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CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side

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Verba is only in service with VDV at this time - so might have been glossed over by the researchers for inclusion.


In 2014 Russian Armed Forces receive 2 Division (VDV) and 2 Brigade set (Ground Forces) of 9K333 Verba.


«Верба» для Сухопутных войск и ВДВ.

Итого за год КБМ оснастило Российскую армию двумя бригадными и двумя дивизионными комплектами.


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If that external MG isnt destroyed then I think the damage system needs a rethink.


Why was he firing at the external MG anyway could he not have lit up another part of the vehicle? AI targetting baffles me sometimes in CM...


I was thinking more than just the MG may have been degraded and/or knocked out. We won't know until we can read Pnzrldr's report.


The location of the blast graphics may not tell the story exactly--especially in a Beta version.

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Why was he firing at the external MG anyway could he not have lit up another part of the vehicle? AI targetting baffles me sometimes in CM.

While I suspect it was just targetting "centre of mass" as ever, and scatter (from aiming error, movement, panic, rush randomness) took it up onto the turret rather than down onto the running gear, there's a lot of vulnerable equipment bolted to the top of that Abrams, so it seems a perfectly valid target if you're going to shoot, since you're not going to get a K-Kill with anything the BMP has unless the target's used up all its APS 'charges'. If it had 'scattered' down into the tracks, you might possibly be looking at an M-Kill, but the turret hits might F-kill it or at least degrade its response time when it comes up against a T-90.
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Stagler and Bydax,


Acta non verba. Simply couldn't resist! The 9K333 looks to be, as our UK confreres might put it, a nasty bit of kit. One that evidently works quite well against the Ukrainian Air Force An-26 CRATE. Naturally, the Putin line will be this frontline Russian MANPADS was found "in a captured Ukrainian stockpile" or similar codswallop. About as credible as claiming US made Stingers during the Afghan War were crafted in Pakistani souks by the same men who practically handmade cheap copies of a bunch of firearms, including automatic weapons.




John Kettler 

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Bil Hardenberger, on 21 Jan 2015 - 9:30 PM, said:Bil Hardenberger, on 21 Jan 2015 - 9:30 PM, said:

2nd MRC

US Company Team North’s movement is inexorable.  I was able to get my BMP back into its gully this turn.. it spotted and fired at what I think is the Battalion HQ Bradley.. that ATGM hit the trees... but then it spotted the center M1 again, withdrew and fired its 30mm getting many hits... mainly on the external MG.  This tank never fired its main gun... should have had the opportunity.





Judging by where the 30mm rounds impacted, not only should they have taken out the RWS, but at least one round hit the red vision blocks just below the weapon mount. Also, considering after the 30mm rounds impacted we can see a hatch close on top of the turret, I think a crewman was outside of the turret reloading the .50 cal. There might have been a crew casualty, although we do not see a red cross pop up.

At the very least, the capability of that M1 should be degraded somewhat.


As I said before, use every weapon in your arsenal!

Edited by SLIM
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The gunner optic recieved one round, so if that is not knocked out i would cast doubt on CM damage modelling  :P


You might not notice the actual capabilities though if the TC isn't dead.  CITV can fill in for the GPS, although the gunner just became a spectator.


Assuming again, the tank commander isn't dead or something.  

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Uncultured Swine, 


Welcome aboard!


Absolutely agree with your assessment. The CMBS Beta game and superb turn by turn commentary from the two doughty opponents are excellent advertising for CMBS and BFC in and of themselves, but in turn spawn the Holy Grail of advertising. Word of Mouth. Just yesterday, I was talking to my youngest brother, whom I two days ago helped get into the CMSF Demo, about the wonders of CMBS. He's now aware of both the game in progress and all the video treasures ChrisND has put up on YouTube showcasing various aspects of the game and its wonderful toys.




John Kettler

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Thanks Uncultured Swine... the whole reason for doing these AARs is to show it off and hopefully sell a few copies for Battlefront.  If a few like yourself purchase the game because of the AAR and if Scott and I can contribute in that, then it is worth all the work.  It is my way of paying back Battlefront for allowing me to be part of all this.


