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CMRT - BETA AAR - Soviet Side

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The enemy team (or teams) withdrew this turn...

My SMG Team laid down some suppression fire for 15 seconds then advanced to the location of the enemy casualties...

..my Rifle team started rushing forward to hit the enemy team(s) in the flank...

...all the while the enemy team(s) pulled back out of contact, I am determined to maintain contact so will be pursuing.

Here is the sequence of events:


The Platoon HQ Squad is advancing forward in support.


In position my SMG Team can indeed identify three dead Germans from last turn's encounter:


My movements for next turn:

The squad in contact will continue to advance, I am trying to ensure I only have one team moving at a time to enhance spotting. The Plt HQ Squad will be moving into a flanking position on the edge of the woods. The OT34 is advancing across the stream and will also be on hand for close support (I really want to try out the flamethrower on this thing). I will be firing my mortar ahead of the suspected enemy team(s) in case they keep withdrawing.

My goal for the next 10-15 minutes is to convince Elvis that my main effort is coming up this route... hopefully that will force him to deploy his armor and re-deploy any infantry he has on the Axis Yellow route.

Note also that along this route I do not want to advance further into the woods than my SMG Team is.. this is so I can support the infantry with mortar and tank fire as required.. any deeper and they would be on their own.


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I realize that and I never use it myself in game. But as screenshots go, especially the ones made by Bil, I prefer the ones where he uses movie mode, they just look prettier to me.

As for the game colour palette, you can see how it looks like in the other AAR, by Elvis. It's a bit too colourful and bright for my tastes (same as stock CMBN or CMFI) and I will probably use some texture and colour palette modification as soon as it comes out. For now, I like what Bil does with the screenshots a lot. But like I said, it's all a matter of taste.

I suspect Bil actually prefers playing in this mode and doesn't do it just for our benefit. Care to comment Bil?

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I suspect Bil actually prefers playing in this mode and doesn't do it just for our benefit. Care to comment Bil?

Yes, as I said above, I prefer this mode. Plus I actually think the screenshots look better in this mode, and I enjoy playing with it, I like the way it looks, I'm making the screenshots (and potentially movies) so I get to choose. ;)

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While BFC does not have a developer diary as such, this AAR is far from the only place you can get media samples from the beta build. If you follow the link Bil provided, it will take you to the CMRT Beta Screenshot gallery. There are quite a number of shots in the screenshot gallery that were taken in without the "War Movie" filter option on, including some that show Soviet uniforms in detail.

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I am sorry, but what you are asking me to do is create a second set of screen captures.. and truthfully doing these AARs is enough work without adding that additional labor. I have no doubt that Elvis will post normal mode screenshots of my equipment as he spots them, so please be patient, they will come.


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I really like the Movie Mode Bil uses, in my rig that mode looks much wore washed, way too much maybe, but in Bil´s AARs the pic coloration and desaturation is spot on.

Same for me, on my machine movie-mode is practically black-and-white.

If it looked like Bil's, I'd probably use it more.

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I kinda like the default colors more than the movie mode. I'm not sure why there is so much attraction to desaturated colors, in both film and in games. The real world is very bright and vibrant.

Some of the desaturated terrain mods for example look good in scenarios with overcast skies and wet or muddy ground conditions, but I don't think they look realistic most of the time.

I'm not saying don't use movie mode in the screenshots though.

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One thing that CMBO taught me was there is definitely no one "best" way to do the art. We've seen tons of different mods over the years and sometimes we say "oh my God, that is the best thing ever!" and other times... well... "mom always said if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all" :D What impressed me early on was how many people fawned over the stuff I thought was one step above crap. I also think Jackson Pollock's work is one step above the result of someone who ate a bunch of bad Mexican food after a hard night of drinking, so I guess it isn't really surprising ;)


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About movie mode - here's a notional composite I made years ago suggesting a movie mode coloration. There were a lot of people at the time unhappy with 'real world' coloring in the game. All it took to get them to change their mind on the subject of real world coloring was to give them what they were asking for. ;)


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I kinda like the default colors more than the movie mode. I'm not sure why there is so much attraction to desaturated colors, in both film and in games. The real world is very bright and vibrant.

Some of the desaturated terrain mods for example look good in scenarios with overcast skies and wet or muddy ground conditions, but I don't think they look realistic most of the time.

I'm not saying don't use movie mode in the screenshots though.

