BF about what they can and can't do with terrain tiles that provides us a better understanding of what is even possible.


Also this thing of "fixes I've been waiting 8 years for".  Wiggun does the same thing.  You'd think from those types of comments the engine has made no progress at all in 8 years rather than simply BF hasn't addressed a personal peeve.  One example alone  - Map overlays.  I can't tell you how cool of an item that is and how much of a difference it has made for designers.  For those of you who drooled over the HASL maps for KG Peiper just think of the kind of stuff we will start seeing with this family.  3D to scale maps of battles we have read about/gamed for years.  I don't really care if it is a straight feature port.  I can't wait to see these.

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And the "Steve has said he want to..." stuff reminds me about parents telling their children to clean up their room...but after 7 years its still a bit of a mess.

Somebody needs to be sent to their room or given a time out.  No iPad for you tonight young man.

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Now that you mentioned Map overlays sburke (what, im not on your ignore list ?!)...

What would be a great feature would be a map overlay for the ingame map that shows you impassable terrain.

Two "must haves" for the next full price game are to finaly get rid of the unholy brown/green "map floating in nirvana" thing and make a "Road movement" command working (vehicles only) !

Again, sadly at the moment i dont expect anything "new" from this next Cmx2 release...

Edited by Wiggum15
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Now that you mentioned Map overlays sburke (what, im not on your ignore list ?!)...

What would be a great feature would be a map overlay for the ingame map that shows you impassable terrain.

A must have for the next full price game is to finaly get rid of the unholy brown/green "map floating in nirvana" thing !

What about that ?


As long as it can be toggled on/off I would love an option like that, it would be great for beginners to show how they can make use of terrain.


See, bring up an idea instead of just bashing a part of the game and I can easily agree with you!

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I want a schwimmwagen. Better be in the game!  :angry: Better actually float too!  B)


If they also put in the M29 weasel then we are a step closer to naval combat. 

A map with only water and one side gets schwimmwagens and one side weasels. 


Ice? Are we gonna get ice? Maybe more for the east front? Leningrad Campaign I guess....

Edited by kohlenklau
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Two "must haves" for the next full price game are to finaly get rid of the unholy brown/green "map floating in nirvana" thing and make a "Road movement" command working (vehicles only) !

I'm not sure how you would get something like that because every map is unique.  There would have to be some way of allowing the map creator to make something to create the distance effect for those areas that are off map.  I personally wouldn't want to spend the time creating map elements that aren't going to be used by the player because it seems like a lot of work for very little result.


Just dropping in.  Now I'll be exiting stage left because I don't really see the utility of going round and round on various issues when what we say here isn't going to alter what's planned by a single iota.

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@ Raptorx7
I just dont like the "aww you posted something i agree with here take a cookie and be a good guy from now on" thing...

Just dropping in. Now I'll be exiting stage left because I don't really see the utility of going round and round on various issues when what we say here isn't going to alter what's planned by a single iota.

Sound like you too are sad that BFC dont take part in discussions about their upcoming game and it looks like as if they dont care anymore about customer feedback and features requests.

Edited by Wiggum15
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As i said Raptorx7, i did not want to sound rude.
But opening a thread about it seems pointless because you will never hear anything from BFC about it, no even a "no we cant do it in the current engine" and some people will start telling me that this feature is not needed and "BFC has other, more important things to do"™

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Buzz, buzzzz. Did you hear something? No? Ok must have been a fly or something. :D


 Its a person moving in hyperspeed. He's invisible and sounds like a buzz to slow moving earthlings.


  Seriously what is wrong with the CMFI snow graphics. I  realize it would be nice for immersion and a realistic appearance


  to have lovely looking snow graphics but it seems to me if the "snow effects" are working such as reduced visibility, somewhat

  impeded movement, and maybe troops wearing snow camo etc. are more important.

Edited by J Bennett
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@ Raptorx7

I just dont like the "aww you posted something i agree with here take a cookie and be a good guy from now on" thing...


Sound like you too are sad that BFC dont take part in discussions about their upcoming game and it looks like as if they dont care anymore about customer feedback and features requests.

Actually they do, but within the constraints of making sure it does not interfere with game development, which I would think you'd agree is a good priority.  Now the fact that they don't comment on every "this MUST be in the game post" is more likely a combination of that and that they simply disagree that your must list drives production.  Don't be offended, none of us has a must list that drives production.  They almost never comment on those posts.  Thank god or we'd never have a new game.


Also again note another slam at BF not caring "anymore".  That is just such a "head up the a**" proclamation that even you have to agree it is over the top.  Can you at least get your critiques down to "I'd really like to see this in the game" level and not make every suggestion a shot at BF.  The number of things that have been added or changed since CMBN (much less what was in CMSF) is huge.  Acting like BF never fixes or alters or adds anything is just pretty ridiculous.  It would also probably help your long term health as honestly you sound kind of stressed out.  BF has a track record of not bothering to reply to folks who so consistently slam them.  Why would they?  You are behaving like a "shi**y" customer and they have better things to do with their time. (I said like, I did not call you a shi**y customer).


You aren't on my ignore list because no one is.  If I feel there is absolutely no point in responding to you I won't. Or at least rarely when you post something that isn't just ridiculously over the top hyperbole. Seriously if you just changed your approach I think you'd find there is more agreement with you than disagreement.  It isn't the content of what you say, it is how you say it that generates most of the negative reaction you get. A lot of folks on this forum are past middle age.  We have been around the block a few times and our threshold for what is generally viewed as immature behavior (I want this now! I have been asking and asking and I don't get an answer!) that would never fly if we were all actually sitting around face to face is kind of low.  It might help when posting to visualize that sort of face to face contact and think how you would actually converse in that environment. If you post the way you'd actually do that type conversation, then I wouldn't be buying the next round. ;)  I'd ask if you could rachet it down a notch as the bartender is eyeing us like he is about to ask us to leave and the waitress is avoiding our table.  More than likely I'd go sit somewhere else.  Maybe Ian has a spot open at his table...or better yet maybe with C3K's intern.


