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Is CM dying?

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I completely agree that the repository is a problem. The previous CMx1 fansites did overall a better job. Just the login requirement is a stupid thing, especially since it still doesn't allow serving screenshots and the like without login, is that still the case?

You have to remember, however, that CM fansites hit rock bottom when we went through the long dry period between CMx1 and CMx2 and then got a CMx2 that many didn't like, and continued to dislike for long periods.

BFC rolled their own repository when it was necessary to keep modding going. However, at this point in time, especially 2013 which really heated up with scenarios and mods, it might be more of a liability than a solution.

I find it interesting the number of players who acknowledge the time and skill it takes to create well crafted maps/scenarios, yet complain that a module comprised mostly of this type of content is not worth the asking price.

Looking at the work JonS put into his excellent campaign alone is worth the price

Such as? I very rarely see people complain about CMx2's base prices.

There are some very specific exceptions such as some people who don't want to pay for the code-only updates (which is the opposite of what you say) and the issue that BFC charges you double if you want to play on your windows desktop and mac laptop compared to people who have windows desktop and windows laptop.

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...and the issue that BFC charges you double if you want to play on your windows desktop and mac laptop compared to people who have windows desktop and windows laptop.

Maybe that's a complaint from long time players going back to CMBO. If I recall, both came on the same CD back then.

But then I lost track for a long time as the Mac wasn't supported. Happy camper now!!

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I download a lot of mods for the games I play. I'll chime in to say that unfortunately I too find the repository quite clumsy. Some suggestions

Let users upload under their forum handle.

Change the theme so it fills your browser window, it's far too cluttered with a huge amount of wasted real estate on either side of the screen.

Put the top lists on the right and the containers on the left. Move the files and the sorting options to the top - including the search button

Have just a single line for each entry in the main view with rank, score, downloads, title, uploader and maybe a thumbnail pic.

Have at least 20 items in the list visible per page.

Link the mod comments to the forum thread so you can read and post in either place (have comments in reverse order on the mod page so latest post is first).

Edit - have the uploader as a selectable item in all views so you can quickly see everything done by an author without doing a search (why the heck can't you click on the names in the top lists??)

Edit - add most downloaded and top rated files to the top lists.


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I certainly wouldn't say CM is dying, particularly if the vitals are based on available scenarios! While scenario development for CMx1 wasn't trivial by any means, building a scenario in CMx2 is exponentially more demanding and involved, starting with the fine grain of an 8m AS vs a 20m CMx1 tile.

There are much finer elevation modeling and new terrain types, which also go into the equation of time and effort to build a scenario. Cover behavior that was fairly predictable in CMx1 is anything but in CMx2. If you don't believe me, go look at the howls of those used to being able to hide just inside a woodline who are now being shot to pieces while on the back side of said wood! Instead of a squad, there are individual men to consider. All these parts, moving or not, have to be created, put into a specific tactical context, tested, tweaked, retweaked, tested some more, etc.

Unless you have some sort of magic wand, there's simply no way to turn out a CMx2 scenario as fast as one for CMx1, holding map size and units constant. The workload, aspects to be addressed and level of detail are far higher. Similarly, it's far easier and faster to playtest a CMx1 scenario than it is to do one for CMx2.

All of the above, plus many more things, dictate that CMx2 scenario production rate can't possibly equal that of CMx1. At one point, I was semi seriously considering taking a swing at making a scenario in CMx1, but I know I'm way out of my league when it comes to designing a scenario for CMx2 (play CMBN/CW and soon MG, but not well vs AI). Guess I'll concentrate on learning to play CMBN/CW/MG with some skill, then return to PBEM (really PBDB--Play By Dropbox)!

Hope this post alleviates your concerns!


John Kettler

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I'll see if we can do something about the Repository. Now is actually not a bad time to bring this up from a scheduling standpoint.

I don't know why anybody would complain about not being able to use CM on two different platforms for the same price. I can't use Photoshop or Filemaker Pro on two different platforms, and their licenses are a LOT more than CM's. I also had to pay for another copy of Windows to use it on both my Mac laptop and my PC desktop. And the list goes on. Heck, most software doesn't allow a multiple install even on one platform, though that does seem to be slowly changing.