Years of viewing black and white footage and photos creates an unconscious association. At least that's my theory :)

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Yeah that image is what I'm talking about. Walk through a park on a clear summer day and you'll see that the game should be really bright, if not brighter. The game tries to be realistic in every possible category, why not colors as well?

Years of viewing black and white footage and photos creates an unconscious association. At least that's my theory :)

My theory was that filmmakers like the desaturated colors so they could have a more muted, depressing look to their film, to manipulate their audience's mood and to have a more "anti-war" feel to it or something. Video games usually try to imitate Hollywood when they can, so video games quickly followed. That approach doesn't really interest me though. I find it a lot more interesting seeing the contrast between human beings slaughtering each other en masse in horrific ways in the midst of beautiful, vast, colorful landscapes.

Look at the movie The Thin Red Line, about the battle for Guadalcanal. I was fascinated at how the movie puts a lot of emphasis on beautiful, wide, vivid scenery shots along with the local wildlife caught in the middle of the fighting. The island itself has such a strong, imposing presence, and seems like just as much of a character in the film as the actual humans themselves. Seeing human beings recklessly destroying these colorful, beautiful environments had more of an emotional impact on me than just another drab war film.

In my opinion, if you really want a "you are there" feeling then bright colors are the way to go.


I also think Jackson Pollock's work is one step above the result of someone who ate a bunch of bad Mexican food after a hard night of drinking, so I guess it isn't really surprising ;)

Jackson Pollock is great, you shut up! I like Pollock but maybe that's just because I'm an art student at the moment :D

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Really enjoy reading Bill's AARs! I also enjoy looking at the new features in the game, but i have to agree with others on here... The movie mode takes a lot away for me. I want to see the game...the new art work etc as well, it looks depressing. The real world is much brighter. I spent many of years outdoors in the service as a 19D, hunting, fishing etc...the colors are always vibrate...

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Color is one of the most subjective things around. This is because the differences in how a person sees with their eyeball varies from one person to another. Sounds kind of obvious but the cellular differences between peoples eyeballs are different so people will perceive color differently. Of course green is still green but as to what looks better or is more green will always be subjective.

Personally I just want to see how the differences between CMRT and CMBN play out.

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I just caught a new, fairly close-up pic of Soviet infantry in standard color in a different thread. The detail in the textures stands out WAY better than in Movie mode. They look GOOD. -Can't notice that kind of detail in Movie mode.

As for the comparison pics of SPR and the reenactors... give them historical body shapes and the same amount of dirt on 'em and I MUCH prefer the real-world colors in the reenactor shot.

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There is also a difference in the way colors look depending on how far away you are from the subject. Close up, colors will be more striking. But, when you view from level 3 and above or far away, colors are naturally desaturated by mist, (smoke of war etc).

The problem with all games is that the color saturation stays the same regardless of distance or elevation - as if one was looking at colors in outer space. That is what I think leads people to think that the colors are too bright.

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Jackson Pollock is great..

I think his technique evolved a lot over a fairly short time. His early splatter paintings are often just messy. But he quickly began to see the possibilities in it and brought it under control to create specific artistic effects. I remember one painting he did not long before he was killed that had me in slack jawed amazement. I felt as if I had wandered inside a brain. It was as beautifully scored as a musical composition. His death as he was just finding his stride was a great tragedy.

Now back to the wars!



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You guys sound bored.. here is some action to get you back in the mood:

My SMG team rushed forward about 15 meters took up positions and was engaging the withdrawing enemy team when they suddenly heard something behind them!

Whirling around they saw an enemy team obviously oriented and advancing on their previous location...


My SMGs quickly silenced three of the enemy, and all five would eventually fall... but not before the final German tossed a grenade into the middle of my team...


I suffered two casualties, one of them was the Squad Leader...


Before that action took place I noticed two enemy contacts.. those together with the two that were withdrawing makes a total of four spotted so far. I left the rear of my formation uncovered... I need to watch that in the future. I like that Elvis tried an attack, good for him.. too bad it didn't work out for him. Even if I hadn't moved my SMG team though I suspect he would have lost his entire team. Now.. where is the other team that was maneuvering with this one? That contact disappeared.

Elsewhere my T34s have started entering KT1, I am about 1/3rd of the way into KT2 and my scouts have found nothing there yet.

The withdrawing teams were engaged by the lead squad's Rifle Team and though I only saw one individual he ran off and no casualties were seen.

Next turn I'll give you an overall situation report.

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