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CM Black Sea – BETA Battle Report - Russian Side

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The First Minute

The offensive is the basic form of combat action. Only by a resolute offense conducted at a high tempo and to great depth is total destruction of the enemy achieved.

Russian Operational and Tactical Principles

In the first turn 1st MRC moved quickly forward, the terrain in this area is very restrictive to vehicles so the infantry will be taking the lead as they pass over the top.


2nd MRC quickly converged on the hill to their front as well. The first turn was nervous due to their initial setup and the distance they had to travel.


This movement was not without trouble as one of the rear most BMPs took an ATGM from one of the ATGM teams inside the pocket:


I should have popped smoke at the beginning of this movement. Live and learn.


Following is the intel I have received.. I only spotted units within the pocket this turn. Note that Ukrainian units are in blue, US are in green... I will maintain this color coding throughout the battle report.

Note the 152mm fire impacting on the town.. the on map mortars only started to fire at the end of the turn with several rounds in the air.


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Is Black Sea going to have hit decals?

It uses the newest engine version, so all previous features are in. From the vehicle list it seems that engineering (mine clearing) tanks/vehicles are not going to make it, even though the engine now supports mine clearance, but I hope that it will be added in the modules.

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Now you know that Scott has one less ATGM than he started with! I applaud your technique to leave your opponent weaponless. ;)

Those BMP-3's are the ultimate hammer/eggshell. They are infantry devouring machines. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the infantry in them.

Love the gif.


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So modern BMP's are not designed to move away from the enemy :-)

Aye! If he'd been ATTACKING rather than FLEEING, they would live... See? I -care- about my men when I force them forwards.

(Okay, I get it: Bil is moving towards a screening position beyond the bypassed enemy...as he should.)

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The Second Minute

Here is the image of the hit decal that I promised earlier...


Two sightings in front of 2nd MRC this turn, a Ukrainian BMP 2 and a US infantry team, not enough information to make any conclusions yet. I am however very nervous of any US team and getting hit by a Javelin, so I'll be area firing with a few grenade launcher teams to this team's front to try to keep their heads down if nothing else.


The BMP 2 was spotted right at the end of the turn by one of my BMP 3s which fires an ATGM which ends the turn in flight.. ARRGGH!!


In the pocket, one of the ATGM teams gets hit hard by artillery and BMP fire with at least one casualty... next turn I plan on moving a BMP 3 into a hull down position to take the other ATGM team under fire... should be protected by Arena if my recon team suppression fire falls short no?


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As always, it's great to see you in action, and with such cool toys! Compared to what a Tunguska has, American air defense is a joke, though I understand that some sort of proper SAM is coming into play soon/is deploying already which will relegate the Stinger and Avenger to their proper places. I doubt CMBS has it, but Russia has now fielded a new MANPADS, the 9K-47, with twice the range of Stinger. ISIS has it and has used it, per my well-informed contacts.

Turning to the game map, I was intrigued to note the presence of both color conturing and what (I can't decide) are either topo contours or hachure marks. Are these in the game, or are they something you put in yourself? Cool if the latter, but splendid if actually in the game itself! I like the new tactical display, but confess myself visually disoriented by the square symbology. Something no doubt to do with a lifetime looking at the familiar type. These, at the level of play, are the pertinent Russian tactical symbols.


A much richer set, broadly familiar to me from my military aerospace days, is shown here in what appears to be (I don't read Russian) a comprehensive look at Russian military maps.



Something new to me, and perhaps of interest to your readers, is that Russia has a new national symbol for its vehicles and aircraft. It's not sitting too well with some, being called "Captain America" and "200% American." Pretty snazzy, though.


I'm surprised you would put all of your indirect fire modules into the bypassed zone, leaving nothing for the main fight, though that explosive rectal probe may well prove me wrong!

What particularly interests me about this fight is how it mirrors a discovery both NATO and the Russians made during the Cold War as it applied to West Germany. As the cities and their suburbs grew and grew, creating what were called conurbations, the maneuver possibilities for tank armies became more and more constrained, since the tank forces now faced interlocking, mutually supporting fires, chiefly by ATGMs, between such occupied areas and their feeder towns and cities, while bypassing. Worse, it was increasingly looking like freewheeling ops would be running into one MOUT battle after another.

Is DU in the game, and do you have it for your forces? The Russians got theirs into service a full two years before the US did, and as we know, they're not squeamish at all when it comes to the environment.

Finally, I think it's quite impressive that you would take on a serving armor professional in a fight in which he gets to employ the very weapons he's mastered. If you think the scenario is setting you up for failure, then I argue that playing him may well turn out to be a bad decision. You won't be bored, though!


John Kettler

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hey John glad you popped in. Re: the map I showed at the beginning of the thread, I created that in Photoshop from map editor screenshots, etc. Sorry, not a game feature.

Finally, I think it's quite impressive that you would take on a serving armor professional in a fight in which he gets to employ the very weapons he's mastered. If you think the scenario is setting you up for failure, then I argue that playing him may well turn out to be a bad decision. You won't be bored, though!

You are probably correct, but I have played Scott many times before and have done quite well.. I admit that I am a poorer player with modern kit so expect to lose this one. However I will not make it easy for him. ;)

I'm surprised you would put all of your indirect fire modules into the bypassed zone, leaving nothing for the main fight, though that explosive rectal probe may well prove me wrong!

I expect the main fight to be fast moving and it will be near impossible to use preplanned fires effectively, that was my reasoning for expending my artillery assets on the pocket to keep their heads down and hopefully cause some casualties. I still have my rotor and fixed wing assets for combat support that I am saving for the big fight.

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