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First, thanks to the scenario creators. I've downloaded nearly every one.

I think MikeyD has a point on increased use of QB's. I have fallen into that trap due to time constraints.

What really amazes me is the gentleman who said five of his six friends would not move up from CMx1 to CMx2. That would be an interesting question to post on one of the other active CMx1 forums.

Bottom line is nothing compares to CMx2 on the market. Recruiting new blood is an issue though. I just got recruited for World in Flames, but not sure if that counts as I'm already a wargamer.

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This, definitely this.

I'd love to play SP scenarios and provide feedback, but I swear, the repository is the single biggest joke in the history of databases.

Seconded. I was so happy back in the day when BF announced they were opening up the repository, but sadly it's always been a cluttered mess and a nightmare to navigate.

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I don't know why anybody would complain about not being able to use CM on two different platforms for the same price.

I'm not complaining, I just stick to one platform. That said, when I go on a work trip I have to take my work PC, but also my personal mac laptop to play CM. It would be nice to not have to take the extra mac. It's not the end of the world though.

I use a lot of audio software and everything I own runs on mac and pc under the same license without extra payment. Same goes for several of my games.

This isn't to say your approach is wrong, personally I don't care but I can see why others might.

Most of all and to be clear: I'm grateful that CM is actually available for mac which in itself, given so many wargames not being available for mac, is huge kudos to BF.

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I don't think anyone is going to complain about CMx2's pricing as long as Matrix Games exists.

For the record (myself I think CM games and modules should be more expensive), Matrix has frequent sales which bumps their games down to BFC prices. Not to defend them, just saying how people buy Matrix games.

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Actually most dual-platform software now allows one license to move between Mac and Windows at no extra cost.

Concurrent? I'm sure some do, but I doubt it's common amongst the companies that actually support multiple platforms.

Including Adobe, Steve.

Interesting. Then why is this in the license agreement for the current version of Photoshop?

2.1.5 Dual Boot Platform. The Software is licensed for use on a specific operating system platform. Customer must purchase a separate license for use of the Software on each operating system platform. By way of example, if Customer desires to install the Software on both the Mac OS and Windows operating system platforms on a device that runs both of those platforms (i.e., a dual boot machine), then Customer must first obtain two separate licenses for the Software. This is true even if two versions of the Software, each designed for a different operating system platform, are delivered to Customer on the same media.

I bolded just for emphasis, but the whole thing is relevant. I'm not doubting you, but Adobe is telling me that I can't run concurrently on two different OSes. They do, however, allow for concurrent use on a single platform provided you've only got one copy fired up at a time.

Not that it changes anything either way.

For the record (myself I think CM games and modules should be more expensive), Matrix has frequent sales which bumps their games down to BFC prices. Not to defend them, just saying how people buy Matrix games.

Marking high and then having "sales" is fine. We prefer to keep the prices steady. Oh, and provide demos.


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Adobe's install is limited to one playing instance at a time. But you can transfer that one between mac and pc.

Ah, but that's totally different. This means that if you stop using one platform, completely, they allow you to transfer the license over to another platform. As I understood it the complaint was someone wanted to use one activation for a PC and second activation for a Mac. Which makes more sense, but as I said it's not a common offering for even the big software companies.

Dunno... in all the years we've been doing that I don't recall much, if any, demand for transferring a license between two platforms. I don't suppose many companies except for the huge ones like Adobe bother with it either.


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If that game was a LP record I would have worn out the grooves. Really enjoyed it and there was nothing else like it except maybe the ASL board game.

For me, CM and all the modules provide me with more than I can handle right now so I think I've moved on.

I also spend time on OOTP baseball and my new obsession Command: Modern Naval Air Operations. I'm a long time Harpoon player, both miniatures and computer, so Command is a welcome new addition.

A few really really good simulations can quickly eat up a lot of my time.

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*Probably with some current forum members. But I don't even remember my own nick from 10 years ago. ;) I do recall Treeburst155.

Another name from the past occurred to me: Titan, a Kiwi I recall. Toughest opponent I ever encountered. In the words of the late NFL coach, Bum Phillips, he could 'take hizzun and beat your'un then take your'un and beat hizzun'. Don't believe he hangs out here anymore.

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