Aragorn2002, yeah I was also not excited about the modern setting... but I am finding it a quite unique and enjoyable challenge.   B)

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Thanks Uncultured Swine... the whole reason for doing these AARs is to show it off and hopefully sell a few copies for Battlefront.  If a few like yourself purchase the game because of the AAR and if Scott and I can contribute in that, then it is worth all the work.  It is my way of paying back Battlefront for allowing me to be part of all this.


Aragorn2002, yeah I was also not excited about the modern setting... but I am finding it a quite unique and enjoyable challenge.   B)

With a handle like that it is hard to tell if you are speaking to all of us or just one guy. I was thinking, gee that is uncharacteristically rude of Bil.

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I've got half the answer, thanks to a smattering of transliterated Russian.  "Nekulturny," which means "uncultured" on the face of it, but a great deal more in reality. While trying to find the second item, I discovered Live Journal has a page called 


Russian Language Swear Words and their English Translation


Fascinating stuff. I used to work with a guy at Rockwell who, though an American of German extraction, spoke fluent Russian and loved their obscene limericks, for which he happily provided not just translations but the cultural context after reciting each one. Imagine, if you will, scatological humor delivered gleefully by an oversized Botticelli cherub! Am deliberately not posting a link, but I think the extensive list may offer an opportunity for the sound modders to swap out existing epithets for altogether more colorful ones in CMBB, CMRT and perhaps, CMRT. After looking at the variety, force and ingenuity of the Russian expressions, I have to say American English seems woefully deficient. Time for a national effort to close the Swearing Gap!


Meanwhile, I've now learned the other word is "svinya," Pretty straightforward, right? Thus, nekulturny svinya, perhaps? I couldn't help but recall, though, that the Russian HVAPFSDS rounds are termed Svinets. Hmm.




John Kettler 

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Thus, nekulturny svinya, perhaps?


"Nekul'turnaya svin'ya" (некультурная свинья), if you want to get it completely properly. :)


I couldn't help but recall, though, that the Russian HVAPFSDS rounds are termed Svinets. Hmm.


Yes, after some lengthy testing it was determined that the best material for the penetrator was not tungsten or uranium, but pork.


Stands for "lead" (the metal), has nothing to do with pigs. :)

Edited by Krasnoarmeyets
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"Nekul'turnaya svin'ya" (некультурная свинья), if you want to get it completely properly. :)



Yes, after some lengthy testing it was determined that the best material for the penetrator was not tungsten or uranium, but pork.


Stands for "lead" (the metal), has nothing to do with pigs. :)

I wonder if the etymology there has to do with metalwork though. "Pig iron" is a term used in foundries, to do with the way ingots are moulded from the smelter's pour: the ingots (pigs) look (supposedly) like piglets suckling at their mother; the groove in the sand that leads the molten iron into the ingot shapes is called the "sow". I guess you'd have to be pretty close to your agrarian roots to develop terminology like that. "Lead pigs" are similar.
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Very good guess, but as far as dictionaries go I was only able to find a reference in a couple of them to a possible relationship to the ancient Greek word for "blue material" or "metallic-colored". Most of the others simply state "origins unknown". If I were to make an amateur guess, I would note that if you took the Russian word for blue ("siniy") and tried to apply it as a noun to describe a lump of blueish solid stuff in an archaic way, you would get something like "sinets", which is rather close to morph into the current form over time.

(And that is how you go from discussing the tactical conditions of a simulated combined arms battle to pondering fine peculiarities of Russian etymology in four posts. :D)

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Figure about a "B" or "B+" (or however you do grades in Russia) on my first ever Russian transliteration attempt, but an "A" for inadvertent humor on the second, right? I've been up all night, but you totally cracked me up with your clever cross out. Lead, eh? How ever did they get a name so obviously related to the actual penetrator material (DU decays to lead) past the SVR/FSB (can't keep track) or MoD security types? As for lead having nothing to do with pigs, I beg to differ. Lead actually has a lot to do with pigs, as shown here. That said, this is one pork dish I'll definitely be skipping! Nor would I like this with a side of slaw. But if I'm ever in a jam and circumstances allow, what's below might prove handy.



Such intellectual excursions are to be expected when the Turn Drought™ hits. It's hard to blame pnzrldr for taking his family on vacation, since the rest of the time it doubtless takes an entire MP company, motivated by his jealous and lonely wife, to pry him out his DU clad and very demanding lady love.




John Kettler

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