Now perhaps you simply don't care what folks think about your tone.  Fine, that is entirely up to you.  What you will find though is your ability to actually converse with folks on the forum will decline as folks will just not want to converse with you. Ian is a good guy.  There are a ton of things I know he'd like to change in game and he has some really great ideas- like the command line interface for launching a game that popped up again recently.  That request is like 4 years old now.  I don't see Ian jumping up on his chair and throwing a fit.  That isn't because he wouldn't like to see it nor that he thinks after 4 years it is overdue.  He simply takes into account everything else that has been done and figures it just isn't on BF's hit list yet.  He is patient because he knows BF has a list and it is likely far longer than any list we individually have.

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Maybe i just sound immature and aggressive because my English vocabulary and knowledge about grammar is limited ?

Im most likely younger then most of you but started with CMx1 AK, bought CMSF+Marines+Brits, bought CMBN, bought CMBS, bought CMBN v3.0 Upgrade and iam a infantryman since 6 years.

So you cant bet im not some kind of 17 year old kid that just bought CMBS because war in Ukraine kicks a** and starts to rant about the game, im pretty sure its because of my limited english knowledge that i sound like an a**hole.

Or maybe iam one, who knows...

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Not that I don't want any of that, hell that and more frankly.  However one does need to keep perspective in order not to build for disappointment.  Hope is good, but hope with a dose of as reality gut check is also important.


Snow for example.  What textures do you mean?  If you are looking for some kind of depth perspective, I suspect that is an engine limitations.  I don't know that BF can give us any feel for depth with stuff tied to the map surface.  They are able to do somethings for grass, tall grass etc so perhaps they can.  I am hoping, but also trying to keep my hopes in perspective that there may be very straightforward issues why they can't do those things.


Personally I'd love to see a post from BF about what they can and can't do with terrain tiles that provides us a better understanding of what is even possible.


Also this thing of "fixes I've been waiting 8 years for".  Wiggun does the same thing.  You'd think from those types of comments the engine has made no progress at all in 8 years rather than simply BF hasn't addressed a personal peeve.  One example alone  - Map overlays.  I can't tell you how cool of an item that is and how much of a difference it has made for designers.  For those of you who drooled over the HASL maps for KG Peiper just think of the kind of stuff we will start seeing with this family.  3D to scale maps of battles we have read about/gamed for years.  I don't really care if it is a straight feature port.  I can't wait to see these.


This is a new game (I'm not interested at what the engine is made - it's not my problem) and I have my expectations (we all have them) - I hope to increase the quality of the product and the new content, so I made a list of what would make me particularly interested in - and this everything.
if I have to pay another 55 bucks there must be something more than a new campaign / scenarios and a number of new vehicle models
you are not aggressive, they just are oversensitive
Edited by waclaw
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problem is cmx2 is adictive, and addicts want best goods


   Yes but even the best drugs are cut with:   A:  snow that looks like powdered sugar


                                                                      B:  snow that looks like talcum powder.


         One vote only please.

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waclaw, dont buy next game then if its feels tjust map packs add on , simply ^^ 


waclaw, dont buy next game then if its feels tjust map packs add on , simply ^^ 



It is obvious, and what it takes to prove?

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Wiggum: you're engaging in asymmetric warfare. You can type any old nonsense as fast as you can vomit it up and call it argument. Shooting you down in flames takes time and effort that you're not worth. So you can rant all you like; this'll be the last time I waste any epithelial cells or electrons responding. Ta-ta.


Pretty harsh there, Womble. The man owns, off this date, 41 Thumbs Up! notations on his posts. What more evidence do you need?

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Fwiw BFC definitely does listen to customer input and changes things. I specifically mentioned and asked BFC to randomize the amount of bullets fired in mg bursts to make it feel more realistic and it was added next patch. Also me and another poster brought up each successive press of target briefly adding a 15 second increments to the length of target briefly.

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Maybe i just sound immature and aggressive because my English vocabulary and knowledge about grammar is limited ?

Im most likely younger then most of you but started with CMx1 AK, bought CMSF+Marines+Brits, bought CMBN, bought CMBS, bought CMBN v3.0 Upgrade and iam a infantryman since 6 years.

So you cant bet im not some kind of 17 year old kid that just bought CMBS because war in Ukraine kicks a** and starts to rant about the game, im pretty sure its because of my limited english knowledge that i sound like an a**hole.

Or maybe iam one, who knows...

oh crap, you didn't tell me you were a grunt, that explains everything!  Carry on.  :D


Yeah that is one issue with posting on the net, it really is extremely difficult to discern what is possibly language issues, forms of expression that don't carry well in written form versus verbal etc. It is one reason for making sure you have a thick skin when going online.

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and I repeat it again - I want to see improved in the new CMB:
- Textures of snow - I do not want to look at a copy transferred from CMFI
- Sounds (separate ambient for winter)
- New volumetric effects
- Particle effects
- New UI
- I do not want to look at is not scratched tank - air bomb hit


You won't be getting a new UI in Bulge; they've said it's engine v3. Steve has said they want to revamp the UI, which can only be good, given the starting point, but that's likely to be a full engine version upgrade, rather than the tinkering with things that gets done with releases in the same engine.


I don't know what you mean by your last line. I think you're hoping for "destroyed" models for vehicles.


And they're not "fixes". Fixes are for broken things.

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